Eğitim Bilgileri
Doktora University of Manchester Yoğun Madde Fiziği Tez adı : Microscopy and spectroscopy of graphene: Atomic scale structure and interaction with foreign atom species 2010-2013
Yüksek Lisans ÇUKUROVA ÜNİVERSİTESİ FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ/FİZİK (YL) (TEZLİ)/ Tez adı : Bi2-xTbxPbxSr2Ca3Cu4Oy süperiletken malzemesine tb katkısının etkileri 2002-2006
Akademik Unvanlar
ARAŞTIRMA GÖREVLİSİ The University of Manchester/Engineering and Physical Sciences/School of Materials - Research Associate 2012-2014
ARAŞTIRMA GÖREVLİSİ The University of Manchester/Engineering and Physical Sciences/School of Materials 2011-2012
Yönetilen Tezler
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ALİ ALTUNTEPE Yüksek Lisans Katkılı grafen sentezi ve karakterizasyonu 2019
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ARAŞTIRMA PROJESİ Tamamlandı Advanced Electron Microscopy of Two Dimensional Materials (07.12.2012-31.01.2014)
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ARAŞTIRMA PROJESİ Tamamlandı Adatoms and defects in graphene (01.02.2010-01.08.2013)
İdari Görevler
Enstitü Müdür Yardımcısı NİĞDE ÖMER HALİSDEMİR ÜNİVERSİTESİ 2022-2023
Arş. Uyg. Merkezi Müdür Yardımcısı NİĞDE ÖMER HALİSDEMİR ÜNİVERSİTESİ 2020-2022
Conference Registration Grant (EMC 2012) Royal Society of Microscopy Sivil Toplum Kuruluşu, İNGİLTERE 2012
BAGEP - Bilim Akademisi Genç Bilim İnsanları Ödülü Bilim Akademisi Sivil Toplum Kuruluşu, TÜRKİYE 2015
FABED - Eser Tümen Üstün Başarı Ödülü Feyzi Akkaya Bilimsel Etkinlikleri Destekleme Fonu Sivil Toplum Kuruluşu, TÜRKİYE 2015
2015 Lindau Nobel Bilim İnsanları Toplantısı Türkiye Delegasyonu Kamu, TÜRKİYE 2015
ABTA Doctoral Researcher Awards-3rd place Association of British Turkish Academics (ABTA) Sivil Toplum Kuruluşu, İNGİLTERE 2012
Conference Travel Grant (Graphene Week 2012) Institute of Physics Sivil Toplum Kuruluşu, İNGİLTERE 2012
Conference Travel Grant (Graphene2012) Phantom Foundation Sivil Toplum Kuruluşu, İSPANYA 2012
Niğde'nin Enleri Niğde Gazeteciler Cemiyeti Sivil Toplum Kuruluşu, TÜRKİYE 2016
Yayin Tesvik Kamu, TÜRKİYE 2015
Yayin Tesvik Kamu, TÜRKİYE 2016
Yurt Dışı Lisansüstü Eğitim Bursu Kamu, TÜRKİYE 2008
TÜBA - Üstün Başarılı Genç Bilim İnsanı Ödülü (GEBİP) Kamu, TÜRKİYE 2015
Makale Performans Üniversite, TÜRKİYE 2021
Öncelikli Alana Katkı - Nanoteknoloji Üniversite, TÜRKİYE 2021
Fabrication of CZTS Thin Film on Flexible Cu-Foil Substrate by Two-Stage Process OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - DOAJ - Özgün Makale - Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi - Doi: 10.28948/ngumuh.1462925 2024
Synthesis of graphite/rGO-modified fungal hyphae for chromium (VI) bioremediation process MADENLİ ÖZGECAN,AKARSU CEYHUN,ADIGÜZEL ALİ OSMAN,ALTUNTEPE ALİ,ZAN RECEP,DEVECİ ECE ÜMMÜ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Environmental Technology - Doi: 10.1080/09593330.2022.2128892 2024
Potassium doping of sputtered MoS2 films by CVD method ALTUNTEPE ALİ,Erkan Serkan,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,TOPLU GÜLDÖNE,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics - Doi: 10.1007/s10854-023-11802-y 2024
Investigating surface area and hydrogen pressure effects on LiH and NaH ALTUNTEPE ALİ,Erkan Serkan,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,ÇELİK SELAHATTİN,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Solid State Chemistry - Doi: 10.1016/j.jssc.2023.124483 2024
Hydrogen storage capacity of two-dimensional MoS2 ALTUNTEPE ALİ,Erkan Serkan,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,ÇELİK SELAHATTİN,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - International Journal of Hydrogen Energy - Doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.12.120 2024
Nitrogen doped single layer graphene for CZTS-based thin film solar cells OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Erkan Serkan,ALTUNTEPE ALİ,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Optical Materials - Doi: 10.1016/j.optmat.2024.115167 2024
