Eğitim Bilgileri
Doktora The University of Liverpool Department of Physics Tez adı : Gamma ray spectroscopy of 150Gd and 151Gd 1994-1998
Yüksek Lisans The University of Liverpool Department of Physics 1993-1994
Akademik Unvanlar
Yönetilen Tezler
MİHRİBAN DELLALOĞLU Yüksek Lisans Halk sağlığı için afetlerde nükleer atık ve tıbbi radyoaktif atık yönetimi 2024
BİLAL İNCEDAĞ Yüksek Lisans Acil sağlık hizmetleri çalışanlarının KBRN ve kişisel koruyucu donanım bilgi düzeyinin belirlenmesi; Kayseri 112 örneği 2024
UĞUR İLTER Doktora Nötron-zengin çekirdek reaksiyonların nükleer modelleme kodlarıyla incelenmesi 2021
BİRGÜL EREN Doktora Proton zengin çekirdek reaksiyonların nükleer modelleme kodlarıyla incelenmesi 2021
ELİF ŞAHİN Yüksek Lisans Adaptation of digital electronic into detector systems NUMEXO2 in exotic nuclei research 2017
EMİNE ÖCAL Yüksek Lisans LaBr3+NaI ve CeBr3+NaI sintilatörlerin Paris projesi kapsamında performanslarının karşılaştırılması 2017
VAKKAS BOZKURT Doktora 2 A GeV enerjili 20Ne demetinin 12C hedef üzerine bombardımanıyla gerçekleştirilen reaksiyon ile hafif hiperçekirdekler (3ΛH and 4ΛH ) spektroskopisi 2015
SAİM ÖNGÜ Yüksek Lisans Nükleer reaktörler, yakıt tipleri ve Mersin Akkuyu Nükleer Santrali 2014
FATMA ÇELİK Yüksek Lisans Spektroskopide kullanılan elektroniğin evrimi: PARIS projesi elektroniği 2014
ZELİHA SEDA KETENCİ Yüksek Lisans Yeni tip nötron dedektörlerin geant simulasyon programıyla enerji çözünürlüğünün hesaplanması 2012
DAVUT ÇAKIR Yüksek Lisans LaBr3 kristalinin GEANT4 simülasyon programıyla performansının değerlendirilmesi: Paris projesi 2011
ASIM SOYLU Doktora Oksijen çekirdeğindeki alfa kümelenme yapısının araştırılması 2010
VAKKAS BOZKURT Yüksek Lisans Niğde ilinde bulunan tarihi mekanlardaki radon gazı ölçümler 2008
EMRE MOCU Yüksek Lisans CMS ( compact muon selenoid ) deneyinin hf (en ileri kalorimetre) dedektöründeki PMT (foto çoğaltıcı tüp)'lerin testleri ve root programı ile analizleri 2007
SEVİNÇ İNCEFİDAN Yüksek Lisans Gama ışını ve x-ışını spektroskopiyle sularda radyoizotop tayin etmenin basit metotları 2005
MUSTAFA SIZIR Yüksek Lisans Dedektör topluluklarından elde edilen eş zamanlı verilerin analizinde kullanılan interaktif grafik analiz programlarının incelenmesi 2004
PELİN KURT Yüksek Lisans 11B+186W (68 MeV) ve 15N+176Yb (82 MeV) enerjileriyle oluşturulan reaksiyon ürünlerinin incelenmesi 2003
BANU ÖZEL Yüksek Lisans 80 MeV enerji ile gerçekleşen 15N+176Yb reaksiyonunun tesir kesitlerinin ve reaksiyon kanallarının incalenmesi 2003
ÖMER GÖRGÜLÜER Yüksek Lisans 11B+186W reaksiyonunun değişik enerjilerdeki tesir kesitlerinin ve reaksiyon kanallarının incelenmesi 2002
Nurgul SHINYKOVA Doktora Quantum Physics based research of electrommagnetic signals of biological cells, energy Exchange process of the immune system
Aidana OSPANOVA Doktora Investigation of magnetic field’s inhibitory effect of three-phase electric generators induced current
-Tübitak 1001 Tamamlandı NEDA NEutron Detector Array (28.01.2019-28.01.2021)
TÜBİTAK PROJESİ Tamamlandı EXOGAM ve Galiştirilen Dijital Elektroniğiyle Egzotik Çakirdeklerin Gama Spektroskopisi (15.06.2011-15.06.2013)
Avrupa Birliği Tamamlandı NEDA Neutron Detector Array II, Avrupa Birliği, Araştırmacı, (ULUSLARARASI) (15.01.2016-31.12.2019)
Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi Devam Ediyor Taşınabilir Entegre Ultrason ve Gama Görüntüleme Sistemi (10.04.2022-)
-Tübitak 1001 Devam Ediyor Taşınabilir Yeni Nesil Tıbbi Görüntüleme Sisteminin Geliştirilmesi (01.12.2021-)
-Tübitak 1001 Tamamlandı PARIS Dedektör Kümesinin Performansının Araştırılması (01.10.2015-10.08.2018)
TÜBİTAK PROJESİ Tamamlandı LaBr3 Ce ve CsI Tl Sintilatör Dedektörlerinin Verimi Enerji ve Zaman Yanıtları (01.08.2011-01.08.2013)
TÜBİTAK PROJESİ Tamamlandı N Z Egzotik Çekirdek Bölgesindeki 96Cd Çekirdeğinin EXOGAM2 ile Dijital Elektronik NUMEXO2 nin Birlikte Kullanılarak Araştırılması (01.05.2015-09.08.2017)
Avrupa Birliği Tamamlandı NEDA Neutron Detector Array, Avrupa Birliği, Araştırmacı, 2010-2015 (01.01.2012-31.12.2015)
DİĞER Tamamlandı High Spin States of 152Dy (-)
DİĞER Tamamlandı Lifetimes of deformed states in 151Tb (-)
DİĞER Tamamlandı Lifetimes of deformed states in 152Dy (-)
DİĞER Tamamlandı The search for links between the superdeformed and normal deformed states in 150Gd (-)
DİĞER Tamamlandı Plunger Experiment to measure lifetimes of Deformed States in 152Dy (-)
DİĞER Tamamlandı Miror Nuclei at High Spin 47V 47Cr and 49Mn 49Cr (-)
DİĞER Tamamlandı Study of the quadrupole momentof the Ip 9 2 isomers in 119I with the LEMS Technique (-)
DİĞER Tamamlandı Study of the structure of Iodine in 14N 235U Reaction at 140 MeV (-)
DİĞER Tamamlandı Kütle Numarası 130 ve 190 Civarındaki Çekirdeklerde Chiral Yapıların ve Yüksek Spin Seviyelerinin Araştırılması (-)
Avrupa Birliği Tamamlandı Searh for New Nuclei near the N 82 Shell Gap Proton Dripline Alpha Spectroscopy of 160 161Os (-)
TÜBİTAK PROJESİ Tamamlandı Transfer Reaksiyonlarının Nükleer reaksiyonları Açıklamadaki Önemi (-)
Avrupa Birliği Tamamlandı The changing structure of the light Re isotopes Recoil decay tagging of the very neutron deficient nucleus 163Re (-)
DİĞER Tamamlandı Niğde Çevresindeki Kaynak ve Termal Sularda Radon Gazı Araştırması (-)
Avrupa Birliği Tamamlandı Exploring N 50 Isotones (-)
DİĞER Tamamlandı Niğde İlinde Bulunan Tarihi Mekanlardaki Radon Gazı Ölçümleri (-)
DİĞER Devam Ediyor PARIS Photon Array For Studies with Radioactive Ion Stable Beams (-)
DİĞER Devam Ediyor In beam spectroscopy of the N 85 isotones 159W ve160Re (-)
DİĞER Devam Ediyor Octupole deformation versus Hearth shape waves High spin and Lifetime measurement in the opposite parity bands of 218Ra (-)
İdari Görevler
Dekan Yardımcısı NİĞDE ÜNİVERSİTESİ 2005-2005
Fakülte Yönetim Kurulu Üyeliği NİĞDE ÖMER HALİSDEMİR ÜNİVERSİTESİ 2002-2005
Bölüm Başkanı NİĞDE ÜNİVERSİTESİ 2001-2003
Anabilim Dalı Başkanı NİĞDE ÜNİVERSİTESİ 1998-2020
Study of the pygmy dipole resonance using neutron inelastic scattering at GANIL-SPIRAL2/NFS vandebrouck m,matea iolanda,miriot-jaubert p,camera franco,bracco angela,ciemala m,catford wilton,bednarczyk pi,ERTÜRK SEFA,maj adama Uluslararası - Hakemli - ESCI - Özgün Makale - NUOVO CIMENTO C-COLLOQUIA AND COMMUNICATIONS IN PHYSICS - Doi: 10.1393/ncc/i2024-24019-x 2024
THE EXOGAM2 CALIBRATION USING THE NEWLY DEVELOPED NUMEXO2 DIGITAL ELECTRONIC ŞAHİN ELİF, ERTÜRK SEFA, BOZKURT VAKKAS Uluslararası - Hakemli - ASOS, Google Scholar, Crossref, Semanticscholar, ROAD - Özgün Makale - Omer Halisdemir Universitesi - Doi: 10.55696/ejset.1312972 2023
Evidence for spherical-oblate shape coexistence in Tc87 liu xu, cederwall bo, qi ci, wyss ra, AKTAŞ ÖZGÜR, ERTOPRAK AYŞEGÜL, zhang wu, clement em, de france gilles, ralet dim, gadea an, jaworski gre, kuti is, nyako ba, nyberg jo, wadsworth ro, valiente dobon javier, Al-Azri ha, ataç ayşe, back ti, de angelis giocomo, doncel maria, dudouet ja, gottardo an, jurado gomez ml, ljungvall jo, mengoni da, napoli daniel, petrache cl, sohler da, timar janos, barrientos da, bednarczyk pi, benzoni ga, birkenbach ba, boston andrew, boston helen, burrows I, charles L, ciemala m, ciemala F, cullen dave, desequelles d, domingo h, eberth j, ERDURAN MUSTAFA NİZAMETTİN, ERTÜRK SEFA, gonzales v, goipil j, HÜYÜK TAYFUN, jungclaus a, korten wolfram, lemassson a, leoni sylvia, maj adama, menegazzo r, million b, perez-vidal r, podolyak z, pullia a, recchia f, reiter p, saillant f, sanchis e, simpson j, stezowski o, theisen c, zielinska m Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - American Physical Society (APS) - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.106.034304 2022
Eco-Geopolymers: Physico-Mechanical Features, Radiation Absorption Properties, and Mathematical Model DOĞAN SAĞLAMTİMUR NESLİHAN, BİLGİL AHMET, ERTÜRK SEFA, BOZKURT VAKKAS, SÜZGEÇ ELİF, AKAN ARİFE GÖZDE, NAS PERVİN, ÇETİN HÜSEYİN, SZECHYŃSKA-HEBDA MAGDALENA, HEBDA MAREK Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Polymers - Doi: 10.3390/polym14020262 2022
Evaluation of radon gas concentration in indoor air of spas and in spring water in the central Anatolia region of Turkey BOZKURT VAKKAS, ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Radiation and Environmental Biophysics - Doi: 10.1007/s00411-022-00992-4 2022
Lifetime measurements in the even-even \nCd102\u2013108\n isotopes scilliano marco, valiente dobon javier, goasduff al, rodriguez t, bazzacco dino, benzoni gr, braunroth to, cieplicka no, clement em, crespi fr, de france gilles, doncel ma, ERTÜRK SEFA, fransen ch, gadea an, georgiewv georgi, goldkuhle an, jakabson ulrika, jaworski gre, john pr, kuti is, lemasson al, li h, lopezmartens ar, marchi to, mengoni da, michelagnoli cl, mijatovic to, muller gm, napoli da, nyberg jo, palacz ma, perez vidal rm, SAYGI BAHADIR, sohler da, szilner se, testov Dİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.034320 2021
Artificial neural networks for neutron/gama discrimination in the neutron detectors of NEDA fabian xa,baulieu ga,ducroux le,stezowski ol,boujrad an,clement em,coudert si,de france gilles,ERDURAN MUSTAFA NİZAMETTİN,ERTÜRK SEFA,gonzales vi,jaworski gre,nyberg jo,ralet da,sanchis em,wadsworth ro Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 2021
Complete set of bound negative-parity states in the neutron-rich nucleus \nN18 ziliani si, ciemala ma, crespi fr, leoni silvia, fornal bogdan, suzuki t, otsuka t, maj adam, bednarczyk pi, benzoni gr, bracco angela, boiano cl, bottoni si, brambilla sergio, bast ma, beckers ma, braunroth to, camera franco, cieplicka no, clement em, coelli si, dorvaux oliver, ERTÜRK SEFA, de france gilles, fransen ch, goldkuhle an, grebosz jo, harakeh muhsin, iskra lw, jacquot be, karpov al, kicinska hb, kim yen, kmiecik ma, lemasson al, lenzi silvia, lewitowicz marek, matejska mm, millon be, muller gm, nanal vandana, napiorowski pa, napoli da, palit ra, rejmund me, schmit cr, stanoiu ia, stefan ia, vardaci em, wasilewska be, wieland os, zielinska ma, zieleblinski ma Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.L041301 2021
Accessing tens-to-hundreds femtoseconds nuclear state lifetimes with low-energy binary heavy-ion reactions ciemala ma, ziliani si, crespi fr, leoni silvia, fornal bogdan, maj adam, bednarczyk pi, benzoni gr, bracco angela, boiano cl, bottoni si, brambilla sergio, bast ma, beckers ma, braunroth to, camera franco, cieplicka no, clement em, coelli si, dorvaux oliver, ERTÜRK SEFA, de france gilles, fransen ch, goldkuhle an, grebosz jo, harakeh muhsin, iskra lw, jacquot be, karpov al, kicinska hb, kim yen, kmiecik ma, lemasson al, lenzi silvia, lewitowicz marek, millon be, muller gm, matea iolanda, mazurek ki, michelagnoli cl, nanal vandana, napiorowski pa, napoli da, palit ra, rejmund me, schmit cr, stanoiu ia, stefan ia, vardaci em, wasilewska be, wieland os, zieleblinski ma, zielinska ma Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - The European Physical Journal A - Doi: 10.1140/epja/s10050-021-00451-6 2021
Evidence for enhanced neutron-proton correlations from the level structure of the \nN=Z+1\n nucleus \nTc444387 liu xa, cederwall bo, qi c, wyss r, aktas os, ERTOPRAK AYŞEGÜL, zhang wa, clement em, de france gilles, ralet da, gadea an, goasduff al, jaworski gre, kuti is, nyako barna, nyberg jo, palacz ma, wadsworth ro, valiente dobon javier, alhazri ha, nyberg ay, back ti, de angelis gi, doncel ma, dudoet ja, gottardo an, jurado gomez ml, ljungvall jo, mengoni da, napoli da, petrache co, sohler da, timar ja, barrientos da, bednarczyk pi, benzoni gr, birkenbach ba, boston andrew, boston helen, burrows ia, charles le, ciemala ma, crespi fr, cullen david, dessesquelles pe, domingopardo ca, eberth jh, ERDURAN MUSTAFA NİZAMETTİN, ERTÜRK SEFA, gonzales vi, goupil jh, hess ha, huyuk ta, jungclaus an, korten wofram, lemasson al, leoni silvia, maj adam, menegazzo ri, millon be, perez vidal rm, podolyak zo, pullia an, recchia fer, reiter pe, saillant fr, saillant fr, salsac ma, sanchis em, simpson john, stezowski ol, the,sen ch, zielinska ma Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.L021302 2021
