Eğitim Bilgileri
Doktora ERCİYES ÜNİVERSİTESİ FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ/GIDA MÜHENDİSLİĞİ (DR)/ Tez adı : Farklı modifikasyon yöntemlerinin glukomannan ve galaktomannan yapılı biyopolimerlerin yapısal ve reolojik özellikleri üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi 2009-2014
Yüksek Lisans ERCİYES ÜNİVERSİTESİ FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ/GIDA MÜHENDİSLİĞİ (YL) (TEZLİ)/ Tez adı : Çay veya bazı bitki çayları ile aromatize edilmiş dondurma üretim olanaklarının araştırılması 2006-2009
Akademik Unvanlar
Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi Tamamlandı Farklı Modifikasyon Yöntemlerinin Glukomannan Ve Galaktomannan Yapılı Biyopolimerlerin Yapısal Ve Reolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi (30.05.2012-18.02.2015)
Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi Devam Ediyor Patates Kabuklarından Karboksimetil Selüloz Üretimi, Karakterizasyonu Ve İn Situ Ortamda Etkinliğinin Belirlenmesi (18.07.2024-)
Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi Tamamlandı Kızartılmış patateslerde kızartma yağı, kızartma sıcaklığı ve süresinin trans yağ asidi oluşumu üzerine etkisi (15.06.2009-15.12.2010)
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Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi Tamamlandı Farklı pH değerlerinde ksantan gam ile galaktomannan karışımının reolojik özelliklerinin kafes karışım dizaynı kullanılarak optimizasyonu: İkili etkileşimlerin kesme altında reoscope ile görüntülenmesi (08.08.2012-14.02.2018)
Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi Tamamlandı Çeşitli baklagil unları ilavesiyle besin değeri zenginleştirilmiş mısır cipsleri üretimi ve bu ürünlerin enerji değeri ve kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi (01.10.2007-30.04.2009)
Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi Tamamlandı Bazı bitkisel çay ekstraktlarının dondurma üretiminde kullanım olanaklarının araştırılması ve üretilen dondurmaların fiziksel, kimyasal, ve reolojik özelliklerinin incelenmesi (01.10.2007-30.04.2009)
Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi Tamamlandı Çeşitli lif maddeleri ilavesiyle fonksiyonel özellikli mısır ve buğday cipsi üretimi (01.07.2008-30.04.2009)
TÜBİTAK PROJESİ Tamamlandı Bayat ekmeklerin çerez gıda üretiminde değerlendirilmesi Fizikokimyasal reolojik duyusal tekstürel ve fonksiyonel etkiler (01.04.2013-16.01.2015)
Diğer kamu kuruluşları (Yükseköğretim Kurumları hariç) Tamamlandı Çemen bitki tohumlarından katma değeri yüksek galaktomannan yapılı stabilizatör üretimi (01.01.2012-01.01.2013)
Manufacturing of emulsion type garlic paste: Characterization of rheological properties as affected by lecithin, guar gum, and olive oil using steady, dynamic, and three interval thixotropy tests KUTLU GÖZDE,BAŞLAR MEHMET,YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,KARAMAN SAFA,VARDAR UMAY SEVGİ,YILDIRIM ECEM POYRAZ,SAĞDIÇ OSMAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Food Process Engineering - Doi: 10.1111/jfpe.14522 2024
Optimization of citrus fiber enriched vegan cream cheese alternative and its influence on chemical, physical and sensory properties GÜRBÜZ BAŞAK,ÇAYIR MERVE,AKDENİZ ESRA,ÖZTÜRK SANİYE,KARAMAN SAFA,KARIMIDASTJERD ATEFEH,TOKER ÖMER SAİD,PALABIYIK İBRAHİM,KONAR NEVZAT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food Science & Nutrition 2024
Characterization of some physicochemical, textural, and antioxidant properties of muffins fortified with hydrolyzed whey protein BEKİROĞLU HATİCE,KARAMAN SAFA,BOZKURT FATİH,SAĞDIÇ OSMAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food Science & Nutrition - Doi: 10.1002/fsn3.4422 2024
Effects of Hosting Trees on Chemical Composition, Minerals, Amino Acid, Fatty Acid Composition and Gas-Methane Production of Mistletoe (Viscum album) Leaves ÇİFTÇİ BEYZA,KARAMAN SAFA,KAMALAK ADEM,KAPLAN MAHMUT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Waste and Biomass Valorization - Doi: 10.1007/s12649-024-02595-0 2024
Investigation of biochemical, textural, bioactive and sensory properties of muffin cakes produced with the addition of cranberry (Cornus mas L.) fruit at different concentrations BEKTAŞ BETÜL, ÖZER SALİHA, KARAMAN SAFA Ulusal - Hakemli - EBSCO - Özgün Makale - Harran Tarim ve Gida Dergisi - Doi: 10.29050/harranziraat.1187931 2023
Bioactivity of Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) and Heather (Calluna vulgaris) Leaf Tinctures: An Optimization Study Using Response Surface Methodology KARAMAN SAFA Ulusal - Hakemli - EBSCO - Özgün Makale - Igdir University - Doi: 10.21597/jist.1175955 2023
An optimization study for processing variables in fabrication of cinnamon tincture by response surface methodology KARAMAN SAFA Ulusal - Hakemli - Index Copernicus - Özgün Makale - European Food Science and Engineering 2022
Dynamic mechanical spectra of salep and casein mixtures KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Food Science and Technology - Doi: 10.1007/s13197-019-03586-z 2019
Characterization of Grape Molasses/Sesame Paste/Honey Blends: Multiple Response Optimization of Some Physicochemical, Bioactive, Viscoelastic and Sensory Properties KARAMAN SAFA, YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, ÖZTÜRK GÖKTÜRK, YÜKSEL FERHAT, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, DOĞAN MAHMUT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Food Process Engineering - Doi: 10.1111/jfpe.12406 2017
A modeling approach in the interpretation of starch pasting properties PALABIYIK İBRAHİM, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, KARAMAN SAFA, YILDIZ ÖNDER Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Cereal Science - Doi: 10.1016/j.jcs.2017.02.008 2017
Oxidative stability of extra virgin olive oil blended with sesame seed oil during storage: an optimization study based on combined design methodology KAVUNCUOĞLU HATİCE, DURSUN ÇAPAR TUĞBA, KARAMAN SAFA, YALÇIN HASAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization - Doi: 10.1007/s11694-016-9384-2 2017