Improved CZTSe solar cell efficiency via silver and germanium alloying ATASOY YAVUZ,BACAKSIZ EMİN,ÇİRİŞ ALİ,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,ZAN RECEP,Al-dala Ali Ahmed M.J.,KÜÇÜKÖMEROĞLU TAYFUR,Başol Bülent M. Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Solar Energy - Doi: 10.1016/j.solener.2023.112247 2024
Performance of Si-based solar cell utilizing optimized Al-doped ZnO films as TCO layer ALTUNTEPE ALİ, Erkan Serkan, HASRET ONUR, Yagmyrov Atajan, YAZICI DUYGU, TOMAKİN MURAT, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Doi: 10.1007/s10854-022-09557-z 2023
Enhanced photovoltaic performance of silicon-based solar cell through optimization of Ga-doped ZnO layer Erkan Serkan, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, YAZICI DUYGU, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - IOP Publishing - Doi: 10.1088/1402-4896/acf68f 2023
Optimizing the thermophysical properties and combustion performance of biodiesel by graphite and reduced graphene oxide nanoparticle fuel additive BAYINDIRLI CİHAN, ÇELİK MEHMET, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Elsevier BV - Doi: 10.1016/j.jestch.2022.101295 2023
Impact of the ZnS layer position in a stacked precursor film on the properties of CZTS films grown on flexible molybdenum substrates Yagmyrov Atajan, Erkan Serkan, BAŞOL M. BÜLENT, ZAN RECEP, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Elsevier BV - Doi: 10.1016/j.optmat.2022.113423 2023
Effect of reduced graphene oxide addition on cathode functional layer performance in solid oxide fuel cells TİMURKUTLUK ÇİĞDEM, ZAN RECEP, TİMURKUTLUK BORA, TORUNTAY FURKAN, ÖNBİLGİN SEZER, HASRET ONUR, ALTUNTEPE ALİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Elsevier BV - Doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.11.082 2023
Synthesis of MoS2 Thin Films Using the Two-step Approach ERKAN SERKAN, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, ZAN RECEP Ulusal - Hakemli - TR DİZİN - Özgün Makale - Omer Halisdemir Universitesi - Doi: 10.28948/ngumuh.1184705 2023
Dependence of CZTS thin film properties and photovoltaic performance on heating rate and sulfurization time OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, Erkan Serkan, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Elsevier BV - Doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.171283 2023
Triethylborane as Single Boron and Carbon Source Toward Stable and Homogeneous Boron Doped Graphene ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - physica status solidi (a) - Doi: 10.1002/pssa.202100540 2022
Integration of graphene with GZO as TCO layer and its impact on solar cell performance ZAN RECEP, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, SEYHAN AYŞE, TURAN RAŞİT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Renewable Energy - Doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2021.09.101 2022
Nitrojen Katkılı Grafen Film Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu ZAN RECEP, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, ERKAN SERKAN, SEYHAN AYŞE Ulusal - Hakemli - TR DİZİN - Özgün Makale - Journal of Polytechnic - Doi: 10.2339/politeknik.830591 2022
Integration of single layer graphene into CZTS thin film solar cells ERKAN SERKAN, Yagmyrov Atajan, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, ZAN RECEP, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Alloys and Compounds - Doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.166041 2022
Fabrication of Nanoporous Platinum Films with Dealloying Method for Hydrogen Sensor Application ŞENER MELİKE, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, ZAN RECEP, KILINÇ NECMETTİN Uluslararası - Hakemli - Scopus - Özgün Makale - Engineering Proceedings - Doi: 10.3390/ecsa-9-13317 2022
The effect of reduced graphene oxide addition on methane production from municipal organic solid waste GÖKÇEK ÖZNUR BEGÜM, Muratçobanoğlu Fatma, MURATÇOBANOĞLU HAMDİ, UÇAR DENİZ, Mert Ruhullah Ali, Yıldırım Bilal, ZAN RECEP, DEMİREL SEVGİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology - Doi: 10.1002/jctb.6835 2021