Yeni Geliştirilen NUMEXO2 Dijital Elektronik ile EXOGAM2 Dedektörünün K-Parametresine Bağlı Enerji Çözünürlüğü BOZKURT VAKKAS,ERTÜRK SEFA,Şahin Elif Ulusal - Hakemli - TR DİZİN - Özgün Makale - Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 2020
Testing ab initio nuclear structure in neutron-rich nuclei: Lifetime measurements of second 2() state in C-16 and O-20 ciemala ma,ziliani si,crespi fr,leoni silvia,fornal bogdan,maj adam,bednarczyk pi,benzoni gr,bracco angela,boiano cl,bottoni si,brambilla sergio,bast ma,beckers ma,braunroth to,camera franco,cieplicka no,orynczak ni,clement em,coelli si,dorvaux oliver,ERTÜRK SEFA,de france gilles,fransen ch,goldkuhle an,grebosz jo,harakeh muhsin,iskra lw,jacquot be,karpov al,kicinska hb,kim yen,kmiecik ma,lemasson al,lenzi silvia,lewitowicz marek,li hi,matea iolanda,mazurek ki,michelagnoli cl,matejska mm,millon be,muller gm,gatermann ch,nanal vandana,napiorowski pa,napoli da,palit ra,rejmund me,schmit cr,stanoiu ia,stefan ia,vardaci em,wasilewska be,wieland os,zieleblinski ma,zielinska ma,atac ay,barrientos da,birkenbach ba,boston andrew,cederwall bo,charles le,collado jh,cullen david,dessesquelles pe,domingopardo ca,dudoet ja,eberth jh,gonzales vi,goupil jh,harkness la,hess ha,judson ds,jungclaus an,korten wofram,labiche ma,alexis la,mengoni da,nyberg jo,perez vidal rm,podolyak zo,pullia an,recchia fer,reiter pe,saillant fr,salsac ma,sanchis em,stezowski ol,the,sen ch,valiente dobon javier,holt jh,menendez jh,schwenk an,simonis jh Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.101.021303 2020
Isospin Properties of Nuclear Pair Correlations from the Level Structure of the Self-Conjugate Nucleus Ru-88 cederwall bo,liu xa,aktas os,ERTOPRAK AYŞEGÜL,zhang wa,qi ch,clement em,de france gilles,ralet da,gadea an,goasduff al,jaworski gre,kuti is,nyako barna,nyberg jo,palacz ma,wadsworth ro,valiente dobon javier,alhazri ha,nyberg ay,back ti,de angelis gi,doncel ma,dudoet ja,gottardo an,jurado gomez ml,ljungvall jo,mengoni da,napoli da,petrache co,sohler da,timar ja,barrientos da,bednarczyk pi,benzoni gr,birkenbach ba,boston andrew,boston helen,burrows ia,charles le,ciemala ma,crespi fr,cullen david,dessesquelles pe,domingopardo ca,eberth jh,ERDURAN MUSTAFA NİZAMETTİN,ERTÜRK SEFA,gonzales vi,goupil jh,hess ha,huyuk ta,jungclaus an,korten wofram,lemasson al,leoni silvia,maj adam,menegazzo ri,millon be,perez vidal rm,podolyak zo,pullia an,recchia fer,reiter pe,saillant fr,salsac ma,sanchis em,simpson john,stezowski ol,the,sen ch,zielinska ma Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Physical Review Letters 2020
Lifetimes of core-excited states in semi-magic {95}\mathrm {Rh} ERTOPRAK AYŞEGÜL,qi ch,cederwall bo,doncel ma,jakobsson ulrike,nyako barna,jaworski gre,davies pa,de france gilles,kuti is,napoli da,wadsworth ro,ghurge ss,raut ra,AKKUŞ BAKİ,alhazri ha,algora aa,de angelis gi,atac ay,back ti,boso aa,clement em,debenham dm,dombradi zs,ERTÜRK SEFA,gadea an,moradi fg,gottardo an,huyuk ta,Ideguchi em,michelagnoli cl,modamio victor,nyberg jo,palacz ma,petrache co,recchia fer,sandzelius mi,sicilliano ma,sohler da,timar ja,valiente dobon javier,xiao zg Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A 2020
Pairing-quadrupole interplay in the neutron-deficient tin nuclei: First lifetime measurements of low-lying states in 106,108Sn sicilliano ma,valiente dobon javier,goasduff al,nowacki fe,zuber ap,bazzacco dino,lopezmartens ar,clement em,benzoni gr,braunroth to,crespi fr,cieplicka no,doncel ma,ERTÜRK SEFA,de france gilles,fransen ch,gadea an,georgiewv georgi,goldkuhle an,jakobsson ulrike,jaworski gre,pr john,kuti is,lemasson al,marchi to,mengoni da,michelagnoli cl,mijatovic to,muller gm,napoli da,nyberg jo,palacz ma,perez vidal rm,SAYGI BAHADIR,sohler da,szilner se,testov Dİ,zielinska ma,barrientos da,birkenbach ba,boston helen,cederwall bo,collado jh,cullen david,dessesquelles pe,domingopardo ca,dudoet ja,eberth jh,egea fj,gonzales vi,harkness la,hess ha,judson ds,jungclaus an,korten wofram,labiche ma,lefevre an,leoni silvia,li hi,maj adam,menegazzo ri,millon be,pullia an,recchia fer,reiter pe,salsac ma,sanchis em,stezowski ol,the,sen ch Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - PHYSICS LETTERS B - Doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2020.135474 2020
Short-range Lifetime Measurements for Deep-inelastic Reaction Products: the \({19}\)O Test Case ciemala ma,ziliani si,crespi fr,leoni silvia,fornal bogdan,maj adam,bednarczyk pi,benzoni gr,bracco angela,boiano cl,bottoni si,brambilla sergio,bast ma,beckers ma,braunroth to,camera franco,cieplicka no,clement em,dorvaux oliver,ERTÜRK SEFA,de france gilles,fransen ch,goldkuhle an,grebosz jo,harakeh muhsin,iskra lw,jacquot be,karpov al,kcinska mi,kim yen,kmiecik ma,lemasson al,lenzi silvia,lewitowicz marek,li hi,matea iolanda,mazurek ki,michelagnoli cl,matejska mm,millon be,muller gm,nanal vandana,napiorowski pa,napoli da,palit ra,rejmund me,schmit cr,stanoiu ia,stefan ia,vardaci em,wasilewska be,wieland os,zielinska ma,zieleblinski ma Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Acta Physica Polonica B 2020
Spectroscopy of Neutron-rich Nitrogen Isotopes with AGATAPARISVAMOS ziliani si,ciemala ma,crespi fr,leoni silvia,fornal bogdan,maj adam,bednarczyk pi,benzoni gr,bracco angela,boiano cl,bottoni si,brambilla sergio,bast ma,beckers ma,braunroth to,camera franco,cieplicka no,clement em,coelli si,dorvaux oliver,ERTÜRK SEFA,de france gilles,fransen ch,goldkuhle an,grebosz jo,harakeh muhsin,iskra lw,jacquot be,karpov al,kcinska mi,kim yen,lemasson al,lenzi silvia,lewitowicz marek,li hi,matea iolanda,mazurek ki,michelagnoli cl,matejska mm,millon be,muller gm,gatermann ch,nanal vandana,napiorowski pa,napoli da,palit ra,rejmund me,schmit cr,stanoiu ia,stefan ia,vardaci em,wasilewska be,wieland os,zieleblinski ma,zielinska ma Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Acta Physica Polonica B 2020
Geopolymer’s Radiation Absorption detected by Geiger-Muller Counter SÜZGEÇ ELİF,DOĞAN SAĞLAMTİMUR NESLİHAN,BOZKURT VAKKAS,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - Doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/706/1/012004 2019
Neutron detection and gamma -ray suppression using artificial neural networks with the liquid scintillators BC-501A and BC-537 Söderström P-A,jaworski gr,valiente dobon javier,nyberg johan,de angelis giacomo,cartuna sa,egea j,ERDURAN MUSTAFA NİZAMETTİN,ERTÜRK SEFA,de france gilles,gadea an,goasduff an,gonzales vi,hadynska kl,huyuk ta,modamio victor,moszynski ma,di nitro an,palacz marc,pietralla no,sanchis em,testov di,triossi an,wadsworth ro Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT - Doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2018.11.122 2019
NEDA—NEutron Detector Array valiente dobon javier,jaworski gre,goasduff al,egea fj,modamio victor,huyuk ta,triossi an,jastrzabt ma,soderstrom pa,di nitro an,de angelis gi,de france gilles,ERDURAN MUSTAFA NİZAMETTİN,gadea an,moszynski ma,nyberg jo,palacz ma,wadsworth ro,aliaga ro,aufranc ch,bezard ma,baulieu ga,bissiato em,boujrad an,burrows ia,cartuna sm,cocconi pi,colucci gi,conventi da,cordwell ma,coudert si,deltoro jm,ducroux le,dupasquier to,ERTÜRK SEFA,fabien xi,gonzales vi,grant an,hadynska kl,illana al,jurado gomez ml,kogimtzis ma,lazarus ia,legeard li,ljungvall jo,pasqualato gu,perez vidal rm,raggio al,ralet da,redon no,saillant fr,SAYGI BAHADIR,sanchis em,scarcioffolo ma,sicilliano ma,testov Dİ,stezowski ol,tripon ma,zanon ia Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT - Doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2019.02.021 2019
Medikal Görüntülemede Kullanılmak Üzere Araştırılan Yeni Nesil Gama Dedektör Sistemi YAVUZKANAT NURAY,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - Index Copernicus - Özgün Makale - Aksaray University Journal of Science and Engineering 2019
The New Neutron Multiplicity Filter NEDA and Its First Physics Campaign with AGATA Jaworski Gr,Goasduff Al,canet fj,modamio vi,huyuk ta,triossi an,jastrzabt ma,soderstrom pa,cartuna sm,di nitro an,de angelis gi,de france gilles,ERDURAN MUSTAFA NİZAMETTİN,gadea an,moszynski ma,nyberg jo,palacz ma,valiente dobon javier,wadsworth ro,aliaga ro,aufranc ch,bezard ma,beaulieu gi,bednarczyk pi,bisiato em,boujrad an,burrows ia,clement em,cocconi pi,colucci gi,conventi da,cordwell ma,coudert si,deltoro jm,ducroux le,dupasquier to,ERTÜRK SEFA,fabien xi,gonzales vi,gottardo an,grant an,hadynska kl,illana al,jurado gomez ml,kogimtzis ma,lazarus ia,legeard li,ljungvall jo,maj adam,pasqualato gu,perez vidal rm,raggio al,ralet da,redon no,saillant fr,sanchis em,SAYGI BAHADIR,scarcioffolo ma,sicilliano ma,stezowski ol,testov Dİ,tripon ma,zanon ia Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Acta Physica Polonica B - Doi: 10.5506/APhysPolB.50.585 2019
Determination of Lifetimes of Excited States in Neutron-rich {20}O Isotope from Experiment with the AGATAPARISVAMOS Setup ciemala ma,ziliani si,crespi fr,leoni silvia,fornal bogdan,maj adam,bednarczyk pi,benzoni gr,bracco angela,boiano cl,bottoni si,brambilla sergio,bast ma,beckers ma,braunroth to,camera franco,cieplicka no,clement em,dorvaux oliver,ERTÜRK SEFA,de france gilles,goldkuhle an,grebosz jo,harakeh muhsin,iskra lw,jacquot be,karpov al,kicinska hb,kim yen,kmiecik ma,lemasson al,matea iolanda,mazurek ki,mihelagnoli cl,millon be,muller gc,napiorowski pa,nanal vandana,metejska mm,rejmund me,sowicki be,schmit cr,stanoiu ia,stefan ia,wasilewska be,zielinska ma,zieleblinski ma Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Acta Physica Polonica B - Doi: 10.5506/APhysPolB.50.615 2019
Spectroscopy of Neutron-rich C, O, N and F Isotopes with the AGATAPARISVAMOS Setup at GANIL ziliani si,ciemala ma,crespi fr,leoni silvia,fornal bogdan,maj adam,bednarczyk pi,benzoni gr,bracco angela,boiano cl,bottoni si,brambilla sergio,bast ma,beckers ma,braunroth to,camera franco,cieplicka no,clement em,dorvaux oliver,ERTÜRK SEFA,de france gilles,goldkuhle an,grebosz jo,harakeh muhsin,iskra lw,jacquot be,kicinska hb,kim yen,kmiecik ma,lemasson al,li hi,matea iolanda,mazurek ki,mihelagnoli cl,millon be,muller gm,napiorowski pa,nanal vandana,matejska mm,rejmund me,schmit cr,stanoiu ia,stefan ia,wasilewska be,zieleblinski ma Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Acta Physica Polonica B - Doi: 10.5506/APhysPolB.50.625 2019
Pulse pile-up identification and reconstruction for liquid scintillator basedneutron detectors luo xl,modamio victor,nyberg jh,valiente dobon javier,nishada qi,de angelis gi,agramunt ja,egea fj,ERDURAN MUSTAFA NİZAMETTİN,ERTÜRK SEFA,de france gilles,gadea an,gonzales vi,goasduff al,hüyük tayfun,jaworski gre,moszynski mi,di nitto an,palacz ma,söderström par,sanchis em,triossi an,wadsworth rob Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A - Doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2018.03.078 2018
M1 and E2 transition rates from core-excited states in semi-magic 94Ru ERTOPRAK AYŞEGÜL,cederwall bo,qi cu,doncel maria,jakabson ulrika,nyako barna,jaworski gre,davies pa,de france gilles,kuti is,napoli daniel,wadsworth rob,ghurge ss,raut ra,AKKUŞ BAKİ,alazri ha,algora al,angelis giac,ataç ayşe,back ti,boso al,clement em,debenham dm,dombradi zs,ERTÜRK SEFA,gadea andres,moradi gazi,hüyük tayfun,ideguchi em,li ha,michelagnoli ce,modamio victor,nyberg johan,palacz mar,petrache cm,sandzelius ma,scilliano marco,timar janosh,valiente dobon javier,xiao zg Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - The European Physical Journal A - Doi: 10.1140/epja/i2018-12581-7 2018
The First Indoor Radon Gas Measurement at Historical Places in Cappadocia, Nigde, Turkey BOZKURT VAKKAS,ERTÜRK SEFA Ulusal - Hakemli - TR DİZİN - Özgün Makale - Sakarya University Journal of Science - Doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.393479 2018