Utilization of fermented soybeans paste as flavoring lamination for Turkish dry-cured meat AHHMED ABDULATEF, ÖZCAN CEYDA, KARAMAN SAFA, ÖZTÜRK İSMET, ÇAM MUSTAFA, FAYEMI PETER OLUTEPE, KANEKO GEN, MUGURUMA MICHIO, SAKATA RYOICHI, YETİM HASAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Meat Science - Doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2016.12.011 2017
Production of deep-fried corn chips using stale bread powder: Effect of frying time, temperature and concentration YÜKSEL FERHAT, KARAMAN SAFA, Gürbüz Melek, HAYTA MEHMET, YALÇIN HASAN, DOĞAN MAHMUT, KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - LWT - Food Science and Technology - Doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2017.04.076 2017
Rheological Characterization of Binary Combination of <i>Gleditsia triacanthos<\/i> Gum and Tapioca Starch CENGİZ EBUBEKİR, KARAMAN SAFA, DOĞAN MAHMUT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - International Journal of Food Properties - Doi: 10.1080/10942912.2015.1063067 2016
Characterization of some bioactive compounds and physicochemical propertiesof grape varieties grown in Turkey: thermal degradation kinetics of anthocyanin KARASU SALİH, BAŞLAR MEHMET, KARAMAN SAFA, KILIÇLI MAHMUT, US AHMET ABDULLAH, YAMAN HASAN, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN Ulusal - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - TURKISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY - Doi: 10.3906/tar-1502-38 2016
Effects of some Food Juices and Additives on some Physicochemical, Textural, Color, Microbiological and Sensory Properties of Cemen Paste YETİM HASAN, EKİCİ LÜTFİYE, ÖZCAN CEYDA, ÖZTÜRK İSMET, TÖRNÜK FATİH, KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Food Processing and Preservation - Doi: 10.1111/jfpp.12950 2016
Change in major fatty acid composition of vegetable oil depending on phenolic incorporation and storage period TOKER ÖMER SAİD, ÖZTÜRK İSMET, KARAMAN SAFA, YALÇIN HASAN, KAYACIER AHMED, DOĞAN MAHMUT, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods - Doi: 10.3920/QAS2014.0499 2016
Rheological interactions of the xanthan gum and carboxymethyl cellulose as alternative to pectin in organic acid\sucrose model system: simplex lattice mixture design approach Özgür Aylin, DOĞAN MAHMUT, KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - European Food Research and Technology - Doi: 10.1007/s00217-016-2809-7 2016
Effect of apple fibre on textural and relaxation properties of wheat chips dough KARAMAN SAFA, YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, YÜKSEL FERHAT, KAYACIER AHMED, DOĞAN MAHMUT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods - Doi: 10.3920/QAS2015.0725 2016
Stress relaxation/creep compliance behaviour of kashar cheese: Scanning electron microscopy observations KARAMAN SAFA, YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, DOĞAN MAHMUT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - International Journal of Dairy Technology - Doi: 10.1111/1471-0307.12264 2016
Optimization of Formulation Ingredients and Aging Time for Ice Cream Processing Using Combined Design Approach CANIYILMAZ ERDAL, ATALAY BERRİN, KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Food Processing and Preservation - Doi: 10.1111/jfpp.12718 2016
Rheological characteristics of Salvia sclarea seed gum solutions at different hydration temperature levels: Application of three interval thixotropy test (3ITT) YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, KUTLU GÖZDE, TULUKCU ERAY, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN, KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - LWT - Food Science and Technology - Doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2016.03.043 2016
Investigation of fatty acid composition and trans fatty acid formation in extracted oils from French fried potatoes and classification of samples using chemometric approaches YILDIRIM ELİF,TOKER ÖMER SAİD,KARAMAN SAFA,KAYACIER AHMED,DOĞAN MAHMUT Ulusal - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry - Doi: 10.3906/tar-1403-126 2015
A mixture design study to determine interaction effects of wheat, buckwheat, and rice flours in an aqueous model system YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,YILDIZ ÖNDER,YURT BAYRAM,TOKER ÖMER SAİD,KARAMAN SAFA,BAŞTÜRK AYHAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - LWT - Food Science and Technology - Doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2014.11.045 2015
Three interval thixotropy test (3ITT) in food applications: A novel technique to determine structural regeneration of mayonnaise under different shear conditions TOKER ÖMER SAİD,KARASU SALİH,YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food Research International - Doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2015.02.002 2015
Exposure to Air Accelerates the Gelation of Gelatin: Steady and Dynamic Shear Rheological Characterization to See the Effect of Air on the Strength of Gelatin Gel KARAMAN SAFA,CENGİZ EBUBEKİR,KAYACIER AHMED,DOĞAN MAHMUT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - International Journal of Food Properties - Doi: 10.1080/10942912.2015.1012726 2015
Thermal loop test to determine structural changes and thermal stability of creamed honey: Rheological characterization KARASU SALİH,TOKER ÖMER SAİD,YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,KARAMAN SAFA,DERTLİ ENES Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Food Engineering - Doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2014.10.004 2015
Barley flour addition decreases the oil uptake of wheat chips during frying YÜKSEL FERHAT,KARAMAN SAFA,KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods - Doi: 10.3920/QAS2014.0472 2015
Recovery Potential of Cold Press Byproducts Obtained from the Edible Oil Industry: Physicochemical, Bioactive, and Antimicrobial Properties KARAMAN SAFA,KARASU SALİH,TÖRNÜK FATİH,TOKER ÖMER SAİD,GEÇGEL ÜMİT,SAĞDIÇ OSMAN,ÖZCAN NİHAT,GÜL OSMAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry - Doi: 10.1021/jf504390t 2015