Nikel Folyo Üzerinde Büyüme Süresi ve Metan Akışının Grafen Sentezi Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi BOZKAYA MERYEM, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, ATEŞ HAKAN, ZAN RECEP Ulusal - Hakemli - TR DİZİN - Özgün Makale - Journal of Polytechnic - Doi: 10.2339/politeknik.869535 2021
Substitutional boron doping of graphene using diborane in CVD ZAN RECEP, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, ERKEN SERKAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures - Doi: 10.1016/j.physe.2021.114629 2021
Permanent Boron Doped Graphene with high Homogeneity using Phenylboronic Acid ZAN RECEP, ALTUNTEPE ALİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Molecular Structure - Doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2020.129629 2021
Impact of in/ex situ annealing and reaction temperature on structural, optical and electrical properties of SnS thin films OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, ÇİRİŞ ALİ, TOMAKİN MURAT, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Molecular Structure - Doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2021.130631 2021
The impact of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) supplementation on cattle manure anaerobic digestion: Focusing on process performance and microbial syntrophy MURATÇOBANOĞLU HAMDİ, GÖKÇEK ÖZNUR BEGÜM, Mert Ruhullah Ali, ZAN RECEP, DEMİREL SEVGİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Biochemical Engineering Journal - Doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2021.108080 2021
Symmetry of diffraction patterns of two-dimensional crystal structures Latychevskaia Tatiana, ZAN RECEP, Novoselov Konstantin S., Morozov Sergey Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Ultramicroscopy - Doi: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2021.113336 2021
Impact of stacking order and annealing temperature on properties of CZTS thin films and solar cell performance OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, Sarp Ogün, SEYHAN AYŞE, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Renewable Energy - Doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2021.08.023 2021
Hybrid transparent conductive electrode structure for solar cell application ALTUNTEPE ALİ, ERKAN SERKAN, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, HASRET ONUR, KEÇECİ AHMET EMİN, KÖKBUDAK GAMZE, TOMAKİN MURAT, SEYHAN AYŞE, TURAN RAŞİT, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Renewable Energy - Doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2021.08.061 2021
Fabrication of Cu-rich CZTS thin films by two-stage process: Effect of gas flow-rate in sulfurization process OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, ERKAN SERKAN, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Molecular Structure - Doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2021.129922 2021
Simultaneous synergistic effects of graphite addition and co-digestion of food waste and cow manure: Biogas production and microbial community MURATÇOBANOĞLU HAMDİ,GÖKÇEK ÖZNUR BEGÜM,MERT RUHULLAH ALİ,ZAN RECEP,DEMİREL SEVGİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY - Doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2020.123365 2020
Nitrogen doping of graphene by CVD ZAN RECEP,ALTUNTEPE ALİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Molecular Structure - Doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2019.127026 2020
Impact of sulfurization parameters on properties of CZTS thin films grown using quaternary target OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, SEYHAN AYŞE, SARP ALİ OGÜN, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS - Doi: 10.1007/s10854-020-04582-2 2020
The choice of Zn or ZnS layer in the stacked precursors for preparation of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin films OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, SEYHAN AYŞE, Sarp Ali Ogün, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Superlattices and Microstructures - Doi: 10.1016/j.spmi.2020.106669 2020
Graphene for Si-based solar cells ALTUNTEPE ALİ,SEYHAN AYŞE,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Molecular Structure - Doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2019.127055 2020