Reduced transition probabilities along the yrast line in W-166 SAYĞI BAHADIR,joss dave,page robert,grahn thomas,simpson john,donnell do,alharshan ga,back ti,boening so,braunroth to,carrol ra,cederwall bo,cullen david,dewald al,doncel ma,donosa la,drummond mark,ERTÜRK SEFA,fransen ch,greenlees paul,hackstein ma,hauschild ka,herzan al,jakabson ulrika,jones pm,julin ra,juutinen sa,konki ja,kröll te,labiche ma,lopezmartens ar,mcpeake cg,moradi fg,mölller ol,mustafa ma,nieminen pa,pakarinen ja,partanen ja,peura pa,peura pa,procter ma,rahkila panu,rother wa,ruotsalainen pa,sandzelius mi,saren ja,scholey cath,sorri ja,stolze sa,taylor mj,thornthwaite al,uuisitalo ja Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.96.021301 2017
Study of Quadrupole Correlations in N=Z=50 Region via Lifetime Measurements scilliano marco,valiente dobon javier,alan goasduff,bozzacco daniel,alahari navin,benzoni gr,braunroth to,cieplicka no,crespi fr,clement em,de france gilles,doncel ma,ERTÜRK SEFA,fransen ch,gadea an,georgiewv georgi,goldkuhle an,jakobsson ulrike,jaworski gre,john pr,kuti is,lemasson al,lopezmartens ar,li h,lunardi santo,marchi to,mengoni da,michelagnoli cl,mijatovic to,gatermann ch,napoli da,nyberg jo,palacz ma,perez vidal rm,rejmund me,SAYGI BAHADIR,sohler da,szilner se,testov Dİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Acta Physica Polonica B - Doi: 10.5506/APhysPolB.48.331 2017
EXILL—a high-efficiency, high-resolution setup for γ-spectroscopy at an intense cold neutron beam facility jentschel ma,blanc A,de france gilles,köster uli,leoni silvia,mutti p,simpson ga,soldner to,ur ch,urban wa,ahmed sa,astier al,augey la,back ti,baczyk ro,bojoga al,balabanski di,belgya to,benzoni gr,bernards ch,biswas dc,bocchi go,bottoni si,bruyneel ba,burnett ja,carrol ra,catford wilton,cederwall bo,celikovic ia,cieplicka no,clement em,cooper na,crespi fr,csatlos ma,curien do,czerwinski ma,danu ls,davies pa,didierjean fr,drouet fr,duchene gilbert,ducoin ch,eberthardt kl,ERTÜRK SEFA,fraille lm,gottardo an,grente la,grocutt la,guerrero cl,guinet da,hartig al,henrich cl,Ignatov al,Ilieva sv,Ivanova da,john bv,jolie jo,kisyov sv,krticka ma,konstantinapoulos th,korgul al,krasznahorkay al,kröll te,kurpeta jo,kuti is,lalkovski ste,larijani ch,leguillon ra,lica ri,litaize ol,lozeva ri,magron ch,mancuso ch,martinez er,massarczyk ri,mazzocchi ch,melon ba,mengoni da,michelagnoli cl,millon be,mokry ch,mukhopadhyay sa,mulholland ka,nannini al,napoli da,olaizola ba,orlandi ra,patel za,paziy vi,petrache co,pfeiffer ma,pietralla norbert,podolyak zo,ramdhane ma,redone no,regan paddy,regis jm,regnier da,oliver rj,rudigier ma,runke jo,urban tr,samii ns,salsac ma,sheck ma,schwengner ro,sengele la,singh pa,smith jo,stezowski ol,szpak ba,thomas t,thürauf ma,timar ja,tom al,tomandl Iv,tornyi to,townsley ch,tuerler al,valenta sa,vancraeyenest al,vandone va,vanhoy jo,vedia va,warr na,wilmsen da,wilson em,zerrouki te,zielinska ma Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Instrumentation - Doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/12/11/P11003 2017
Lifetime Measurements with the Doppler Shift Attenuation Method Using a Thick Homogeneous Production Target --- Verification of the Method ERTOPRAK AYŞEGÜL,Cederwall Bo,Jakobsson Ulrika,Nyako Barna,Nyberg Johan,Davies Paul,Doncel Maria,De France Gilles,Kuti Istvan,Napoli Daniel,Wadsworth Bob,Ghugre Sandeep,Raut Rajarshi,AKKUŞ BAKİ,Alazri Harith,Algora Alejandro,De Angelis Giacomo,Ataç Ayşe,Back Torbjörn,Boso Alberto,Clement Emanuel,Debenham D M,Dombradi Zsolt,ERTÜRK SEFA,Gadea Andrea,Ghazi Moradi Farnaz,Gottardo Andrea,Hüyük Tayfun,Ideguchi Eiji,Jaworski Gregor,Li Hongjie,Michelagnoli Caterina,Modamio Viktor,Palacz Marcin,Petrache Costel,Recchia Francesco,Sandzelius Mikael,Siciliano Marco,Timar Janos,Valiente Dobon Javier,Xiao Z G Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Acta Physica Polonica B - Doi: 10.5506/APhysPolB.48.325 2017
Evolving collective structures in the transitional nuclei Joss DT,Dracoulis GD,Higgins El,Lewis Mike,Thomson jhon,Lane GJ,Page RD,Simpson Jhon,Bianco Lauro,Cederwall Bo,Darby IG,Davidson PM,Eeckhaudt Simon,ERTÜRK SEFA,Fabricius Bee,GomezHornillos MB,Grahn Thomas,Greenlees PT,Hadinia Be,Jakobsson Ulvica,Jones PM,Julin Roino,Juutinen ST,Ketelhut SE,Leino Mateo,Nieminen PET,Nyman Mike,Pakarinen Juro,ES Paul,Peura Paul,Rahkila Pani,Ruotsalainen Paul,Sandzelius March,Sapple PJ,Saren Jo,Scholey Cathy,Sorri Jo,Uusitalo Juha Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.024307 2016
Conceptual design of the early implementation of the NEutron Detector Array NEDA with AGATA höyük tayfun,di nitto antonio,Jaworski Grezeck,Gadea Andrea,ValienteDobon Javier,Nyberg Hohan,Palacz Marchin,Aliaga varea ramon Jose,soderstrom paer anderson,de Angelis giacomo,ataç ayşe,collado javier,Domingo Pardo cesar,egea francesco,ERDURAN MUSTAFA NİZAMETTİN,ERTÜRK SEFA,de France Gilles,gonzales vicente,gadea rafael,HerreroBosch vicento,modamio victor,Moszynski marek,Wadsworth robert Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - The European Physical Journal A - Doi: 10.1140/epja/i2016-16055-8 2016
Hypernuclear production cross section in the reaction of 6Li 12C at 2 AGeV rappold c,saito t,bertini o,Bianchin s,bozkurt v,kim e,Kavatsyuk m,Ma y,Maas f,Minami s,Nakajima d,OzelTashenov b,Yoshida k,Achenbach p,Ajimura s,Aumann t,Gayoso ca,Bhang hc,Caesar c,ERTÜRK SEFA,Fukuda t,Gokuzum b,Guliev e,Ickert g,Hoffmann j,Ketenci zs,Khaneft d,Kim m,Kim s,Koch k,Kurz n,Le Fevre a,Mizoi y,Nungesser l,Ott w,Pochodzalla j,Sakaguchi a,Schmidt cj,Sekimoto m,Simon h,Takahashi t,Tambave gj,Tamura h,Trautmann w,Voltz s,Yoon cj Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Physics Letters B - Doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2015.05.059 2015
A New Front End High Resolution Sampling Board for the New Generation Electronics of EXOGAM2 and NEDA Detectors Canet FJE,Gonzalez V,Tripon M,Jastrzab M,Triossi A,Gadea A,de France G,Valiente Dobon JJ,Barrientos D,Sanchis E,Boujrad A,Houarner C,Blaizot M,Bourgault P,de Angelis G, Erduran MN,ERTÜRK SEFA,Huyuk T,Jaworski G, Luo XL,Modamio V,Moszynski M,Di Nitto A,Nyberg J, Soderstrom PA,Palacz M,Wadsworth R Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science - Doi: 10.1109/TNS.2015.2433021 2015
Digital Front End Electronics for the Neutron Detector NEDA Canet FJE,Houarner C,Boujrad A,Gonzalez V,Tripon M,Jastrzab M,Triossi A,de France G,Gadea A,Valiente Dobon JJ,Barrientos D,Sanchis E,Blaizot M,Bourgault P,de Angelis G,Erduran MN,ERTÜRK SEFA,Huyuk T,Jaworski G, Luo XL,Modamio V,Moszynski M,Di Nitto A,Nyberg J,Soderstrom PA,Palacz M,Wadsworth R Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science - Doi: 10.1109/TNS.2015.2392159 2015
Collective excitations in the transitional nuclei math mmultiscripts mi mathvariant normal Re mi mprescripts none mrow mn 163 mn mrow mmultiscripts math and math mmultiscripts mi mathvariant normal Re mi mprescripts none mrow mn 165 mn mrow mmultiscripts math title Davis Merry TR,Joss DT,Page RD,Simpson J,Paul ES,Ali FA,Bianco L, Carroll RJ,Cederwall B,Darby IG,Drummond MC,Eeckhaudt S,ERTÜRK SEFA, Gomez Hornillos MB,Grahn T,Greenlees PT,Hadinia B,Jakobsson U,Jones PM,Julin R,Juutinen S,Ketelhut S,Leino M,Nieminen P,Nyman M,ODonnell D,Pakarinen J,Peura P,Rahkila P, Revill JP,Ruotsalainen P,Sandzelius M, Sapple PJ,Saren J,Saygi B,Scholey C,Sorri J,Thomson J,Uusitalo J Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.91.034319 2015
Digital pulse timing technique for the neutron detector array NEDA Modamio V, ValienteDobon JJ,Jaworski G,Huyuk T,Triossi A,Di Nitto A, Soderstrom PA, Ros JA,de Angelis G,de France G,ERTÜRK SEFA, Erduran MN,Gadea A,Gonzalez V,Kownacki J,Moszynski M,Nyberg J,Palacz M,Sanchis E,Wadsworthm R Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment - Doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2014.12.002 2015
Test of digital neutron gamma discrimination with four different photomultiplier tubes for the NEutron Detector Array NEDA Luo XL,Modamio V,Nyberg J,Valiente Dobon JJ,Nishada Q,de Angelis G,Agramunt J,Egea FJ,Erduran MN,ERTÜRK SEFA,de France G,Gadea A,Gonzalez V,Huyuk T,Jaworsk G,Moszynski M,Di Nitto A,Palacz M, Soderstrom PA,Sanchis E,Triossi A,Wadsworth R Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment - Doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2014.08.023 2014
Search for evidence of 3 n by observing d and t final states in the reaction of 6 Li 12 C at 2A GeV Rappold C,Kim E,Saito TR,Bertini O,Bianchin S,Bozkurt V,Kavatsyuk M,Ma Y,Maas F,Minami S,Nakajima D,Ozel Tashenov B,Yoshida K,Achenbach P,Ajimura S,Aumann T, Gayoso CA,Bhang HC,Caesar C,ERTÜRK SEFA,Fukuda T,Gokuzum B,Guliev E,Hoffmann J,Ickert G,Ketenci ZS,Khaneft D,Kim M,Kim S,Koch K,Kurz N,Le Fevre A,Mizoi Y,Nungesser L,Ott W,Pochodzalla J,Sakaguchi A, Schmidt CJ,Sekimoto M,Simon H,Takahashi T,Tambave GJ,Tamura H,Trautmann W,Voltz S, Yoon CJ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.88.041001 2013
Design and Test of a High Speed Flash ADC Mezzanine Card for High Resolution and Timing Performance in Nuclear Structure Experiments egea fj,sanchis em,gonzales vi,gadea an,blasco jose,barrientos da,valiente dobon javier,tripon ma,boujrad an,houarner charles,blaizot maria,bourgault pa,de angelis gi,ERDURAN MUSTAFA NİZAMETTİN,ERTÜRK SEFA,de france gilles,huyuk ta,jaworski gre,di nitro an,nyberg jo,soderstrom pa,pipidis al,tarnowski ra,triossi an,wadsworth ro Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science - Doi: 10.1109/TNS.2013.2281241 2013
Hypernuclear spectroscopy of products from 6Li projectiles on a carbon target at 2 A GeV Rappold C,Kim E,Nakajima D,Saito TR,Bertini O,Bianchin S,Bozkurt V,Kavatsyuk M,Ma Y,Maas F,Minami S,Ozel Tashenov B,Yoshida K,Achenbach P,Ajimura S,Aumann T, Gayoso CA,Bhang HC,Caesar C,ERTÜRK SEFA,Fukuda T,Gokuzum B,Guliev E,Hiraiwa T,Hoffmann J,Ickert G, Ketenci ZS,Khaneft D,Kim M,Kim S,Koch K,Kurz N,Le Fevre A,Mizoi Y,Moritsu M,Nagae T,Nungesser L,Okamura A,Ott W,Pochodzalla J,Sakaguchi A,Sako M,Schmidt CJ,Sekimoto M,Simon H,Sugimura H,Takahashi T, Tambave GJ,Tamura H,Trautmann W,Voltz S,Yokota N,Yoon CJ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Nuclear Physics A - Doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2013.05.019 2013
Lifetime measurements on fission fragments in the A 100 region grente la,salsac ma,korten wofram,görgen and,hagen tw,braunroth to,bruyneel ba,celikovic ia,clement em,delaune ol,dijon al,drouet fr,ERTÜRK SEFA,farget fr,de france gilles,gottardo an,hackstein ma,jacquot be,libert jo,litzinger jo,ljungvall jo,louchart ch,michelagnoli cl,napoli da,navin alahari,pillet al,pipidis al,recchia fer,rejmund me,rother wa,şahin eda,schmit cr,siem sa,sulignano ba,valiente dobon javier,zell ko Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - EPJ Web of Conferences - Doi: 10.1051/epjconf/20136201002 2013
Testing of the PARIS LaBr sub span class cmr 7 3 span sub NaI Phoswich Detector with High Energy Gamma rays Zieblinski M,Jastrzab M,Dokania N,Nanal V,Brambilla S,Bednarczyk P,Ciemala M,Dutkiewicz E,Kmiecik M,Krzysiek M,Lekki J,Maj A,Szklarz Z,Wasilewska B,Dudelo M,Hadynska Klek K,Napiorkowski P,Genolini B,Schmitt C,Catford W,Nakhostin M,Yavuzkanat N,Dorvaux O,Pillay RG,Pose MS,Mishra S,Mathimalar S,Singh V,Katyan N,Chakrabarty DR,Datar VM,Kumar S,Mishra G,Mukhopadhyay S,Pandit D,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Acta Physica Polonica B - Doi: 10.5506/APhysPolB.44.651 2013
Structure of the As Ge Ga nuclei Sahin E,de Angelis G,Duchene G,Faul T,Gadea A,Lisetskiy AF,Ackermann D,Aydin S,Azaiez F,Bazzacco D,Benzoni G,Bostan M,Byrski T,Celikovic I,Chapman R,Corradi L,Courtin S,Curien D, Pramanik UD,Didierjean F,Dorvaux O,Erduran MN,ERTÜRK SEFA,Farnea E Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Nuclear Physics A - Doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2012.08.007 2012