Antioxidant and Textural Properties and Aroma and Fatty Acid Profile of Meatless Cig Kofte, a Special Food in Turkey, Produced by Industrial Processing ÖZTÜRK İSMET, KARAMAN SAFA, TAŞTEMUR BİLGE, TÖRNÜK FATİH, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN, KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Food Processing and Preservation - Doi: 10.1111/jfpp.12582 2015
Effects of black carrot concentrate on some physicochemical, textural, bioactive, aroma and sensory properties of sucuk, a traditional Turkish dry-fermented sausage EKİCİ LÜTFİYE,ÖZTÜRK İSMET,KARAMAN SAFA,ÖZNUR ÇALIŞKAN,TÖRNÜK FATİH,SAĞDIÇ OSMAN,YETİM HASAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - LWT - Food Science and Technology - Doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2014.12.025 2015
Steady, dynamic, creep/recovery, and textural properties of yoghurt/molasses blends: Temperature sweep tests and applicability of Cox\u2013Merz rule EROGLU ALİ, BAYRAMBAŞ KADİR, EROĞLU ZEYNEP, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, KARAMAN SAFA, DOĞAN MAHMUT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food Science and Technology International - Doi: 10.1177/1082013214566478 2015
A response surface methodology study on the effects of some phenolics and storage period length on vegetable oil quality change in oxidation stability parameters KARAMAN SAFA,TOKER ÖMER SAİD,ÖZTÜRK İSMET,YALÇIN HASAN,KAYACIER AHMED,DOĞAN MAHMUT,SAĞDIÇ OSMAN Ulusal - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry - Doi: 10.3906/tar-1403-98 2014
Steady, dynamic and creep rheological analysis as a novel approach to detect honey adulteration by fructose and saccharose syrups: Correlations with HPLC-RID results YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,TATLISU NEVRUZ BERNA,TOKER ÖMER SAİD,KARAMAN SAFA,DERTLİ ENES,SAĞDIÇ OSMAN,ARICI MUHAMMET Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food Research International - Doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2014.07.009 2014
Rheological and some Physicochemical Properties of Selected Hydrocolloids and their Interactions with Guar Gum: Characterization using Principal Component Analysis and Viscous Synergism Index KARAMAN SAFA,KESLER YUSUF,GÖKSEL SARAÇ MERYEM,DOĞAN MAHMUT,KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - International Journal of Food Properties - Doi: 10.1080/10942912.2012.675612 2014
Physicochemical, bioactive, and sensory properties of persimmon-based ice cream: Technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution to determine optimum concentration KARAMAN SAFA,TOKER ÖMER SAİD,YÜKSEL FERHAT,ÇAM MUSTAFA,KAYACIER AHMED,DOĞAN MAHMUT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Dairy Science - Doi: 10.3168/jds.2013-7111 2014
Simplex lattice mixture design approach on physicochemical and sensory properties of wheat chips enriched with different legume flours: An optimization study based on sensory properties KAYACIER AHMED,YÜKSEL FERHAT,KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - LWT - Food Science and Technology - Doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2014.03.032 2014
Bioactive and Physicochemical Properties of Persimmon as Affected by Drying Methods KARAMAN SAFA,TOKER ÖMER SAİD,ÇAM MUSTAFA,HAYTA MEHMET,DOĞAN MAHMUT,KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Drying Technology - Doi: 10.1080/07373937.2013.821480 2014
Enrichment of wheat chips with omega-3 fatty acid by flaxseed addition: Textural and some physicochemical properties YÜKSEL FERHAT,KARAMAN SAFA,KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food Chemistry - Doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.08.079 2014
Steady shear rheological characteristics of model system meat emulsions: Power law and exponential type models to describe effect of corn oil concentration KARAMAN SAFA,YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,KAYACIER AHMED,DOĞAN MAHMUT,YETİM HASAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Food Science and Technology - Doi: 10.1007/s13197-014-1434-3 2014
Response Surface Methodology Study for Optimization of Effects of Fiber Level Frying Temperature and Frying Time on Some Physicochemical Textural and Sensory Properties of Wheat Chips Enriched with Apple Fiber KAYACIER AHMED,YÜKSEL FERHAT,KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food and Bioprocess Technology - Doi: 10.1007/s11947-013-1096-6 2014
Proteins degradation value in cured meat product made from M Cutaneous omo brachialis muscle of bovine ABDULATEF MRGHNİ AHHMED,GEN KANEKO,HİDEKİ USHİO,KARAMAN SAFA,TOMO INOMATA,RYOİCHİ SAKATA,YETİM HASAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - European Food Research and Technology - Doi: 10.1007/s00217-013-2109-4 2014
Rheological and some physicochemical properties of probiotic boza beverage fermented with Lactobacillus casei Shirota application of principal component analysis for the characterisation TÖRNÜK FATİH,ÖZTÜRK İSMET,KARAMAN SAFA,SAĞDIÇ OSMAN,YETİM HASAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods - Doi: 10.3920/QAS2012.0231 2014
Physicochemical and rheological characteristics of alcohol free probiotic boza produced using Lactobacillus casei Shirota Estimation of apparent viscosity of boza using non linear modeling techniques ÖZTÜRK İSMET,KARAMAN SAFA,TÖRNÜK FATİH,SAĞDIÇ OSMAN Ulusal - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry - Doi: 10.3906/tar-1207-49 2013
Mathematical approach for two component modeling of salep\u2013starch mixtures using central composite rotatable design: Part I. Physicochemical and steady shear properties YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,KARAMAN SAFA,KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food Hydrocolloids - Doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2012.09.007 2013
Mathematical approach for two component modeling of salep\u2013starch mixtures using central composite rotatable design: Part II. Dynamic oscillatory shear properties and applicability of Cox\u2013Merz rule KARAMAN SAFA,YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food Hydrocolloids - Doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2012.10.002 2013