KİMYASAL BUHAR BİRİKTİRME YÖNTEMİ İLE GRAFEN SENTEZİNE TAVLAMA VE BÜYÜTME SÜRELERİNİN ETKİSİ ZAN RECEP, UTKU GÜLCAN, ALTUNTEPE ALİ Ulusal - Hakemli - TR DİZİN - Özgün Makale - Selcuk University Journal of Engineering ,Science and Technology - Doi: 10.15317/Scitech.2019.197 2019
GRAFEN SENTEZİ İÇİN ALT-TAŞ TEMİZLEME YAKLAŞIMLARI ALTUNTEPE ALİ,ÖZTÜRK M FEVZİ,KARTAL EMRE,SEYHAN AYŞE,ZAN RECEP Ulusal - Hakemli - TR DİZİN - Özgün Makale - Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi - Doi: 10.28948/ngumuh.517196 2019
Local Plasmon Engineering in Doped Graphene hage fs,hardcastle tp,gjerdink mn,Kepaptsoglou D,seabourne cr,winther kt,ZAN RECEP,amani ja,Hofsaess H,bangert ursel,thygesen ks,ramasse qm Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - ACS Nano - Doi: 10.1021/acsnano.7b08650 2018
Eco-Friendly Synthesis and Characterization of Reduced Graphene Oxide içkecan dilara,ZAN RECEP,NEZİR SAFFET Uluslararası - Hakemli - Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science (CPCI-S) - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physics: Conference Series - Doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/902/1/012027 2017
Imaging Two Dimensional Materials and their Heterostructures ZAN RECEP,Ramasse Q M,rashid jalil,tu js,bangert ursel,novoselov ks Uluslararası - Hakemli - Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science (CPCI-S) - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physics: Conference Series - Doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/902/1/012028 2017
Under pressure Control of strain phonons and bandgap opening in rippled graphene Umberto Monteverde,Pal Joydeep,Max Migliorato,Missous M,Ursel Bangert,ZAN RECEP,Reza Kashtiban,Powell D Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Carbon - Doi: 10.1016/j.carbon.2015.04.044 2015
Electronic functionalisation of graphene via external doping and dosing BANGERT URSEL, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - International Materials Reviews - Doi: 10.1179/1743280414Y.0000000047 2015
Electronic Structure Modification of Ion Implanted Graphene The Spectroscopic Signatures of p and n Type Doping Demie Kepaptsoglou,Trevor P Hardcastle,Che R Seabourne,Ursel Bangert,ZAN RECEP,Amani Julian Alexander,Hans Hofsäss,Nicholls Rebecca J,Rik M Brydson,Scott Andrew J,Ramasse Quentin M Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - ACS Nano - Doi: 10.1021/acsnano.5b05305 2015
High resolution imaging of biotite using focal series exit wavefunction restoration and the graphene mechanical exfoliation method Bower W,Head W,Droop G T,ZAN RECEP,Pattrick R A,Wincott P,Haigh S J Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Mineralogical Magazine - Doi: 10.1180/minmag.2015.079.2.11 2015
High Angle Dark Field Imaging of Two Dimensional Crystals ZAN RECEP,Ramasse Q M,Jalil R,Georgiou T,Bangert U,Novoselov K S Uluslararası - Hakemli - CPCI-S - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physics: Conference Series - Doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/522/1/012077 2014
Plasmonic Enhancement at Metal Atoms on Graphene Edges revealed by EFTEM Pierce W,ZAN RECEP,Ramasse Q M,Boothroyd C B,Bangert U Uluslararası - Hakemli - CPCI-S - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physics: Conference Series - Doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/522/1/012078 2014
Wide Area Strain Sensors based upon Graphene Polymer Composite Coatings Probed by Raman Spectroscopy Raju Arun Prakash ,Lewis Amanda,Derby Brian ,Young Robert J ,Kinloch Ian A ,ZAN RECEP,Novoselov Kostya S Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Advanced Functional Materials - Doi: 10.1002/adfm.201302869 2014
Silicon Carbon Bond Inversions Driven by 60 keV Electrons in Graphene Susi Toma,Kotakoski Jani,Kepaptsoglou Demie ,Mangler Clemens ,Lovejoy Tracy C ,Krivanek Ondrej L ,ZAN RECEP,Bangert Ursel ,Ayala Paola ,Meyer Jannik C ,Ramasse Quentin Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review Letters - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.115501 2014