Energy Response of LaBr3 ERTÜRK SEFA,maj adam,ciemala ma,stezowski ol,courtin sa,strachan jo,kumar sa Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physics: Conference Series - Doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/381/1/012134 2012
Production of hypernuclei in peripheral HI collisions The HypHI project at GSI Saito TR,Nakajima D,Rappold C,Bianchin S,Borodina O,Bozkurt V,Gokuzum B,Kavatsyuk M,Kim E,Ma Y,Maas F,Minami S,Ozel Tashenov B,Achenbach P,Ajimura S,Aumann T,Gayoso CA,Bhang HC,Caesar C,ERTÜRK SEFA,Fukuda T,Guliev E,Hayashi Y,Hiraiwa T,Hoffmann J,Ickert G,Ketenci ZS,Khaneft D,Kim M,Kim S,Koch K,Kurz N,Le Fevre A,Mizoi Y,Moritsu M,Nagae T,Nungesser L,Okamura A,Ott W,Pochodzalla J,Sakaguchi A,Sako M,Schmidt CJ,Sekimoto M,Simon H,Sugimura H,Takahashi T,Tambave GJ,Tamura H,Trautmann W,Voltz S,Yokota N, Yoon CJ,Yoshida K Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Nuclear Physics A - Doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2012.02.011 2012
AGATA Advanced GAmma Tracking Array AKKOYUN SERKAN,algora al,alikhani be,ameil fr,de Angelis giacomo,arnold le,KAŞKAŞ AYŞE,agata collaboratin,astier al,atac ay,aubert ya,aufranc ch,austin aa,AYDIN SEZGİN,azaiez faical,badoer sa,balabanski di,barrientos da,baulieu ga,baumann ra,bazzacco dino,beck fa,bednarczyk pi,bellato ma,baulieu ga,bentley mi,berthier ra,berti la,beunard ra,bianco glo,birkenbach ba,bizzeti pg,sona am,blanc A,blasco jose,blasi na,bloor ca,borsato ma,bortolato da,boston andrew,boston helen,bourgault pa,boutachkov pa,bouty al,bracco angela,brambilla sergio,brawn IP,ERDURAN MUSTAFA NİZAMETTİN,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment - Doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2011.11.081 2012
Monte Carlo simulation of a single detector unit for the neutron detector array NEDA Jaworski G,Palacz M,Nyberg J,de Angelis G,de France G,Di Nitto A,Egea J,Erduran MN,ERTÜRK SEFA,Farnea E,Gadea A,Gonzalez V,Gottardo A,Huyuk T,Kownacki J,Pipidis A,Roeder B,Soderstrom PA,Sanchis E,Tarnowski R,Triossi A,Wadsworth R,Dobon JJV Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment - Doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2012.01.017 2012
Design and Test of a High speed Flash ADC Mezzanine Card for High resolution and Timing Performance in Nuclear Structure Experiments Egea FJ,Sanchis E,Gonzalez V,Gadea A,Blasco JM,Barrientos D,Dobon JJV,Tripon M,Boujrad A,Houarner C,Jastrzab M,Blaizot M,Bourgault P,de Angelis G, Erduran MN,ERTÜRK SEFA,De France G,Huyuk T,Jaworski G,Di Nitto A,Nyberg J,Soderstrom PA,Palacz M,Pipidis A,Tarnowski R,Triossi A,Wadsworth R Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - 2012 18TH IEEE-NPSS REAL TIME CONFERENCE (RT) 2012
Decay of the high spin isomer in 160Re Changing single particle structure beyond the proton drip line Darby IG, Page RD, Joss DT,Simpson J,Bianco L, Cooper RJ,Eeckhaudt S,ERTÜRK SEFA,Gall B,Grahn T,Greenlees PT,Hadinia B, Jones PM, Judson DS,Julin R,Juutinen S,Ketelhut S,Leino M,Leppanen AP,Nyman M,Rahkila P,Saren J,Scholey C, Steer AN,Uusitalo J,Venhart M Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physics Letters B - Doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2010.10.052 2011
Precision measurements of proton emission from the ground states of 156 Ta and 160 Re Darby IG, Page RD, Joss DT,Bianco L,Grahn T, Judson DS,Simpson J,Eeckhaudt S,Greenlees PT, Jones PM,Julin R,Juutinen S,Ketelhut S,Leino M, Leppanen AP,Nyman M,Rahkila P,Saren J,Scholey C, Steer AN,Uusitalo J,Venhart M,ERTÜRK SEFA,Gall B,Hadinia B Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.83.064320 2011
In beam ray spectroscopy of the N 85 isotones 159 W and 160 Re Sapple PJ, Page RD, Joss DT,Bianco L,Grahn T,Pakarinen J,Thomson J,Simpson J,O Donnell D,ERTÜRK SEFA, Greenlees PT,Jakobsson U, Jones PM,Julin R,Juutinen S,Ketelhut S,Leino M,Nyman M,Peura P,Puurunen A,Rahkila P,Ruotsalainen P,Saren J,Scholey C,Uusitalo J Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.054303 2011
High spin study of 162 Ta Moradi FG,Back T,Cederwall B,Sandzelius M,Atac A,Johnson A,Qi C,Liotta R,Hadinia B,Andgren K,Khaplanov A,Wyss R,Eeckhaudt S,Grahn T,Greenlees PT,Jones PM,Julin R,Juutinen S,Ketelhut S,Leino M,Nyman M,Rahkila P,Saren J,Scholey C,Sorri J,Uusitalo J,Ganioglu E,Thomson J, Joss DT, Page RD,ERTÜRK SEFA,Simpson J,Hornillos MBG,Bianco L Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.064312 2011
The influence of quasineutron configurations on Ta 161 and nearby odd A nuclei Joss D. T., Lagergren K., Thomson J., Appelbe D. E., Barton C. J., Bianco L., Cederwall B., Darby I. G., Grahn T., Eeckhaudt S., Ertürk S., Gomez-Hornillos M. B., Greenlees P. T., Hadinia B., Jones P. M., Julin R., Juutinen S., Ketelhut S., Kettunen H., Labiche M., Leino M., Leppänen A.-P., Nieminen P., Nyman M., O'Donnell D., Page R. D., Pakarinen J., Paul E. S., Perkowski J., Rahkila P., Sandzelius M., Sapple P. J., Sarén J., Scholey C., Simpson J., Sorri J., Uusitalo J., Venhart M., Warner D. D., Wiseman D. R., Wyss R., Blank Bertram Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - AIP CONF PROC - Doi: 10.1063/1.3664148 2011
Competing quasiparticle configurations in 163 W Thomson J, Joss DT, Paul ES,Scholey C,Simpson J,ERTÜRK SEFA,Bianco L,Cederwall B, Darby IG,Eeckhaudt S, Gomez Hornillos MB,Grahn T,Greenlees PT,Hadinia B,Jones P,Julin R,Juutinen S,Ketelhut S,Leino M,Nyman M,O Donnell D, Page RD,Pakarinen J,Rahkila P,Rowley N,Sandzelius M, Sapple PJ,Saren J,Sorri J,Uusitalo J Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.81.014307 2010
Isomeric and ground state properties of 78 171 Pt 76 167 Os and 74 163 W Scholey C,Andgren K,Bianco L,Cederwall B,Darby IG,Eeckhaudt S,ERTÜRK SEFA, Hornillos MBG,Grahn T, Greenlees PT,Hadinia B,Ideguchi E,Jones P, Joss DT,Julin R,Juutinen S,Ketelhut S,Leino M, Leppanen AP,Nieminen P,Niikura M,Nyman M,O Donnell D, Page RD,Pakarinen J,Rahkila P,Saren J,Sandzelius M,Simpson J,Sorri J,Thomson J,Uusitalo J,Venhart M Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.81.014306 2010
Performance studies of a full length prototype for the CASTOR forward calorimeter at the CMS experiment Andreev V,Aslanoglou X,Azman A,Bakirci MN,Basegmez S,Beaumont W,Blocki J,Borras K,Campbell A,Cerci S,d Enterria D,de Silva M,Dumanoglu I,ERTÜRK SEFA,Eskut E,Ershov Y,Gottlicher P Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - The European Physical Journal C - Doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-010-1316-4 2010
Discovery of 157W and 161Os Bianco L,Page RD, Darby IG, Joss DT,Simpson J, Al Khalili JJ, Cannon AJ,Cederwall B,Eeckhaudt S,ERTÜRK SEFA,Gall B, Hornillos MBG Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physics Letters B - Doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2010.04.056 2010
The HypHI Phase 0 experiment Saito T.R., Bianchin S., Borodina O., Bozkurt V., Göküzüm B., Kavatsyuk M., Kim E., Minami S., Nakajima D., Özel-Tashenov B., Rappold C., Achenbach P., Ajimura S., Aumann T., Caesar C., Erturk S., Fukuda T., Guliev E., Hayashi Y., Hiraiwa T., Hoffmann J., Ickert G., Ketenci Z.S., Khaneft D., Kim M., Kim S., Koch K., Kurz N., Ma Y., Maas F., Mizoi S., Moritsu M., Nagae T., Okamura A., Ott W., Pochodzalla J., Sakaguchi A., Sako M., Schmidt C.J., Sekimoto M., Simon H., Sugimura H., Takahashi T., Tambave G.J., Tanida K., Tamura K., Träger M., Trautmann W., Voltz S., Yoon C.J., Yoshida K. Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Nuclear Physics A - Doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2010.01.182 2010
The CMS barrel calorimeter response to particle beams from 2 to 350 GeV c Abdullin S,Abramov V,Acharya B,Adam N,Adams M,Adzic P,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - The European Physical Journal C - Doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-009-0959-5 2009
Nuclear Data Sheets for A 84 Abriola D,Bostan M,ERTÜRK SEFA,Fadil M,Galan M,Juutinen S,Kibedi T,Kondev F,Luca A,Negret A,Nica N,Pfeiffer B,Singh B,Sonzogni A,Timar J,Tuli J,Venkova T,Zuber K Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Nuclear Data Sheets - Doi: 10.1016/j.nds.2009.10.002 2009
Erratum The CMS barrel calorimeter response to particle beams from 2 to 350 GeV c ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - European Physical Journal C61 - Doi: DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-009-1024-0 2009
THE PARIS PROJECT Maj A. , Azaiez F. , Jenkins D. , Schmitt Ch. , Stezowski O. , Wieleczko J. P. , Balabanski D. , Bednarczyk P. , Brambilla S. , Camera F. , Chakrabarty D. R. , Chelstowska M. , Ciemala M. , Courtin S. , Csatlos M. , Dombradi Z. , Dorvaux O. , Dudek J. , Erduran M. N. , Ertuerk S. , Fornal B. , Franchoo S. , Georgiev G. , Gulyas J. , Harissopoulos S. , Joshi P. , Kicinskia-Habior M. , Kmiecik M. , Krasznahorkay A. , Kumar G. Anil , Kumar Suresh , Labiche M. , Mazumdar I. , Mazurek K. , Meczynski W. , Myalski S. , Nanal V. , Napiorkowski P. , Peyre J. , Pouthas J. , Roberts O. , Rousseau M. , Scarpaci J. A. , Smith A. , Stefan I. , Strachan J. , Watts D. , Zieblinski M. Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 2009
ray spectroscopy of 163 Ta Sandzelius M., Cederwall B., Ganioğlu E., Thomson J., Andgren K., Bianco L., Bäck T., Eeckhaudt S., Ertürk S., Hornillos M. B. Gomez, Grahn T., Greenlees P. T., Hadinia B., Johnson A., Jones P. M., Joss D. T., Julin R., Juutinen S., Ketelhut S., Khaplanov A., Leino M., Nyman M., Page R. D., Rahkila P., Sarén J., Scholey C., Simpson J., Sorri J., Uusitalo J., Wyss R. Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.054316 2009
The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC Chatrchyan S,Hmayakyan G,Khachatryan V,Sirunyan AM,Adam W,Bauer T,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Instrumentation - Doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/3/08/S08004 2008
Design performance and calibration of the CMS hadron outer calorimeter Abdullin S,Abramov V,Acharya B,Adam N,Adams M,Akchurin N,Akgun U,Albayrak E,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - The European Physical Journal C - Doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-008-0756-6 2008
Nuclear structure far from stability at the N 50 shell closure Sahin E, de Angelis G, Gadea A, Duchene, G,Faul, T, Napoli, D R, Farnea, E, ValienteDobon, J J,Orlandi, R,Mengoni, D, Della Vedova, F,Singh, R P,Ur, C,Recchia, F,Erduran, M N,Bostan, M, Erturk, S, Aydin, S, Wiedemann, K T, Stefanini, A M, Lenzi, S, Lunardi, S, Marginean, N, Corradi, L, Fioretto, E, Montagnoli, G, Scarlassara, E, Mason, P, Szilner, S, Ackermann, D, Pollarolo, G,Oliveira, J R B, Byrski, T, Curien, D, Gall, B, Haas, F, Dorwaux, O, Robin, J, Nespolo, M, Azaiez, E,De France, G,Algora, A,Liang, X,Nowacki, F,Zhang, Y H,Zhou, X H, Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - AIP CONF PROC 2008
Spectroscopy of the neutron deficient isobars 163 Re and 163 W using tagging techniques Joss DT, Thomson C, Scholey C, Erturk S, Simpson, J, Page, R D, Bianco, L, Cederwall, B, Darby, I G, Eeckhaudt, S, GomezHornillos, M B, Grahn, T, Greenlees, P TJones, P M, Julin, R, Juutinen, S, Ketelhut, S, Lagergren, K, Leino, M, Leppannen, A P, Nyman, M, ODonnell, D, Pakarinen, J, Paul, E S,Rahkila, P,Sandzelius, M,Sorri, J,Saren, J,Uusitalo, J,Venhart, M, Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - AIP CONF PROC 2008
Discrete decay of the yrast superdeformed band in the 151Tb nucleus Robin J, Odahara A, Duchene G, F A Beck, P Twin, Th Byrski, D Curien, N Adimi, D E Appelbe, P Bednarczyk, A Bracco, B Cederwall, S Courtin, D M Cullen, O Dorvaux, S Ertück, G de France, B Gall,P Joshi, S L King, A Korichi,K Lagergren, G Lo Bianco, S Leoni, A LopezMartens, S Lunardi,B Million, A Nourredine, E Pachoud, E S Paul, C Petrache,I Piqueras,NRedon, A Saltarelli,JSimpson,OStezowski,Renturelli,JPVivien,K Zuber Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - PHYSICAL REVIEW C 2008