Quality characterization of artisanal and retail Turkish blossom honeys: Determination of physicochemical, microbiological, bioactive properties and aroma profile TÖRNÜK FATİH,KARAMAN SAFA,ÖZTÜRK İSMET,TOKER ÖMER SAİD,BİLGE TAŞTEMUR,SAĞDIÇ OSMAN,DOĞAN MAHMUT,KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Industrial Crops and Products - Doi: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2012.12.042 2013
Characterization of rheological interactions of Gleditsia triacanthos gum with some hydrocolloids: Effect of hydration temperature CENGİZ EBUBEKİR,DOĞAN MAHMUT,KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food Hydrocolloids - Doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2013.01.018 2013
Changes in physicochemical properties of proteins in Kayserian Pastirma made from the M. semimembranosus muscle of cows during traditional processing AHHMED ABDULATEF, KANEKO GEN, USHIO HIDEKI, INOMATA TOMO, YETİM HASAN, KARAMAN SAFA, MUGURUMA MICHIO, SAKATA RYOICHI Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food Science and Human Wellness - Doi: 10.1016/j.fshw.2013.03.001 2013
Aroma, Sugar and Anthocyanin Profile of Fruit and Seed of Mahlab (Prunus mahaleb L.): Optimization of Bioactive Compounds Extraction by Simplex Lattice Mixture Design ÖZTÜRK İSMET,KARAMAN SAFA,BAŞLAR MEHMET,ÇAM MUSTAFA,ÖZNUR ÇALIŞKAN,SAĞDIÇ OSMAN,YALÇIN HASAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food Analytical Methods - Doi: 10.1007/s12161-013-9679-4 2013
Steady Dynamic Creep and Recovery Analysis of Ice Cream Mixes Added with Different Concentrations of Xanthan Gum DOĞAN MAHMUT,KAYACIER AHMED,TOKER ÖMER SAİD,YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food and Bioprocess Technology - Doi: 10.1007/s11947-012-0872-z 2013
Pasting properties texture profile and stress relaxation behavior of wheat starch dietary fiber systems YILDIZ ÖNDER,YURT BAYRAM,BAŞTÜRK AYHAN,TOKER ÖMER SAİD,YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,KARAMAN SAFA,DAĞLIOĞLU ORHAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food Research International - Doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2013.04.018 2013
Dynamic Mechanical Spectra of Selected Turkish Honeys Construction of Predictive Models for Complex Viscosity Using Two Different Nonlinear Modeling Techniques KAYACIER AHMED,YÜKSEL FERHAT,KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - International Journal of Food Properties - Doi: 10.1080/10942912.2011.614985 2013
Adaptıve Neuro Fuzzy Inference System And Artıfıcıal Neural Network Estımatıon Of Apparent Vıscosıty Of Ice Cream Mıxes Stabılızed Wıth Dıfferent Concentratıons Of Xanthan Gum TOKER ÖMER SAİD,YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,KARAMAN SAFA,DOĞAN MAHMUT,KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Applied Rheology - Doi: 10.3933/ApplRheol-22-63918 2012
\u201cOptimization of Edible Oil Extraction from Ofada Rice Bran Using Response Surface Methodology\u201d by Akinoso, R. & Adeyanju, J.A. [Food and Bioprocess Technology 5 (2012) 1372\u20131378] TOKER ÖMER SAİD,YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,KARAMAN SAFA,DOĞAN MAHMUT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food and Bioprocess Technology - Doi: 10.1007/s11947-012-0908-4 2012
Linear creep and recovery analysis of ketchup\u2013processed cheese mixtures using mechanical simulation models as a function of temperature and concentration KARAMAN SAFA,YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,CANKURT HASAN,KAYACIER AHMED,SAĞDIÇ OSMAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food Research International - Doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2012.05.016 2012
Effect of ultrasound treatment on steady and dynamic shear properties of glucomannan based salep dispersions Optimization of amplitude level sonication time and temperature using response surface methodology KARAMAN SAFA,YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,ERTUGAY MUSTAFA FATİH,BAŞLAR MEHMET,KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Ultrasonics Sonochemistry - Doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2011.12.009 2012
Characterization of O/W model system meat emulsions using shear creep and creep recovery tests based on mechanical simulation models and their correlation with texture profile analysis (TPA) parameters YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,KARAMAN SAFA,DOĞAN MAHMUT,YETİM HASAN,KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Food Engineering - Doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2011.08.005 2012
Construction of Predictive Models to Describe Apparent and Complex Viscosity Values of O/W Model System Meat Emulsions Using Adaptive Neuro \u2013 Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,KARAMAN SAFA,KAYACIER AHMED,DOĞAN MAHMUT,YETİM HASAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food Biophysics - Doi: 10.1007/s11483-012-9271-2 2012
Temperature Dependency of Steady, Dynamic, and Creep-Recovery Rheological Properties of Ice Cream Mix TOKER ÖMER SAİD,KARAMAN SAFA,YÜKSEL FERHAT,DOĞAN MAHMUT,KAYACIER AHMED,YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food and Bioprocess Technology - Doi: 10.1007/s11947-012-1005-4 2012
Evaluation of Antioxidant Efficiency of Potato and Orange Peel and Apple Pomace Extracts in Sunflower Oil YALÇIN HASAN,KARAMAN SAFA,ÖZTÜRK İSMET Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCOPUS - Özgün Makale - Italian Journal of Food Science 2011
Steady and dynamic oscillatory shear rheological properties of ketchup\u2013processed cheese mixtures: Effect of temperature and concentration YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,KARAMAN SAFA,CANKURT HASAN,KAYACIER AHMED,SAĞDIÇ OSMAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Food Engineering - Doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2010.10.016 2011
Simplex lattice mixture design approach on the rheological behavior of glucomannan based salep-honey drink mixtures: An optimization study based on the sensory properties KARAMAN SAFA,YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food Hydrocolloids - Doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2010.12.007 2011