Atomically resolved imaging of highly ordered alternating fluorinated graphene Kashtiban Reza J,Dyson M Adam,Nair Rahul ,ZAN RECEP,Swee L Wong ,Ramasse Quentin,Geim Andre K ,Bangert Ursel,Sloan Jeremy Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Nature Communications - Doi: 10.1038/ncomms5902 2014
Raman-scattering measurements and first-principles calculations of strain-induced phonon shifts in monolayer MoS2 Rice C,Young R,ZAN RECEP,Bangert U,Wolverson D,Georgiou T,Jalil R,Novoselov K Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Physical Review B - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.081307 2013
Ion Implantation of Graphene Toward IC Compatible Technologies Bangert U,Pierce W,Kepaptsoglou D M,Ramasse Q,ZAN RECEP,Gass M H,Berg JA Van den,Boothroyd C B,Amani J,Hofsss H Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Nano Letters - Doi: 10.1021/nl402812y 2013
Probing the Bonding and Electronic Structure of Single Atom Dopants in Graphene with Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Ramasse Quentin M ,Seabourne Che R ,Kepaptsoglou Despoina Maria ,ZAN RECEP,Bangert Ursel,Scott Andrew J Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Nano Letters - Doi: 10.1021/nl304187e 2013
Control of Radiation Damage in MoS2 by Graphene Encapsulation ZAN RECEP,Ramasse Quentin M ,Jalil Rashid ,Georgiou Thanasis ,Bangert Ursel,Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - ACS Nano - Doi: 10.1021/nn4044035 2013
Mobile metal adatoms on single layer bilayer and trilayer graphene An ab initio DFT study with van der Waals corrections correlated with electron microscopy data Hardcastle T P,Seabourne C R ,ZAN RECEP,Brydson R M,Bangert U,Ramasse Q M ,Novoselov K S,Scott A J Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review B - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.195430 2013
Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of Metal Graphene Interaction ZAN RECEP,Bangert U,Ramasse Q,Novoselov K S Uluslararası - Hakemli - CPCI-S - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physics: Conference Series - Doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/371/1/012069 2012
Metals on BN Studied by High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy Bangert U,ZAN RECEP,Ramasse Q,Rashid Jalil,Riaz Ibstam ,Novoselov K S Uluslararası - Hakemli - CPCI-S - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physics: Conference Series - Doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/371/1/012050 2012
Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy of Suspended Graphene ZAN RECEP,Bangert U,Muryn C,Mattocks P,Hamilton B,Novoselov K S Uluslararası - Hakemli - CPCI-S - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physics: Conference Series - Doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/371/1/012070 2012
Interaction of Metals with Suspended Graphene Observed by Transmission Electron Microscopy ZAN RECEP,Bangert Ursel,Ramasse Quentin,Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters - Doi: 10.1021/jz201653g 2012
Graphene Reknits Its Holes ZAN RECEP,Ramasse Quentin M ,Bangert Ursel ,Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Nano Letters - Doi: 10.1021/nl300985q 2012
Direct Experimental Evidence of Metal Mediated Etching of Suspended Graphene Ramasse Quentin M ,ZAN RECEP,Bangert Ursel ,Boukhvalov Danil W ,Son YoungWoo ,Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - ACS Nano - Doi: 10.1021/nn300452y 2012
Single atom identification by energy dispersive x ray spectroscopy Lovejoy T C ,Ramasse Q M,Falke M,Kaeppel A,Terborg R,ZAN RECEP,Dellby N,Krivanek O L Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Applied Physics Letters - Doi: 10.1063/1.3701598 2012
Scanning tunnelling microscopy of suspended graphene ZAN RECEP,Muryn Chris,Bangert Ursel ,Mattocks Philip ,Wincott Paul,Vaughan David,Li Xuesong,Colombo Luigi ,Ruoff Rodney S ,Hamilton Bruce ,Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Nanoscale - Doi: 10.1039/C2NR30162H 2012