Decays of New Nuclides and Isomers Beyond the Proton Drip Line The Influence of Neutron Configurations Page RD, Bianco L, Darby IG, D T Joss, J Simpson, SAlKhalili, AJCannon, RJ Cooper S Eeckhaudt, S Erturk, B Gal, T Grahn, P T Greenlees, BHadinia, P M Jones, DS Judson, R Julin, S Juutinen, S Ketelhut,M Labiche, M Leino, AP Leppnen, M Nyman, DODonnell, P Rahkila, PJSapple, JSarn, CScholey, ASter, PD Stevenson, EB Succkling, J Thomson, J Uusitalo, M Venhart Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - AIP CONf PROC 2008
Extended investigation of superdeformed bands in 151 152Tb nuclei Robin J, Byrski T, Duchene G, , F A Beck, D Curien, N Dubray, J Dudek, A Gozdz, A Odahara, N Schunck,N Adimi, D E Appelbe, P Bednarczyk, A Bracco, B Cederwall, S Courtin, D M Cullen, O Dorvaux, S Ertück,G de France, B Gall, P Joshi, S L King, A Korichi, K Lagergren, G Lo Bianco, S Leoni, A LopezMartens,S Lunardi, B Million, A Nourredine, E Pachoud, E S Paul, C Petrache, I Piqueras, N Redon, A Saltarelli,J Simpson, O Stezowski, R Venturelli, J P Vivien, and K Zuber Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - PHYSICAL REVIEW C 2008
Probing single particle structures beyond the proton drip line Page RD,Bianco L,Darby IG,Joss DT,Grahn T,Herzberg RD,Pakarinen J,Thomson J,Uusitalo J,Eeckhaud S, Greenlees PT, Jones PM,Julin R,Juutinen S,Ketelhut S,Leino M, Leppanen AP,Nyman M,Rahkila P,Saren J,Scholey C,Steer A,Venhart M,Simpson J,Al Khalili JS,Cannon AJ, Stevenson PD,ERTÜRK SEFA,Gall B,Hadinia B Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - AIP CONF PROC 2007
decay of Re159 and proton emission from Ta155 Page RD,Bianco L, Darby IG,Uusitalo J,Joss DT,Grahn T, Herzberg RD,Pakarinen J,Thomson J,Eeckhaudt S,Greenlees PT, Jones PM,Julin R,Juutinen S,Ketelhut S,Leino M,Leppanen AP,Nyman M,Rahkila P,Saren J,Scholey C,Steer A, Hornillos MBG, Al Khalili JS, Cannon AJ,Stevenson PD,ERTÜRK SEFA,Gall B,Hadinia B,Venhart M,Simpson J Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.75.061302 2007
CMS Physics Technical Design Report Volume II Physics Performance Bayatian GL,Chatrchyan S,Hmayakyan G, Sirunyan AM,Adam W,Bergauer T,Dragicevic M,Ero J,Friedl M,Fruehwirth R,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics - Doi: 10.1088/0954-3899/34/6/S01 2007
High spin states in Au191 193 and Pt192 Evidence for oblate deformation and triaxial shapes Oktem Y, Balabanski DL,Akkus B,Beausang W,Bostan M, Cakirli RB, Casten RF,Danchev M,Djongolov M,Erduran MN,ERTÜRK SEFA,Gladniski KA,Gurdal G, Goon JT, Hartley DJ,Hecht AA,Krucken R,Nikolov N,Novak JR,Rainovski G,Riedinger LL,Yigitoglu I,Zamfir NV,Zeidan O Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.76.044315 2007
Discovery of the proton emitting nucleus 159 Re Joss DT, Darby IG, Page RD, Uttsitalo, J, Eeckhaudt, S, Grahn, T,Greenlees, P T,Jones, P M,Julin, R,Juutinen, S,Ketelhut, SLeino, A,Leppanen, AP,Nyman, A,Pakarinen, JRahkila, P,Saren, J,Scholey, C,Steer, Ax,AlKhafili, J S,Cannon, A J,Stevenson, P D, Erturk, S, Gall, B,Hadinia, B, Venhart, A,Simpson, J, Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - AIP CONF PROC 2007
Probing the limit of nuclear existence Proton emission from 159Re Joss D.T., Darby I.G., Page R.D., Uusitalo J., Eeckhaudt S., Grahn T., Greenlees P.T., Jones P.M., Julin R., Juutinen S., Ketelhut S., Leino M., Leppänen A.-P., Nyman M., Pakarinen J., Rahkila P., Sarén J., Scholey C., Steer A., Cannon A.J., Stevenson P.D., Al-Khalili J.S., Ertürk S., Venhart M., Gall B., Hadinia B., Simpson J. Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physics Letters B - Doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2006.08.014 2006
Study of fission fragments produced by 14N 235U reaction Yalçınkaya M., Ganioglu E., Erduran M. N., Akkus B., Bostan M., Gürdal G., Ertürk S., Balabanski D., Rainovski G., Danchev M., Dragomirova R., Minkova A., Vyvey K., Beetge R., Fearick R. W., Mabala G. K., Roux D. G., Whittaker W., Babu B. R. S., Lawrie J. J., Naguleswaran S., Newman R. T., Rigolet C., Pilcher J. V., Smith F. D., Sharpey-Shafer J. F. Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - The European Physical Journal A - Doi: 10.1140/epja/i2006-08-031-8 2006
Failure of the standard coupled channels method in describing inelastic reaction data on the use of a new shape for the coupling potential Erturk S, Boztosun I, Kucuk Y, Karakoc M, Aydin S Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics - Doi: 10.1088/0954-3899/31/10/083 2005
Decay out of 151Tb Yrast Superdeformed Band and Shape Coexistence Duchene G, Robin J, Odahara, Th Byrski, F A Beck, P J Twin, P Bednarczyk, D Curien, S Courtin, O Dorvaux, B Gall, P Joshi, A Nourreddine, E Pachoud, I Piqueras, J P Vivien, K Zuber, N Adimi, D E Appelbe, A Bracco, B Cederwall, D M Cullen, S Ertürk, G de France,iams S L King, A Korichi, K Lagergren, S Leoni, G Lo Bianco, A LopezMartens, S Lunardi,BMillion,ESPaul,CPetrache,N Redon,ASaltarelli,JSimpson,OStzowski,R Venturelli Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C 2004
Delayed backbending in the h9 2 band of Ir187 Danchev M., Balabanski D., Yigitoglu I., Akkus B., Beausang C., Bostan M., Casten R., Djongolov M., Erduran M., Erturk S., Gladnishki K., Gurdal G., Goon J., Hartley D., Hecht A., Krücken R., Novak J., Oktem Y., Rainovski G., Riedinger L., Zamfir N., Zeidan O. Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.68.054307 2003
Evidence for triaxial deformation near N 86 Collective bands in 152 153Dy and 153Ho Appelbe D., Twin P., Beausang C., Cullen D., Curien D., Duchêne G., Ertürk S., Finck Ch., Haas B., Paul E., Radford D., Rigollet C., Smith M., Stezowski O., Waddington J., Wilson A. Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.66.044305 2002
Nonyrast high spin states in N Z 44Ti O Leary CD, Bentley MA, Brown BA, Appelbe DE,Bark RA, Cullen DM,ERTÜRK SEFA,Maj A,Merchant AC Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.61.064314 2000
Lifetime of cosmic ray muons Zieblinski M,Jastrzab M,Dokania N,Nanal V,Brambilla S,Bednarczyk P,Ciemala M,Dutkiewicz E,Kmiecik M,Krzysiek M,Lekki J,Maj A,Szklarz Z,Wasilewska B,Dudelo M,Hadynska Klek K,Napiorkowski P,Genolini B,Schmitt C,Catford W,Nakhostin M,Yavuzkanat N,Dorvaux O,Pillay RG, Pose MS,Mishra S,Mathimalar S,Singh V,Katyan N, Chakrabarty DR, Datar VM,Kumar S,Mishra G,Mukhopadhyay S,Pandit D,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - AIP CONF PROC 2000
Measurement of attenuation length of photons and determination of photon yields in plastic scintillators Atac M, Cihangir S, Erduran N, Kartal, S,Erturk, S Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - AIP CONF PROC 2000
Deformed Rotational Cascades in 152Dy Further Evidence for Shape Coexistence at High Spin Smith M, Appelbe DA, Twin PJ, CW Beausang, FA Beck, MA Bentley, DM Cullen, D Curien, P J Dagnall, , G deFrance, G Duchene, S Ertürk, C Finck, B Hass, I M Hibbert, J C Lisle, B Nyako, C D OLeary, C Rigolet, HSavajols, J Simpson, O Stezowski, J Styczen, J P Vivien, K Zuber Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physics Review C 2000
Coulomb effects in the shell Bentley MA, OLeary CD,Poves A,Martinez Pinedo G,Appelbe DE,Bark RA, Culle DM,ERTÜRK SEFA,Maj A Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics - Doi: 10.1088/0954-3899/25/4/005 1999
First evidence for linking transitions between the superdeformed yrast band and the normal deformed states in 149Gd Finck Ch., Stézowski O., Kintz N., Vivien J.P., Zuber K., Nourreddine A., Appelbe D.E., Beausang C.W., Beck F.A., Byrski T., Courtin S., Curien D., de France G., Duchêne G., Ertürk S., Gall B.J.P., Haas B., Khadiri N., Pachoud E., Rigollet C., Smith M., Theisen Ch., Twin P.J. Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physics Letters B - Doi: 10.1016/S0370-2693(99)01139-9 1999
Gamma ray spectroscopy of high spin states near N Z in the f 7 2 shell Bentley MA , O'Leary CD , Appelbe DE , Bark RA , Cullen DM , Erturk S , Maj A , Martinez-Pinedo G , Poves A , Sheikh JA , Warner DD Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 1999
Neutron proton pairing Coulomb effects and shape coexistence in odd odd N Z V O'Leary C.D., Bentley M.A., Appelbe D.E., Bark R.A., Cullen D.M., Ertürk S., Maj A., Sheikh J.A., Warner D.D. Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physics Letters B - Doi: 10.1016/S0370-2693(99)00656-5 1999
Gd 149 What s confirmed What s new Kintz N, Finck C, Stezoswki O, J P Vivien, A Nouriddine, K Zuber, D E Appelbe, C W Beausang, F A Beck, T Byrski, S Courtin, D Curien, G Duchene, S Ertürk, G deFrance, BJP Gall, B Hass, N Khadiri, ALopezMartens, EPachoud, CRigollet, MSmith, P J Twin Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Acta Physica Polonica B 1999
High spin states in odd odd N Z V 46 ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - AIP CONF PROC 1999
Mirror and valence symmetries at the centre of the f7 2 shell Bentley MA,OLeary CD,Poves A,Martinez Pinedo G,Appelbe DE,Bark RA, Cullen DM,ERTÜRK SEFA,Maj A Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physics Letters B - Doi: 10.1016/S0370-2693(98)00969-1 1998
Lifetimes of yrast and excited superdeformed states in 150Gd effect of particle hole excitations on the deformation Beausang C.W, Fallon P, Appelbe D.E, Aztalos S, Clark R.M, Clarke S, Cederwall B, Deleplanque M.A, Diamond R.M, Ertürk S, Kelly W, Lee I.Y, Macchaivelli A.O, Patterson D.C, Smith M.B, Stephens F.S, Twin P.J, Wilson A.N Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physics Letters B - Doi: 10.1016/S0370-2693(97)01347-6 1998
Extended spectroscopy in the superdeformed well of 148 149Gd nuclei Byrski Th., Stezowski O., Zuber K., Appelbe D., Beausang C., Beck F., Bouguettoucha A., Curien D., de France G., Duchêne G., Ertück S., Finck C., Gall B., Haas B., Kiss A., Khadiri N., Kharraja B., Nourreddine A., Prévost D., Savajols H., Smith M., Twin P., Vivien J. Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review C - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.57.1151 1998
Quadrupole Moment of Superdeformed bands in 151Tb Finck C, Stezowski O, Beck FA, D E Appelbe, T Byrski, S Courtin, D M Cullen, D Curien, G deFrance, G Duchene, S Ertürk , B J P Gall, U Grag, B Hass, N Khadiri, N Kintz, A Noureddine, D Prevost, C Rigollet, H Savajols, P J Twin, J P Vivien, K Zuber Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Europen Physical Journal A 1998
Mirror Symmetry Up to the Band Termination in 49Mn and 49Cr OLeary CD, Bentle MA,Appelbe DE,Cullen DM,ERTÜRK SEFA,Bark RA,Maj A,Saitoh T Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review Letters - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.79.4349 1997
De Excitation of Superdeformed Bands in the Nucleus 151Tb Finck C, Appelbe DE, Beck FA, TByrski, DM Cullen, DCurien, Gde France, G Duchene, S Ertürk, B Hass, N Khadiri, B Kharaja, D Prevost, C Rigolet, O Stezowski, P J Twin, P P Vivien, K Zuber Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Acta Physica Polonica B 1997
The Search for Hyperdeformation in 152Dy Smith MB, Appelbe DE, Beausang CW, P J Twin, S Asztalos, M A Bentley, R M Clarke, P J Dagnall, M A Deleplanque,RMDiamond, S Ertürk, PFallon,CFinck,BHass,,AOMacchiavelli,CRigolet,HSavayols, OStezowski Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Acta Physica Hungaria New-Series, Heavy Ion Physics 1997
Lifetime Measurements of Superdeformed Bands in 148 149Gd and 152Dy Evidence for Structure Dependent Elongations Savajols H., Korichi A., Ward D., Appelbe D., Ball G., Beausang C., Beck F., Byrski T., Curien D., Dagnall P., de France G., Disdier D., Duchêne G., Erturk S., Finck C., Flibotte S., Gall B., Galindo-Uribarri A., Haas B., Hackman G., Janzen V., Kharraja B., Lisle J., Merdinger J., Mullins S., Pilotte S., Prévost D., Radford D., Rauch V., Rigollet C., Smalley D., Smith M., Stezowski O., Styczen J., Theisen Ch., Twin P., Vivien J., Waddington J., Zuber K., Ragnarsson I. Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review Letters - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.76.4480 1996