Rheology of Ice Cream Mix Flavored with Black Tea or Herbal Teas and Effect of Flavoring on the Sensory Properties of Ice Cream KARAMAN SAFA,KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Food and Bioprocess Technology - Doi: 10.1007/s11947-011-0713-5 2011
Effect of temperature on rheological characteristics of molasses Modeling of apparent viscosity using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System ANFIS KARAMAN SAFA,KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - LWT - Food Science and Technology - Doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2011.03.004 2011
Comparison of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and artificial neural networks for estimation of oxidation parameters of sunflower oil added with some natural byproduct extracts KARAMAN SAFA,ÖZTÜRK İSMET,YALÇIN HASAN,KAYACIER AHMED,SAĞDIÇ OSMAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture - Doi: 10.1002/jsfa.4540 2011
Prediction of Effect of Natural Antioxidant Compounds on Hazelnut Oil Oxidation by Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System and Artificial Neural Network YALÇIN HASAN,ÖZTÜRK İSMET,KARAMAN SAFA,KİŞİ ÖZGÜR,KAYACIER AHMED,SAĞDIÇ OSMAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Food Science - Doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2011.02139.x 2011
Dynamic oscillatory shear properties of O W model system meat emulsions Linear viscoelastic analysis for effect of temperature and oil concentration on protein network formation KARAMAN SAFA,YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN,DOĞAN MAHMUT,YETİM HASAN,KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Food Engineering - Doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2011.06.016 2011
Evaluation of <i>Listeria monocytogenes<\/i> Survival in Ice Cream Mixes Flavored with Herbal Tea Using Taguchi Method ÖZTÜRK İSMET,GÖLEÇ ADEM,KARAMAN SAFA,SAĞDIÇ OSMAN,KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Foodborne Pathogens and Disease - Doi: 10.1089/fpd.2010.0586 2010
RHEOLOGICAL AND SOME PHYSICOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SELECTED TURKISH HONEYS KAYACIER AHMED,KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Texture Studies - Doi: 10.1111/j.1745-4603.2007.00127.x 2008
Psyllium, Properties and Uses CUNEYDI ASMAA,KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (29.07.2024 - 31.07.2024) - 2nd International Palestra Scientific Research Congress
Comparison of cold pressed black cumin seed oil and macerated St John's wort oil in terms of some quality parameters AKTAŞ MEHMET,KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (26.06.2024 - 28.06.2024) - 5th International Eurasian Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology
Combined Effects of Different Cellulose Derivatives and Psyllium on Texture Profile Analysis of Gluten Free Bread CUNEYDI ASMAA,OSKAYBAŞ EMLEK BETÜL,KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (29.05.2024 - 31.05.2024) - 12th International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress
Çölyak Hastalığı, Etkileri Ve Glutensiz Beslenme BAL BEYZA,KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (15.05.2024 - ) - Uluslararası Tarım Bilimlerinde Multidisipliner Yaklaşımlar Kongresi
Nutrient Production by 3D Printing Technology and Recent Advances ESEN ESRA, KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (24.06.2023 - ) - 8th International New York Academic Research Congress on Life, Engineering and Applied Sciences
Production of tincture by hydroalcoholic extraction from milk thistle seed and modeling of production conditions KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (17.10.2022 - 18.10.2022) - HAGIA SOPHIA 5. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC STUDIES
Determination of the effect of liquid/solid ratio and ethanol concentration on total phenolic content in the production of cherry stalk tincture by response surface methodology KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (15.10.2022 - 17.10.2022) - 11TH INTERNATIONAL ISTANBUL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CONGRESS
Comparison of different cold pressed seed oils in terms of some physicochemical properties, bioactivity and fatty acid composition KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (06.10.2022 - 07.10.2022) - 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD TECHNOLOGIES
Utilization of Soy and Cranberry Flour in Dough Textural and Pasting Propertiesof Dough YÜKSEL FERHAT, KARAMAN SAFA, KAHRAMAN KEVSER Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (02.11.2016 - ) - THE FOOD FACTOR BARCELONA CONFERENCE
Impact of γ-irradiation on Pasting Properties of Pea Starch ÇAVUŞ MUSTAFA, GÜMÜŞ TUNCAY, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, YILDIZ ÖNDER, KARAMAN SAFA, PALABIYIK İBRAHİM, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (18.04.2016 - 19.04.2016) - 15TH INTERNATIONAL CEREAL AND BREAD CONGRESS
Textural and Pasting Properties of Wheat Flour Doughs Enriched With Buckwheat andCoconut Flours YÜKSEL FERHAT, KAHRAMAN KEVSER, KARAMAN SAFA, CAMPANELLA OSWALDO Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (18.04.2016 - ) - 15TH INTERNATIONAL CEREAL AND BREAD CONGRESS
Change in Some Nutritional Characteristics of Legume Based Flour Mixtures After Cooking KAHRAMAN KEVSER, YÜKSEL FERHAT, KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (18.04.2016 - ) - 15TH INTERNATIONAL CEREAL AND BREAD CONGRESS
Biodiversity of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Turkish Sourdough and Genotypic Determination of their Exopolysaccharide (EPS) Production Characteristics DERTLİ ENES, MERCAN EMİN, KARAMAN SAFA, ARICI MUHAMMET, YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (01.10.2015 - ) - THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON “TRADITIONAL FOODS FROM ADRIATIC TO CAUCASUS