Lise 9. sınıf öğrencilerine verilen ilk yardım ve KBRN eğitiminin öğrencilerin bilgi düzeylerine etkisi kaleli gonca, ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (11.10.2023 - ) - 6th International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences (EurasianBioChem 2023) October 11-13, 2023 Ankara, Turkey
Preliminary Results From Development of the Novel Portable Imaging System ERTÜRK SEFA, BOZKURT VAKKAS, AYDIN SEZGİN, YETKİN TAYLAN, YAVUZKANAT NURAY, uyduran halil, usta atalay, uyduran halil, usta atalay Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (27.09.2023 - ) - 10th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology For Next Generation (MSNG-2023) 27-29 September 2023 / TÜRKİYE
Recent Developments in SPECT and PET Medical Imaging Systems ERTÜRK SEFA, BOZKURT VAKKAS, AYDIN SEZGİN, YETKİN TAYLAN, YAVUZKANAT NURAY Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (28.06.2022 - ) - XV. International Conference on Nuclear Structure Properties, Kırıkkale University, 28-30 June 2022
The Preliminary results of NEDA Phototubes : Measurements performed in İstanbul ERTÜRK SEFA,ERDURAN MUSTAFA NİZAMETTİN,ÖZOK FERHAT,YETKİN TAYLAN,YETKİN ELİF ASLI,İREN EMRE,doğangün oktay Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (14.11.2020 - 15.11.2020) - 2nd International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering
Geopolymer’s Radiation Absorption Detected by Geiger-Muller Counter SÜZGEÇ ELİF,DOĞAN SAĞLAMTİMUR NESLİHAN,BOZKURT VAKKAS,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (28.11.2019 - 29.11.2019) - International Conference “Development of Eco-Friendly Composite Materials Based on Geopolymer Matrix and Reinforced with Waste Fibers” (FIBRE)
Recent Development on Materials Science for Nuclear Detection ERTÜRK SEFA,BOZKURT VAKKAS Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (16.10.2019 - 18.10.2019) - 6th Internatıonal conference on materials science and nanotechnology for next generation (MSNG2019)
Neutron Detection Systems and Their Application ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (25.07.2019 - 27.07.2019) - Eighth Bozok Science Workshop 2019
Radiation Absorption of Geopolymer Building Materials: Preliminary Results from New Design Measurement System SÜZGEÇ ELİF,DOĞAN SAĞLAMTİMUR NESLİHAN,BOZKURT VAKKAS,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (27.06.2019 - 29.06.2019) - 1st International Conference on Environment, Technology and Management (ICETEM)
Methodology Of Analysis For The Data Using NUMEXO2 Coupled With EXOGAM2 Detector BOZKURT VAKKAS,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (17.06.2019 - 18.06.2019) - International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering
Recent Development on Gamma-ray and Neutron Detection Systems, ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (02.05.2019 - 04.05.2019) - Theoretical and Experimental Studies in nuclear Applications and Technology, TESNAT2019
Performance of NUMEXO2 Digital Electronic for EXOGAM Detector BOZKURT VAKKAS,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (12.09.2018 - 14.09.2018) - NSP2018, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon
Evolution of Electronic Systems for Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy: Adaptation of NUMEXO2 Digital Eelectronic into Detector Systems ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (12.09.2018 - 14.09.2018) - XI. International Workshop on Nuclear Structure Properties (NSP2018), Karadeniz teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon, Turkey, 12-14 September 2018
Evaluation of Electronic Systems For Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy: Adaption of Numexo2 Digital Electronic into Detector Systems ERTÜRK SEFA,BOZKURT VAKKAS Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (12.09.2018 - 14.09.2018) - NSP2018, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon-Turkey,
Turkish Contributions to AGATA, EXOGAM, NEDA, PARIS and NUSTAR Projects ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (28.06.2018 - 29.06.2018) - The Third Workshop of the Nuclear Spectroscopy Instrumentation Network of ENSAR2, NUSPIN 2018, Valencia, Spain, 28-29 June 2017
Building Panel Production from Waste Ashes: A Constructional Solution for Environmental Pollution AKBULUT HATİCE,DOĞAN SAĞLAMTİMUR NESLİHAN,ÇELİK FATİH,ERTÜRK SEFA,BOZKURT VAKKAS,YILDIRIM GAMZE Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (19.06.2018 - 23.06.2018) - International Symposium Ecology
Production of Geopolymer Building Material from Fly Ash (An Industrial Solid Waste) using Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium Silicate Mixture DOĞAN SAĞLAMTİMUR NESLİHAN,BİLGİL AHMET,ERTÜRK SEFA,BOZKURT VAKKAS,DİKKAYA BETÜL,SÜZGEÇ ELİF,PERVİN NAS,AKAN ARİFE GÖZDE Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (02.05.2018 - 06.05.2018) - 4th International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS 2018)
Reuse of Industrial Solid Waste Fly Ash in Geopolymer Construction Material Production DOĞAN SAĞLAMTİMUR NESLİHAN,BİLGİL AHMET,ERTÜRK SEFA,BOZKURT VAKKAS,ÖZ HATİCE ÖZNUR,NAS PERVİN,AKAN ARİFE GÖZDE,SÜZGEÇ ELİF,DİKKAYA BETÜL Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (26.04.2018 - 27.04.2018) - International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences (Eurasianbiochem 2018)
B(E2) Systematics for Pseudo Mirror Nuclei in the mass region ~100 and ~130 SAYĞI BAHADIR,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (04.10.2017 - 08.10.2017) - 4th International Conference on computational and Experimental science and Engineering (ICCESEN-2017)
Performance of PARIS DemanstratorClusters LaBr3 and CeBr3 UsingAGATAPARISVAMOS Setup at GANIL ERTÜRK SEFA,bozkurt vakkas Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (20.09.2017 - 22.09.2017) - X. International Conference on Nuclear Structure Properties (NSP2017)
Performance of PARIS Demanstrator Clusters LaBr3 and CeBr3 Using AGATAPARISVAMOS Setup at GANIL ERTÜRK SEFA,BOZKURT VAKKAS Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (20.09.2017 - 22.09.2017) - X. International Conference on Nuclear Structure Properties (NSP2017), Karabük,Turkey.
LIFETIME MEASUREMENTS WITH THE DSAMTECHNIQUE ERTOPRAK AYŞEGÜL,Cederwall Bo,Jakobsson Ulrika,Nyako Barna,Nyberg Johan,Davies Paul,Doncel Maria,de France Gilles,Kuti Istvan,Napoli Daniel,Wadsworth Bob,Ghugre Sandeep,Raut Rajarshi,AKKUŞ BAKİ,Alazri Harith,Algora Alejandro,de Angelis Giacomo,Ataç Ayşe,Back Torbjörn,Boso Alberto,Clement Emanuel,Debenham D M,Dombradi Zsolt,ERTÜRK SEFA,Gadea Andreas,Ghazi Moradi Farnaz,Gottardo Andrea,Hüyük Tayfun,Ideguchi Eiji,Jaworski Gregor,Li Hongjie,Michelagnoli Caterina,Modamio Viktor,Palacz Marcin,Petrache Costel,Recchia Francesco,Sandzelius Mikael,Siciliano Marco,Timar Janos,Valiente Dobon Javier,Xiao Z G Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (06.09.2017 - 10.09.2017) - Turkish Physical Society 33rd International Physics Congress
Performance of NUMEXO2 Digital Electronic: Effect of K-parameter on the Energy Resolution ERTÜRK SEFA,BOZKURT VAKKAS Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (26.06.2017 - 29.06.2017) - Nuclear Spectroscopy Instrumentation Network of ENSAR2, NUSPIN 2017
Performance of PARIS Phoswich : Linearity, Efficieny, Energy Resoltuion and Time Response BOZKURT VAKKAS,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (10.05.2017 - 12.05.2017) - 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Nuclear Applications and Technology
Investigation of new-generation digital electronic, NUMEXO2 for gamma ray spectrometer EXOGAM2 ERTÜRK SEFA,BOZKURT VAKKAS Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (10.05.2017 - 12.05.2017) - 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Nuclear Applications and Technology
Performance of PARIS Cluster : ELBE Experiment ERTÜRK SEFA,BOZKURT VAKKAS Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (10.05.2017 - 12.05.2017) - 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Nuclear Applications and Technology
Investigation of new-generation digital electronic, NUMEXO2 for gamma ray spectrometer EXOGAM2 ERTÜRK SEFA,bozkurt vakkas Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (10.05.2017 - 12.05.2017) - 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Nuclear Applications and Technology
Performance of PARIS phoswich: linearity, efficiency, energy resolution and time response bozkurt vakkas,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (10.05.2017 - 12.05.2017) - 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Nuclear Applications and Technology
Performance of PARIS Cluster: ELBE experiment ERTÜRK SEFA,bozkurt vakkas Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (10.05.2017 - 12.05.2017) - 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Nuclear Applications and Technology
Possible Nuclear Power Plant Types for Turkey in the Future Nuclear Energy and Technology Policies ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (06.10.2016 - 08.10.2016) - 1st INTERNATIONAL UNDERGROUND RESOURCES AND ENERGY CONFERENCE
Adaptation of NUMEXO2 Digital Electronic into EXOGAM2 and NEDA Detectors ERTÜRK SEFA,Bozkurt V Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (01.09.2016 - 03.09.2016) - IX. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ONNUCLEAR STRUCTURE PROPERTIES
The Status of PARIS Project andPerformance of PARIS Cluster Detectors ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (01.09.2016 - 03.09.2016) - IX. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ONNUCLEAR STRUCTURE PROPERTIES
Investigation of New DigitalElectronic for NEDA Detector Array ERTÜRK SEFA,bozkurt vakkas Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (28.04.2016 - 30.04.2016) - TESNAT 2016: International Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Nuclear Applications and Technology
Adaptation of NUMEXO2 Digital Electronic into PARIS Detector Array bozkurt vakkas,ERTÜRK SEFA,ERDURAN MUSTAFA NİZAMETTİN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (28.04.2016 - 30.04.2016) - TESNAT2016:Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Nuclear Applications and Technology
Study of Novel Scintillator LaBr3 Ce and CeBr3 for Medical Imaging with new Digital Electronic NUMEXO2 Özdemir M,Bozkurt V,ERTÜRK SEFA,ERDURAN MUSTAFA NİZAMETTİN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (28.04.2016 - 30.04.2016) - TESNAT 2016: International Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Nuclear Applications and Technology
The Role of Turkey in International Nuclear Structure Studies and Detector Technologies EXOGAM2 NEDA PARIS and NUSTAR FAIR ERTÜRK SEFA,ERDURAN MUSTAFA NİZAMETTİN,YETKİN TAYLAN,ÖZOK FERHAT,saygı b Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (07.09.2015 - 10.09.2015) - 8th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NUCLEAR STRUCTURE PROPERTIES (NSP-2015)
Preliminary Results of the Phoswich Detector LaBr3 and the PARIS Cluster ERTÜRK SEFA,maj adam,matea iolanda,PARIS Collaboration Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (24.06.2013 - 27.06.2013) - EGAN2013 conference at the University of Liverpool, 24th to 27th June 2013
Energy and Time response of LaBr3 ERTÜRK SEFA,maj adam,kumar sa Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (08.08.2011 - 12.08.2011) - Rutherford Contennial Conference on Nuclear Physics, Manchester University, 8-12 August 2011
Ongoing work for EXOGAM Digital Electronic and PARIS Phoswich Detector at Nigde University ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - ( - ) - PROMETEO Workshop on the NEDA detector:Mechanical and electronic design, Spain, Valencia, November 2012
Gamma ray Spectroscopy of W Isotopes Around A 160 Erturk. S, Joss. DT, Thomson. J, L Bianco, R D Page, I G Darby, J Uusitalo, T Grahn, R Herzberg, J J Pakarinen, M B Gmez Hornillos, S Eeckhaudt, P T Greenlees, J S AlKhalili, A J Cannon, P D Stevenson, P M Jones, R Julin, S Juutinen, S Ketelhut, A P Leppnen, M Nyman, M Leino, P Rahkila, J Sarn, C Scholey, A Steer, B Gall, J Simpson, B Hadinia, M Venhart Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - Nuclear structurre 2008 Conference, Michigan State University, 3-6 June2008
Decays of New Nuclides and Isomers beyond the Proton Drip Line the Influence of Neutron Configurations Page. RD, Bianco. L, Darby. IG, D T Joss, J Simpson, SAlKhalili, AJCannon, RJ Cooper S Eeckhaudt, S Erturk, B Gal, T Grahn, P T Greenlees, BHadinia, P M Jones, DS Judson, R Julin, S Juutinen, S Ketelhut,M Labiche, M Leino, AP Leppnen, M Nyman, DODonnell, P Rahkila, PJSapple, J Sarn, C Scholey, A Ster, P D Stevenson, EB Succkling, J Thomson, J Uusitalo, M Venhart Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics: From Stable Beams to Exotic Nuclei, Cappadocia, Turkey, 25-30 June, 2008
In beam spectroscopy of neutrondeficient Rhenium and Tungsten isotopes using recoil decay tagging techniques Joss. DT, Thomson. J, Scholey. C, , S Ertürk, J Simpson, R D Page, L Bianco, B Caderwall, I G Darby, S Eeckhaudt, MBGomezHornillos, T Grahn, P T Greenlees, P M Jones, R Julin, S Juutinen, S Ketelhut, KLagerhren, M Leino, AP Leppnen, M Nyman, DODonnell, J Pakarinen, ESPaul, P Rahkila, MSandzelius, J Sorri, J Sarn, J Uusitalo, P D Stevenson Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics: From Stable Beams to Exotic Nuclei, Cappadocia, Turkey, 25-30 June, 2008
Probing single particle structures beyond the proton drip line Page. RD, Bianco. L, Darby. IG, J Uusitalo, DT Joss, T Grahn, RD Herzberg,J Pakarinen, J Thomson, S Eeckhaudt, PT Greenlees, PM Jones, R Julin, S Juutinen,S Ketelhut, M Leino, AP Leppnen, M Nyman, P Rahkila, J Sarn, C Scholey,A Steer, MB Gmez Hornillos JS AlKhalili, AJCannon,PD Stevenson, S Ertürk,B Gall, B Hadinia, M Venhart, and J Simpson Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - International Conference on Proton Emitting nuclei and related topics, PROCON07, Lisbon,Portugal, June17-23,2007
Probing the limit of nuclear existence Proton emission from 159Re Joss. DT, Darby. IG, Page. RD, , J Uusitalo, S Eeckhaudt, T Grahn, PT Greenlees, PM Jones,R Julin, S Juutinen, S Ketelhut, M Leino, AP Leppanen, M Nyman, J Pakarinen, P Rahkila,J Saren, C Scholey, A Steer, AJ Cannon, PD Stevenson, JS AlKhalili, S Erturk,M Venhart, B Gall, B Hadinia, J Simpson Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - International Conference on Proton Emitting nuclei and related topics, PROCON07, Lisbon,Portugal, June17-23,2007
Production and spectroscopy of superheavy elements from different laboratories ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - NUFRA2007, International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation 2007, Kemer-Turkey, Sept. 24- Oct. 1, 2007
Alpha decay of 161Os Bianco. L, Joss. DT, Page. RDF, , I G Darby, J Uusitalo, T Grahn, R Herzberg, J J Pakarinen, M B Gmez Hornillos, S Eeckhaudt, P T Greenlees, J S AlKhalili, A J Cannon, P D Stevenson, P M Jones, R Julin, S Juutinen, S Ketelhut, A P Leppnen, M Nyman, M Leino, P Rahkila, J Sarn, C Scholey, A Steer, B Gall, J Simpson, S Ertürk, B Hadinia, M Venhart Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - The IOP Nuclear and Particle Physics Divisional Conf., Univ. of Surrey, 3-5 April 2007
New Gamma Transitions in 163W Erturk. S, Joss. DT, Thomson. J, L Bianco, R D Page, I G Darby, J Uusitalo, T Grahn, R Herzberg, J J Pakarinen, M B Gmez Hornillos, S Eeckhaudt, P T Greenlees, J S AlKhalili, A J Cannon, P D Stevenson, P M Jones, R Julin, S Juutinen, S Ketelhut, A P Leppnen, M Nyman, M Leino, P Rahkila, J Sarn, C Scholey, A Steer, B Gall, J Simpson, B Hadinia, M Venhart Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - Gordon Conference, Nuclear Chemistry, New London, USA, June 2- 8, 2007
Deformation Driving Effects in 191 192Pt at High Spins Oktem. Y, Akkus. B, Balabanski. DL, CW Beausang, M Bostan, RF Casten, M Danchev, M Djongolov, MN Erduran, S Erturk, KA Gladniski, G Gürdal, J Goon, D J Hartley, AA Hecht,RKrücken,JRNovak,GRainovski, LL Riedinger, I Yigitoglu, NV Zamfir and O Zeidan Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - World Year of Physics 2005: Turkish Physical Society 23rd International Physics Congress, September 13-16, 2005, Mugla University, Mugla, Turkey
An Analysis of the 12C 12C Reaction with New Results at High Energies Erturk. S, Aydın. S, Boztosun. I, Y Kucuk and M Karakoc Uluslararası - Davetli konuşmacı - ( - ) - Nuclear Structure Physics near the Coulomb Barrier: Into the 21st Century, YALE University, USA, 23-25 June, 2005
First Observation of Superdeformed Structures in 151Gd Erturk. S, Beausang. CW, Appelbe. DE, PFallon, S Asztalos, A Macchiavelli, IYLee, FS Stephens, MADeleplanqueStevens, TLauritsen Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - Gordon Conference, Nuclear Chemistry, NUCLEAR STRUCTURE, New London, USA, June 26- July 1, 2005
Examination of Light Heavy Ion Reactions Using a New Coupling Potential Erturk. S, Aydın. S, Boztosun. I, Y Kucuk and M Karakoc Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - Conference on the “Nuclei at Limits”, Argonne National Lab. Chicago, 26-30 July 2004
Spectroscopy of 193Au Danchev. M, Balabanski. DL, Akkus. B, C W Beausang, M Bostan, R F Casten, M Djongolov, M N Erduran, S Erturk, K A Gladniski, G Gurdal, J Goon, D J Hartley, A A Hecht, R Krucken,JRNovak,YOktem, GRainovski, LLRiedinger, I Yigitoglu, NV Zamfir, and O Zeidan Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - Fifth General Conference of theBalkan Physical Union, SERBIA, AUGUST 25-29, 2003
Decay out of 151Tb Yrast Superdeformed Band and Shape Coexistence Duchene. G, Robin. J, Odahara. A, Th Byrski, F A Beck, P J Twin, P Bednarczyk, D Curien, S Courtin, O Dorvaux, B Gall, P Joshi, A Nourreddine, E Pachoud, I Piqueras, J P Vivien, K Zuber, N Adimi, D E Appelbe, A Bracco, B Cederwall, D M Cullen, S Ertürk, G de France,iams S L King, A Korichi, K Lagergren, S Leoni, G Lo Bianco, ,ound A LopezMartens, S Lunardi, B Million, E S Paul, C Petrache, ,ound N Redon,t A Saltarelli, J Simpson, O Stzowski,t and R Venturelli Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - - International Conference on the Labyrinth in Nuclear Structure, an EPS nuclear Physics Divisional Conference, Crete, Greece, 13-19 July 2003
Gamma Ray Detectors and Arrays ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - The 3rd International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics (IBWAP2002), Targoviste-Romania, June 26-28, 2002
Superdeformed Structures in Nuclear Physics and Superdeformation A 150 Region Erturk. S, Twin. PJ, Appelbe. DE, , C W Beausang, P Fallon, S Asztalos, R Kruken, T Lauritsen, I Y Lee, A O Macchiavelli, FS Stephen Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - First Hellenic Turkish International Physics Conference, Bodrum-Turkey and Kos-Greece, September 10-15, 2001
Evidence For a Discrete Linking Transition Between the Yrast Supereformed Band and Normal Deformed States in 151Tb Odahara. A, Beck. FA, Byrski. T, G Duchne, J Robin, D Curien, P Bednarczyk, S Courtin, BJP Gall, N Kintz, S Naguleswaran, A Nourreddine, E Pachoud, JP Vivien, K Zuber, A Korichi, A LopezMartens, DE Appelbe, S Ertürk, PJ Twin Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - First Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions of APS and JPS, Maui, Hawai, 17-20 October 2001
Study of High Spin States in 192Au Gurdal. G, Beausang. CW, Balabanski. DL, , JR Novak, AA Hecht, M Caprio, JR Cooper, R Krücken, RF Casten, NV Zamfir, Z Berant, CJ Barton, N Pietralla, MN Erduran, B Akkus,S Erturk, I Yigitoglu, Y Oktem, DJ Hartley, M Gjongolov, J Goon Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - First Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions of APS and JPS, Maui, Hawai, 17-20 October 2001
A Review of Multi Detector Arrays Oktem. Y, Akkus. B, Erduran. MN, Erturk, S Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - Akkus, B
Superdeformed Bands Around Z 64 Erturk. S, Beausang. CW, Twin. PJ, , DE Appelbe, P Fallon, S Asztalos, R Kruken, T Lauritsen, I Y Lee, A O Macchiavelli, FS Stephen Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - The Second International Balkan Workshop on Nuclear Physics, Edirne-Turkey, May 14-18, 2001
New Results on 150 151Gd Nuclei Erturk. S, Beausang. CW, Twin. PJ, DE Appelbe, P Fallon, S Asztalos, R Kruken, T Lauritsen, I Y Lee, A O Macchiavelli, FS Stephen Uluslararası - Davetli konuşmacı - ( - ) - Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory, YALE University, USA, April 1-15, 2001
Recent results from spectroscopy of neutron rich nuclei Erduran. MN, Akkus. B, Bostan. M, S Ertuk, G Gurdal, M Yalcinkaya, DL Balabanski, G Rainovski, M Danchev, R Dragomirova, A Minkova, K Vyvey, R Beetge, RW Fearick, G Mabala, D Roux, W Whittaker, BRSBabu, JJLawrie, SNaguleswaran, RT Newman, C Rigollet, JV Pilcher, FD Smit, JF SharpeySchafer Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - 7th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus collisions, Strasbourg, July 2000
High Spin States in 44Ti and 50Mn Oleary. CD, Bentley. MA, Brown. BA, D E Appelbe, R A Bark, D M Cullen, S Ertürk and A Maj Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - International Workshop PINGST2000, Selected Topics on N=Z Nuclei, Lund, Sweden, June 6-10, 2000
Study of mass 130 fission fragments in the 14N 235 238U reaction at 10 MeV U Balabanski. DL, Rainovski. G, Erduran. MN, MN Erduran, M Danchev, R Dragomirova, A Minkova, B Akkus, M Bostan, G Gurdal, M Yalcinkaya, S Ertuk, K Vyvey, R Beetge, RW Fearick, G Mabala, D Roux, W Wittaker, BRS Babu,JJ Lawrie, SNaguleswaran, RTNewman, CRigollet, JV Pilcher, FD Smit, JF SharpeySchafer Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - 7th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus collisions, Strasbourg, July 2000
Superdeformed Bands in 151Gd Erturk. S, Twin. PJ, Appelbe. DE, , C W Beausang, P Fallon, S Asztalos, R Kruken, T Lauritsen, I Y Lee, A O Macchiavelli, FS Stephen Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - 2nd International Balkan School on Nuclear Physics, Bodrum-Turkey, Sep. 12-19, 2000
Bifurcation DI 4 dans 148 149Gd Kintz. N, Stezowski. O, Finck. C, , JP Vivien, A Nourreddine, DE Appelbe, CW Beausang, FA Beck,, T Byrski,, S Courtin,, D Curien, G Duchne, S Ertürk, BJP Gall, B Haas, N Khadiri, A LopezMartens, E Pachoud,C Rigollet,M Smith,, PJ Twin, K Zuber Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - Rencontre Franco-Marocaine de Physique Nucléaire, El Jadida 10 – 13 March 1999
New Superdeformed Bands in 150Gd Erturk. S, Beausang. CW, Twin. PJ, DE Appelbe, P Fallon, S Asztalos, R Kruken, T Lauritsen, I Y Lee, A O Macchiavelli, FS Stephen Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - New Physics in New Millenium: Nuclear Physics Conference, National Accelerator Centre, Cape Town, South Africa, January 1999
Mirror Nuclei and Odd Odd N Z Nuclei in the f7 2 Shell Bentley. MA, Oleary. CD, Appelbe. DE, R Bark,D M Cullen, S Ertürk, A Maj,DD Warn Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - New Physics in New Millenium: Nuclear Physics Conference, National Accelerator Centre, Cape Town, South Africa, January 1999
Inter band Linking Transitions in Superdeformed Bands in 150Gd Erturk. S, Twin. PJ, Appelbe. DE, P Fallon, C W Beausang, S Asztalos, R Kruken, T Lauritsen, I Y Lee, A O Macchiavelli, FS Stephen Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - Balkan School on Nuclear Physics, University of Istanbul, Science Faculty, , İstanbul, 1-10 September 1998.