Farklı unlardan (ekmeklik, tam buğday ve siyez) elde edilen hamurların Tekstür Profil Analizleri (TPA) ve renk değerlerinin belirlenmesi YÜKSEL FERHAT, KARAMAN SAFA, KAYACIER AHMED Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (28.04.2015 - 29.04.2015) - 2. İÇ ANADOLU BÖLGESİ TARIM VE GIDA KONGRESİ
Farklı soğuk pres yağ atıklarının fizikokimyasal özellikleri TOKER ÖMER SAİD, KARAMAN SAFA, KARASU SALİH, TÖRNÜK FATİH, GEÇGEL ÜMİT, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN, GÜL OSMAN, ÖZCAN NİHAT Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (28.04.2015 - ) - 2. İÇ ANADOLU BÖLGESİ TARIM VE GIDA KONGRESİ
Steady and time dependent rheological properties of Salvia gum YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN, ÖZÇELİK GAMZE, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, KARAMAN SAFA, TULUKCU ERAY Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (15.10.2014 - ) - 1ST CONGRESS ON FOOD STRUCTURE DESIGN
Viscoelastic rheological properties of Salvia gum YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN, ÖZÇELİK GÖZDE, KARAMAN SAFA, TULUKCU ERAY Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (15.10.2014 - ) - 1ST CONGRESS ON FOOD STRUCTURE DESIGN
Chemical and functional properties of cold press oil by-products TOKER ÖMER SAİD, KARAMAN SAFA, KARASU SALİH, TÖRNÜK FATİH, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN, GEÇGEL ÜMİT, GÜL OSMAN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (22.09.2014 - ) - INTERNATIONAL MESOPOTAMIA AGRICULTURE CONGRESS
Üzüm, ceviz, badem ve nardan elde edilen soğuk pres yağ atıklarının antibakteriyel etkilerinin belirlenmesi TÖRNÜK FATİH, KARAMAN SAFA, KARASU SALİH, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN, GEÇGEL ÜMİT, ÖZCAN NİHAT, GÜL OSMAN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (22.09.2014 - ) - INTERNATIONAL MESOPOTAMIA AGRICULTURE CONGRESS
The distinctiveness of quality parameters and marbling value in sucuk (sudjuk) AHHMED ABDULATEF, ÖZCAN CEYDA, KARAMAN SAFA, BILGEN MEHMET, YETİM HASAN, SAKATA RYOICHI Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (10.06.2014 - ) - FOOMA JAPAN, INTERNATIONAL FOOD MACHINERY AND TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITION
Depolymerization of glucomannan based salep biopolymer with pullulanase: Optimization of processing variables using response surface methodology KARAMAN SAFA, KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (26.05.2014 - ) - INTERNATIONAL FOOD CONGRESS NOVEL APPROACHES IN FOOD INDUSTRY
Effects of stale bread flour on some physicochemical, sensory properties and textural characteristics of wheat chips YÜKSEL FERHAT, GÜRBÜZ MELEK, KARAMAN SAFA, KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (26.05.2014 - ) - INTERNATIONAL FOOD CONGRESS NOVEL APPROACHES IN FOOD INDUSTRY
Effects of incorporation of pomegranate peel phenolics into ice cream ERDOĞAN FATMA, DİNÇ MERVE, ASLAN TÜRKER DUYGU, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, KARAMAN SAFA, ÇAM MUSTAFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (26.05.2014 - ) - INTERNATIONAL FOOD CONGRESS NOVEL APPROACHES IN FOOD INDUSTRY
Pomegranate seed oil: Shelf life prediction, microencapsulation and utilization in ice cream production ÇAM MUSTAFA, ERDOĞAN FATMA, ASLAN TÜRKER DUYGU, DİNÇ MERVE, KARAMAN SAFA, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, YALÇIN HASAN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (26.05.2014 - ) - INTERNATIONAL FOOD CONGRESS, NOVEL APPROACHES IN FOOD INDUSTRY
Farklı kızartma sıcaklık ve süresinin geleneksel Kahramanmaraş tarhanasının renk ve tesktürel özellikleri üzerine etkisi GÜRBÜZ MELEK, YÜKSEL FERHAT, KARAMAN SAFA, KAYACIER AHMED Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (17.04.2014 - ) - 4. GELENEKSEL GIDALAR SEMPOZYUMU
Hurma marmeladının fizikokimyasal, biyoaktif ve reolojik açıdan karakterizasyonu GÜRBÜZ MELEK, KARAMAN SAFA, YÜKSEL FERHAT, KAYACIER AHMED Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (17.04.2014 - ) - 4. GELENEKSEL GIDALAR SEMPOZYUMU
Geleneksel Kahramanmaraş tarhanasının biyoaktif özelliklerinin araştırılması GÜRBÜZ MELEK, KARAMAN SAFA, YÜKSEL FERHAT, KAYACIER AHMED Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (17.04.2014 - ) - 4. GELENEKSEL GIDALAR SEMPOZYUMU
Rheological characterization of creamed honey KARASU SALİH, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (08.04.2014 - ) - 9TH ANNUAL EUROPEAN RHEOLOGY CONFERENCE
Detection of honey adulteration by fructose and saccharose syrups using steady, dynamic and creep rheological analysis TATLISU NEVRUZ BERNA, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, KARAMAN SAFA, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN, ARICI MUHAMMET Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (08.04.2014 - ) - 9TH ANNUAL EUROPEAN RHEOLOGY CONFERENCE
Time dependent viscosity profile of ˙incir uyutması dessert: Effect of fig concentration EROGLU ALİ, KARAMAN SAFA, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, EROĞLU ZEYNEP, DOĞAN MAHMUT Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (08.04.2014 - ) - 9TH ANNUAL EUROPEAN RHEOLOGY CONFERENCE
Steady shear rheological properties and textural characteristics of yoghurt/molasses blends EROGLU ALİ, BAYRAMBAŞ KADİR, EROĞLU ZEYNEP, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, KARAMAN SAFA, DOĞAN MAHMUT Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (08.04.2014 - ) - 9TH ANNUAL EUROPEAN RHEOLOGY CONFERENCE
Interaction between hydrocolloids used in model system jam production: Simplex Lattice Mixture Design approach to optimize the rheological parameters ÖZGÜR AYLİN, DOĞAN MAHMUT, KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (08.04.2014 - ) - 9TH ANNUAL EUROPEAN RHEOLOGY CONFERENCE
Effect of waiting period on gel strength of gelatin solution: Steady shear rheological characterization during gelation KARAMAN SAFA, CENGİZ EBUBEKİR, KAYACIER AHMED, DOĞAN MAHMUT Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (08.04.2014 - ) - 9TH ANNUAL EUROPEAN RHEOLOGY CONFERENCE
Jelatinin jel kuvveti üzerine havanın etkisi KARAMAN SAFA, CENGİZ EBUBEKİR, KAYACIER AHMED, DOĞAN MAHMUT Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (12.11.2013 - ) - TÜRKİYE GIDA DERNEKLERİ FEDERASYONU GIDA KONGRESİ