New Results on Superdeformed Bands in 150Gd Erturk. S, Beausang. CW, Twin. PJ, DE Appelbe, P Fallon, S Asztalos, R Kruken, T Lauritsen, I Y Lee, A O Macchiavelli, FS Stephen Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - The Institue of Physics, Nuclear Physics Conference, The University of York Department ofPhysics, York, ENGLAND, 7-9 April 1997,
High Spin States of N Z Nuclei Near the Centre of the f7 2 Shell Oleary. CD, Bentley. MA, Cullen. DM, D E Appelbe, S Ertürk, A Maj, R Bark Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - The Institue of Physics, Nuclear Physics Conference, The University of York Department of Physics, York, ENGLAND, 7-9 April 1997
Band Termination in 47V King. SL, Cullen. DM, Appelbe. DE, S Ertürk, CD OLeary, MA Bentley, PJ Twin Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - The Institue of Physics, Nuclear Physics Conference, The University of York Department of Physics, York, ENGLAND, 7-9 April 1997
Latest Results in Gadolinium Isotopes from Gammasphere Data Erturk. S, Beausang. CW, Twin. PJ, DE Appelbe, P Fallon, S Asztalos, R Kruken, T Lauritsen, I Y Lee, A O Macchiavelli, FS Stephen Uluslararası - Davetli konuşmacı - ( - ) - in CNR (Central Nuclear Research), Strasbourg, FRANCE, June 1996
Results on Superdeformed SD Bands in 152Dy Erturk. S, Beausang. CW, Twin. PJ, M B Smith, F A Beck, M A Bentley, D Curien, PJDagnall, GdeFrance, G Duchene, CFinck, BHass, IM Hibbert, JC Lisle, B Nyako, C Rigolet, HSavajols, J Simpson, O Stezowski, J Styczen, J P Vivien, K Zuber Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - North-West Europe Nuclear Physics Conference, Vrije Univ., Amsterdam, HOLLAND,April 16-19, 1996
Low deformed Triaxial bands in 152Dy Smith. MB, Appelbe. DE, Erturk. S, P J Twin, C W Beausang, F A Beck, M A Bentley, D Curien, P J Dagnall, , G deFrance, G Duchene, C Finck, B Hass, I M Hibbert, J C Lisle, B Nyako, C Rigolet, HSavajols, J Simpson, O Stezowski, J Styczen, J P Vivien, K Zuber Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - North-West Europe Nuclear Physics Conference,Vrije Univ., Amsterdam, HOLLAND, April 16-19, 1996
The Search for Hyperdeformed States in 152 153Dy Appelbe. DE, Erturk. S, Twin. PJ, CW Beausang, FA Beck, M A Bentley, D Curien, PJ Dagnall, GdeFrance, GDuchene, CFinck, BHass, IM Hibbert, JC Lisle, B Nyako, C Rigolet, HSavajols, J Simpson, O Stezowski, J Styczen, J P Vivien, K Zuber Uluslararası - Poster - ( - ) - North-West Europe Nuclear Physics Conference,Vrije Univ., Amsterdam,HOLLAND,April 16-19,1996.
New Results on Superdeformed Bands in 152Dy ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - Nuclear Summer School Organised by the Institue of Physics,Bangor,U.K.September1995.
Deformation Bands in 152Dy and the Population of Other A 150 Nuclei Via xn Channels Smith. MB, Beausang. CW, Erturk. S, PJ Twin, FA Beck, MA Bentley, DCurien,PJ Dagnall, GdeFrance, GDuchene, CFinck, BHass, IMHibbert, JCLisle, B Nyako, C Rigolet, HSavajols, J Simpson, O Stezowski, J Styczen, J P Vivien, K Zuber Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - The Institue of Physics, Nuclear Physics Conference, Birmingham, ENGLAND, April 1995.
12C 12C Nükleer Reaksiyonunun Optik Modelle İncelenmesi ERTÜRK SEFA Ulusal - Davetli konuşmacı - ( - ) - IX.Ulusal Nükleer Bilimler ve Teknolojileri Kongresi” İzmir,TURKEY,14-16Eylül2005
Crosstalk Between Superdeformed Bands in 152Dy Evidence for Octupole Correlations in the 2nd Minimum Erturk. S, Beausang. CW, Twin. PJ, , M Smith, F A Beck, M A Bentley, D Curien, PJ Dagnall, GdeFrance, GDuchene, CFinck, BHass, IMHibbert, JC Lisle, B Nyako, C Rigolet, HSavajols, J Simpson, O Stezowski, J Styczen, J P Vivien, K Zuber Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - ( - ) - The Institue of Physics, Nuclear Physics Conference, Birmingham, ENGLAND, April 1995.
Ağır İyon Fiziği ve CMS Erturk. S, Onengut. G, Polatoz. A, Eda Eşkut, İsa Dumanoğlu, Aysel Kayış Ulusal - Davetli konuşmacı - ( - ) - IX.Ulusal Nükleer Bilimler ve Teknolojileri Kongresi ”, İzmir, TURKEY, 14-16 Eylül 2005
Nükleer Fizik Araştırmalarında Kullanılan Hızlandırıcılar ve Uygulama Alanları Erturk. S, Boztosun. I Ulusal - Tam metin bildiri - ( - ) - Ulusal Parçacık Hızlandırıcıları ve Uygulamaları Kongresi ”, Ankara, TURKEY, 7-9 June 2004
12C 24Mg ve 12C 12C Sistemlerinin Fenomolojik Olarak İncelenmesi ERTÜRK SEFA Ulusal - Tam metin bildiri - ( - ) - Ulusal Parçacık Hızlandırıcıları ve Uygulamaları Kongresi ”, Ankara, TURKEY, 7-9 June 2004.
Gamma ray Spectrometer and Multi Detector Arrays ERTÜRK SEFA Ulusal - Davetli konuşmacı - ( - ) - Mersin Üniversitesi Bilim Şenliği,Mersin University, Mersin-Turkey, April 11, 2002
CMS High Density QCD with Heavy Ions Physics Technical Design Report Addendum CMS Collaboration Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - ( - ) - CMS Collaboration March 2007
CMS physics Technical design report CMS Collaboration Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - ( - ) - CMS Collaboration , CERN-LHCC-2006-001, CMS-TDR-008-1, 2006. 521pp.
CMS The Computing Project Technical Design Report CMS Collaboration Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - ( - ) - CMS Collaboration (2005)
High Spin States and Shape Changes in the Transitional 185 190Ir Nuclei Nikolov. NI, Danchev. M, Detistov. P, DL Balabanski, I Yigitoglu, B Akkus, CW Beausang, M Bostan, RF Casten, M Djongolov, MN Erduran, S Erturk, KA Gladnishki, G Gürdal, TM Goon, DJ Hartley, AA Hecht, JR Novak, Y Oktem, G Rainovski, LL Riedinger, NV Zamfir and O Zeidan Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - ( - ) - Bulgarian Nuclear Science Transactions, Vol. 9, 204 (2004)
Search of Chiral Doublet Bands at 186 188Ir Nikolov. NI, Danchev. M, Balabanski. DL, I Yigitoglu, B Akkus, CW Beausang, M Bostan, RF Casten, M Djongolov, MN Erduran, S Erturk, KA Gladnishki, G Gürdal, TM Goon, DJ Hartley, AA Hecht, R Krücken, JR Novak, Y Oktem, G Rainovski, LL Riedinger, NV Zamfir and O Zeidan Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - ( - ) - Theory 22,Proceedings for the XXII Workshop on Nuclear,(Heron Press,Sofia, 2003), p.331.
Origin of the Backbending in proton h9 2 Band of 187Ir Danchev. M, Balabanski. DL, Nikolov. NI, I Yigitoglu, B Akkus, CW Beausang, MBostan, RF Casten, M Djongolov, MN Erduran, S Erturk, KA Gladnishki, GGürdal, TM Goon, DJ Hartley, AA Hecht, R Krücken, JR Novak, Y Oktem, GRainovski, LL Riedinger, NV Zamfir and O Zeidan Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - ( - ) - Balabanski, DL
Superdeformed Structures in Nuclear Physics and Superdeformation A 150 Region Erturk. S, Twin. PJ, Appelbe. DE, C W Beausang, P Fallon, S Asztalos, R Kruken, T Lauritsen, I Y Lee, A O Macchiavelli, FS Stephen Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - ( - ) - Balkan Physics Letter Special Issue/2001: Proceedings of Balkan School on Nuclear Physics.(2001), 124
Superdeformed Bands in 151Gd Erturk. S, Twin. PJ, Appelbe. DE, C W Beausang, P Fallon, S Asztalos, R Kruken, T Lauritsen, I Y Lee, A O Macchiavelli, FS Stephen Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - ( - ) - Balkan Physics Letter Special Issue/2000: Proceedings of Balkan School on Nuclear Physics.(2000), 212
New Superdeformed Bands in 150Gd Erturk. S, Beausang. CW, Twin. PJ, DE Appelbe, P Fallon, S Asztalos, R Kruken, T Lauritsen, I Y Lee, A O Macchiavelli, FS Stephen Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - ( - ) - Proceedings of the International Conference on the Nucleus:New Physics for the NewMillenium,(2000),173
Mirror Nuclei and Odd Odd N Z Nuclei in the f7 2 Shell Bentley. MA, Oleary. CD, Appelbe. DE, R Bark,DMCullen, S Ertürk, AMaj,DD Warner Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - ( - ) - Proceedings of the International Conference on the Nucleus:New Physics for the New Millenium,(2000),97
High Spin States in Odd Odd N Z 46V Oleary. CD, Bentley. MA, Appelbe. DE, RABark,DMCullen, S Ertürk, A Maj,DDWarner Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - ( - ) - Experimental Nuclear Physics in Europe, A Conference Proceedings, December (1999)
Inter band Linking Transitions in Superdeformed Bands in 150Gd Erturk. S, Twin. PJ, Appelbe. DE, P Fallon, C W Beausang, S Asztalos, R Kruken, T Lauritsen, I Y Lee, A O Macchiavelli, FS Stephen Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - ( - ) - Balkan Physics Letter Special Issue/1998: Proceedings of Balkan School on Nuclear Physcisc,(1998), 220
Around the Back band in an Excited 150Gd Superdeformed Band Twin. PJ, Erturk. S, Appelbe. DE, , P Fallon, C W Beausang, S Asztalos, R Kruken, T Lauritsen, I Y Lee, A O Macchiavelli, FS Stephen Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - ( - ) - Proceeding of the Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Limits, Argone Nat. Lab.(1996).
Nükleer ve Parçacık Fiziği ERTÜRK SEFA,GERÇEKLİOĞLU MURAT,YALÇINKAYA MEHTAP,ÖZKAN GÜRAY NALAN,GÜRAY RECEP TAYGUN,SÖĞÜT KENAN,ARSLAN HASAN,SUNAR ÇERÇİ DENİZ,TALİ BAYRAM,AYDIN SEZGİN Ulusal - Kitap Bölümü - Bölüm Adı:ÜNİTE 10 - Ders Kitabı - Yayın Evi:nobel yayınevi - Basım Sayısı:1 - ISBN:978-605-133-815-6 2014
1 Fen Bilimcileri ve Mühendisler için FİZİK DUMANOĞLU İSA, ERTÜRK SEFA Ulusal - Kitap Bölümü - Bölüm Adı:Statik ve Denge - Bilimsel Kitap - Yayın Evi:Akademi Yayıncılık - Basım Sayısı:1 - Sayfa Sayısı:28 - ISBN:978-975-6885-20-8 2009
Conceptual design of the early implementation of the NEutronDetector Array (NEDA) with AGATA Tasarım Sahipleri:sefa ertürk,höyük tayfun,di nitto antonio,Jaworski Grezeck,Gadea Andrea,ValienteDobon Javier,Nyberg Hohan,Palacz Marchin,Aliaga varea ramon Jose,soderstrom paer anderson,de Angelis giacomo,ataç ayşe,collado javier,Domingo Pardo cesar,egea francesco,ERDURAN MUSTAFA NİZAMETTİN,ERTÜRK SEFA,de France Gilles,gonzales vicente,gadea rafael,HerreroBosch vicento,modamio victor,Moszynski marek,Wadsworth robert Uluslararası - Bilimsel Tasarım - 03.01.2016 - 30.12.2016
Eurasian Journal of Science Engineering and Technology BARUT MURAT,ZAN RECEP,ERTÜRK SEFA Uluslararası - Dergi - Yayın Evi: Dergipark - Editör 2020
Book of Proceedings of International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering ÇELİK CAHİT TAĞI,ERTÜRK SEFA,GÖRGÜLÜER ÖMER,YILDIRIM MUSTAFA YUSUF Ulusal - Kitap - Yayın Evi: Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Yayınları - Editör - ISBN:978-975-8062-32-4 2019
Blakan Physics Letters, Special Issue/2000, Proceeding of Second International Balkan School on Nuclear Physics, Bodrum-Turkey, 1-10 September 2000 ERTÜRK SEFA,BOSTAN İSMAİL MELİH,AKKUŞ BAKİ,rızaoğlu emine Uluslararası - Dergi - Yayın Evi: BALKAN PHYSICAL UNION - 2000
Balkan Physics Letters, Special Issue/2001, Proceeding of The First Hellenic-Turkish International Physics Conference, Bodrum-Turkey, Kos-Greece,10-15 Eylül 2001 ERTÜRK SEFA,BOSTAN İSMAİL MELİH Uluslararası - Dergi - Yayın Evi: BALKAN PHYSİCAL UNION - 2001
Nükleer ve Parçacık Fiziği DUMANOĞLU İSA,ERTÜRK SEFA Ulusal - - Yayın Evi: Nobel - Editör 2014
International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering Book of Abstracts ÇELİK CAHİT TAĞI,ERTÜRK SEFA,AKBULUT AYŞE,YILDIRIM MUSTAFA YUSUF,GÖRGÜLÜER ÖMER,YERTAYEVA PERIZAT,ÜNAL UĞUR Uluslararası - Kitap - Yayın Evi: Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Yayınları - Editör - ISBN:978-975-8062-31-7 2019