Rheological and some physicochemical characteristics of traditional salep beverage sweetened with grape molasses (Pekmez) KARAMAN SAFA, YÜKSEL FERHAT, KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (24.10.2013 - ) - THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TRADITIONAL FOODS FROM ADRIATIC TO CAUCAUSS
Effect of different flour formulations on texture profile and stress relaxation parameters of Turkish bagel (Simit) dough. YÜKSEL FERHAT, KARAMAN SAFA, GÜRBÜZ MELEK, KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (24.10.2013 - ) - THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TRADITIONAL FOODS FROM ADRIATIC TO CAUCAUSS
Enrichment of traditional home made noodle with apple fiber: Physicochemical and textural properties YÜKSEL FERHAT, GÜRBÜZ MELEK, KARAMAN SAFA, KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (24.10.2013 - ) - THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TRADITIONAL FOODS FROM ADRIATIC TO CAUCAUSS
Siyah çay ile aromatize edilmiş dondurma miksinin fizikokimyasal ve reolojik özellikleri KARAMAN SAFA, YÜKSEL FERHAT, KAYACIER AHMED Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (02.10.2013 - ) - İÇ ANADOLU BÖLGESİ 1. TARIM VE GIDA KONGRESİ
Diversity in meat textural and quality parameters of dromedary camel AHHMED ABDULATEF, KARAMAN SAFA, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, KANEKO GEN, USHIO HIDEKI, SAKATA RYOICHI, ÇAM MUSTAFA, YETİM HASAN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (18.08.2013 - ) - 59TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MEAT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ICOMST)
Improvements in functional properties of dry cured meat using fermented soy paste AHHMED ABDULATEF, ÖZCAN CEYDA, KARAMAN SAFA, ÖZTÜRK İSMET, BİLGEN MUSTAFA, KANEKO GEN, USHIO HIDEKI, SAKATA RYOICHI, YETİM HASAN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (17.08.2013 - ) - 60TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MEAT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ICoMST)
Processing Development of Turkish Cured Meat Products by a combination of traditional and modern methods: Pastirma production system AHHMED ABDULATEF, ÖZTÜRK İSMET, DAŞKIN PINAR, TÖRNÜK FATİH, KARAMAN SAFA, YETİM HASAN Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (11.06.2013 - ) - FOOMA JAPAN, INTERNATIONAL FOOD MACHINERY AND TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITION
Elma lifi ilavesinin buğday cipsi hamurunun gerilim gevşemesi karakteristiği üzerine etkisi KARAMAN SAFA, YÜKSEL FERHAT, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, DOĞAN MAHMUT, KAYACIER AHMED Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (10.10.2012 - ) - 11. GIDA KONGRESİ
Pekmez ve tahin karışım modelinin viskoelastik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi DOĞAN MAHMUT, TATLISU NEVRUZ BERNA, KARAMAN SAFA, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, KAYACIER AHMED Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (10.10.2012 - ) - TÜRKİYE 11. GIDA KONGRESİ
Arpa unu ilaveli buğday cipsinin bazı tekstürel ve fizikokimyasal özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. YÜKSEL FERHAT, KAYACIER AHMED, KARAMAN SAFA Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (10.10.2012 - ) - TÜRKİYE 11. GIDA KONGRESİ
Kaşar peynirine uygulanan farklı gerilim uygulamalarının ürünün viskoelastik özellikleri üzerine etkisi TOKER ÖMER SAİD, KARAMAN SAFA, DOĞAN MAHMUT, YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, KAYACIER AHMED Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (10.10.2012 - ) - TÜRKİYE 11. GIDA KONGRESİ
Kayseri'de tüketilen etsiz çiğ köftelerdeki uçucu aromatik bileşenlerin belirlenmesi ÖZTÜRK İSMET, KARAMAN SAFA, TAŞTEMUR BİLGE, TÖRNÜK FATİH, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN, KAYACIER AHMED Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (10.10.2012 - ) - TÜRKİYE 11. GIDA KONGRESİ
Influences of the traditional cured meat-making process on the muscle proteins in M.latissimus dorsi of bovine. Part III. INOMATA TOMO, MUGURUMA MICHIO, AHHMED ABDULATEF, KAWAHARA SATOSHI, KARAMAN SAFA, DAŞKIN PINAR, YETİM HASAN, SAKATA RYOICHI Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (12.08.2012 - ) - 58TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MEAT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
Effect of xanthan gum and aging time on dynamic oscillatory shear and creep-recovery properties of ice cream mixes studied by response surface methodology DOĞAN MAHMUT, KAYACIER AHMED, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (14.05.2012 - ) - 11TH INTERNATIONAL HYDROCOLLOIDS CONFERENCE
Simplex lattice mixture design approach for the production of wheat chips enriched with different legume flours: Optimization of textural characteristics. YÜKSEL FERHAT, KARAMAN SAFA, KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (10.04.2012 - 13.04.2012) - 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FOOD RHEOLOGY AND STRUCTURE
Creep and recovery properties of ice cream mixes as influenced by different temperature levels TOKER ÖMER SAİD, KARAMAN SAFA, YÜKSEL FERHAT, DOĞAN MAHMUT, KAYACIER AHMED, YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (10.04.2012 - ) - 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FOOD RHEOLOGY AND STRUCTURE
Physicochemical, sensorial and textural characteristics of ice cream enriched with persimmon puree KARAMAN SAFA, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, YÜKSEL FERHAT, KAYACIER AHMED, DOĞAN MAHMUT Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (10.04.2012 - ) - 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FOOD RHEOLOGY AND STRUCTURE
Modeling of apparent viscosity of ice cream mix stabilized with xanthan gum using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system DOĞAN MAHMUT, KAYACIER AHMED, TOKER ÖMER SAİD, YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (10.04.2012 - ) - 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FOOD RHEOLOGY AND STRUCTURE
Some Physicochemical and microbiological quality characteristics of Turkish honeys TÖRNÜK FATİH, ÖZTÜRK İSMET, KARAMAN SAFA, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (22.02.2012 - ) - THE FIRST TURKISH CONGRESS, EXPO AND WORKSHOPS ON HONEY AND HONEYBEE PRODUCTS
Response surface methodological study on rheological properties ice cream mixes: effect of gum concentration and ageing time TOKER ÖMER SAİD, DOĞAN MAHMUT, YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN, KARAMAN SAFA, KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (12.10.2011 - ) - 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON FOOD AND NUTRITION
Response surface methodology study for textural and some physicochemical characteristics of wheat chips enriched with flaxseed KAYACIER AHMED, YÜKSEL FERHAT, KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (12.10.2011 - ) - 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON FOOD AND NUTRITION
Physicochemical and sensory properties of wheat chips enriched with apple fiber: Optimization of fiber level, frying temperature and frying time using response surface methodology YÜKSEL FERHAT, KARAMAN SAFA, KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (12.10.2011 - ) - 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON FOOD AND NUTRITION
Construction of predictive models for the estimation of rheological parameters of model molasses system using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) KARAMAN SAFA, KAYACIER AHMED, YILMAZ MUSTAFA TAHSİN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (26.05.2011 - ) - INTERNATIONAL FOOD CONGRESS, NOVEL APPROACHES IN FOOD INDUSTRY
Probiotic boza production with lactic acid bacteria and its sensorial, physicochemical and rheological properties TÖRNÜK FATİH, ÖZTÜRK İSMET, KARAMAN SAFA, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN, YETİM HASAN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (18.04.2011 - ) - 6 TH CIGR SECTİON VI INTERNATİONAL SYMPOSİUM
Rheological and some physicochemical properties of foam halva, a traditional dessert KARAMAN SAFA, KARAMAN KEVSER, KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (15.04.2010 - ) - FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON TRADITIONAL FOOD FROM ADRIATIC TO CAUCAUSS
Fitatlar ve sağlık üzerine etkileri KARAMAN SAFA, KAYACIER AHMED Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (06.11.2009 - ) - II. GELENEKSEL GIDALAR SEMPOZYUMU
Rheological properties of salep drink flavored with cacao powder. KARAMAN SAFA, KAYACIER AHMED Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (23.10.2009 - ) - FOOD SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGIES
Reduction of acrylamide formation in cereal products HAYTA MEHMET, KAYACIER AHMED, KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (23.10.2009 - ) - FOOD SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGIES
Geleneksel olarak üretilen nar ekşisi ile nar sosunun bazı fizikokimyasal özellikler bakımından karşılaştırılması KARAMAN SAFA, KAYACIER AHMED Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (27.05.2009 - ) - II. GELENEKSEL GIDALAR SEMPOZYUMU
Kayseri piyasasında satılan mantıların bazı mikrobiyolojik özellikleri ÖZTÜRK İSMET, KARAMAN SAFA, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN, KAYACIER AHMED, YETİM HASAN Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (27.05.2009 - ) - II. GELENEKSEL GIDALAR SEMPOZYUMU
Geleneksel olarak üretilen kuşburnu (Rosa canina L.) marmeladının reolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi DOĞAN MAHMUT, KAYACIER AHMED, KESLER YUSUF, KARAMAN SAFA Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (27.05.2009 - ) - II. GELENEKSEL GIDALAR SEMPOZYUMU
Salep içeceğinde kullanılan hidrokolloidlerin ürünün reolojik özellikleri bakımından etkileşimi KARAMAN SAFA, KAYACIER AHMED Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (21.05.2009 - ) - PAMUKKALE SÜT VE SÜT ÜRÜNLERİ SEMPOZYUMU
Bitki çayı ilaveli dondurma mikslerinde Listeria monocytogenes'in canlılığı KARAMAN SAFA, ÖZTÜRK İSMET, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN, KAYACIER AHMED Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (21.05.2009 - ) - PAMUKKALE SÜT VE SÜT ÜRÜNLERİ SEMPOZYUMU
Üç farklı bitki çayı ile demlenen sütün fizikokimyasal ve duyusal özellikleri KARAMAN SAFA, ÖZTÜRK İSMET, SAĞDIÇ OSMAN, KAYACIER AHMED Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (21.05.2009 - ) - PAMUKKALE SÜT VE SÜT ÜRÜNLERİ SEMPOZYUMU
Guar ve karob gamın ayranın reolojik özellikleri üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi KÖK MEHMET ŞAMİL, KAYACIER AHMED, KARAMAN SAFA Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (21.05.2009 - ) - PAMUKKALE SÜT VE SÜT ÜRÜNLERİ SEMPOZYUMU
Balların reolojik karakterizasyonu KAYACIER AHMED, KARAMAN SAFA Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (21.05.2008 - ) - TÜRKİYE 10. GIDA KONGRESİ
Mesir macununun reolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi KARAMAN SAFA, KESLER YUSUF, KAYACIER AHMED, DOĞAN MAHMUT Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (21.05.2008 - ) - TÜRKİYE 10. GIDA KONGRESİ
Kayısı ve andız pekmezlerinin reolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi KAYACIER AHMED, KARAMAN SAFA Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (21.05.2008 - ) - TÜRKİYE 10. GIDA KONGRESİ
Kan basıncını düşürücü süt kaynaklı peptitler KESLER YUSUF, DOĞAN MAHMUT, KARAMAN SAFA, KAYACIER AHMED Ulusal - Tam metin bildiri - (21.05.2008 - ) - TÜRKİYE 10. GIDA KONGRESİ
Ekstrüzyon prosesi ile gıdaların tekstürizasyonu KESLER YUSUF, KARAMAN SAFA, DOĞAN MAHMUT, KAYACIER AHMED Ulusal - Tam metin bildiri - (21.05.2008 - ) - TÜRKİYE 10. GIDA KONGRESİ
International Current Research on Agriculture and Food Technologies KARAMAN SAFA Uluslararası - Kitap Bölümü - Bölüm Adı:COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT COLD PRESSED SEED OILS IN TERMS OF SOME PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES, BIOACTIVITY AND FATTY ACID COMPOSITION - Bilimsel Kitap - Yayın Evi:Akademisyen Yayınevi - Basım Sayısı:1 - Sayfa Sayısı:187 - ISBN:978-625-6965-45-4 - (Bölüm Sayfaları:99 - 106) 2022