Nanoscale electron diffraction and plasmon spectroscopy of single and few layer boron nitride Pan C T ,Nair R R,Bangert U,Ramasse Q,Jalil R,ZAN RECEP,Seabourne C R,Scott A J Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Physical Review B - Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.045440 2012
Metal Graphene Interaction Studied via Atomic Resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy ZAN RECEP,Bangert Ursel ,Ramasse Quentin,Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Nano Letters - Doi: 10.1021/nl103980h 2011
Evolution of Gold Nanostructures on Graphene ZAN RECEP,Bangert Ursel ,Ramasse Quentin,Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Small - Doi: 10.1002/smll.201101169 2011
Imaging of Bernal stacked and misoriented graphene and boron nitride experiment and simulation ZAN RECEP,Bangert U,Ramasse Q,Novoselov K S Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Microscopy - Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2818.2011.03520.x 2011
Graphene as a transparent conductive support for studying biological molecules by transmission electron microscopy Nair R R,Blake P,Blake J R,ZAN RECEP,Anissimova S,Bangert U,Golovanov A P,Morozov S V,Geim A K,Novoselov K S,Latychevskaia T Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Applied Physics Letters - Doi: 10.1063/1.3492845 2010
Structural characterization and superconductivity in Bi1 7Pb0 3 xTbxSr2Ca3Cu4Oy The influence of Tb doping ZAN RECEP,EKİCİBİL AHMET,KIYMAÇ KERİM Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 2009
Electrical transport properties TEP and thermal conductivity measurements of Tb Substituted BSCCO superconductor Bi1 7Pb0 3 xTbxSr2Ca3Cu4Oy ZAN RECEP,EKİCİBİL AHMET,KERİM KIYMAÇ Uluslararası - Hakemli - CPCI-S - Özgün Makale - Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Symposia 2009
Atomic force microscopy study on Bi1 7Pb0 3xTbxSr2Ca3Cu4O12 y superconductors ZAN RECEP,EKİCİBİL AHMET,KIYMAÇ KERİM Uluslararası - Hakemli - CPCI-S - Özgün Makale - Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials- Symposia 2009
Doped Graphene-CZTS Thin Film Solar Cells Erkan Serkan, Altuntepe Ali, ZAN RECEP, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (05.07.2022 - ) - 3rd International Conference on Photovoltaic Science and Technologies (PVCON-2022)
Two Dimensional Materials Based Atomically Thin Solar Cells Altuntepe Ali, Erkan Serkan, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (05.07.2022 - ) - 3rd International Conference on Photovoltaic Science and Technologies (PVCON-2022)
CVD-grown Single Layer Graphene Integrated CZTS Thin Film Solar Cells ZAN RECEP, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (27.04.2022 - ) - International Conference on Emerging Photovoltaic Materials and Technologies (ICEPV-2022)
Effect on reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) on Cathode Functional Layer for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells TİMURKUTLUK ÇİĞDEM, ZAN RECEP, TİMURKUTLUK BORA, TORUNTAY FURKAN, ÖNBİLGİN SEZER, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, HASRET ONUR Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (23.01.2022 - 26.01.2022) - 6th International Hydrogen Technologies Congress (IHTEC 2022)
Katkılı ve Katkısız Grafen Sentezi ve Güneş Hücre Uygulamaları ZAN RECEP Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (25.12.2020 - ) - Yoğun Madde Fiziği (YMF) 2020 Ankara-İstanbul-İzmir Toplantısı
Hybrid Transparent Conductive Electrode Structure for Solar Cell Application ALTUNTEPE ALİ, Erkan Serkan, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, SEYHAN AYŞE, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (30.11.2020 - ) - 2nd International Conference on Photovoltaic Science and Technologies (PVCON 2020)
THE FABRICATION OF SILICON BASED SOLAR CELLS WITH GRAPHENE AND MOLYBDENIUM DOPED ZINC OXIDE Erkan Serkan, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, SEYHAN AYŞE, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (30.11.2020 - ) - 2nd International Conference on Photovoltaic Science and Technologies (PVCON 2020)
The Investigation of Graphene Based Hybrid Structure for Solar Cell ALTUNTEPE ALİ, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, Erkan Serkan, SEYHAN AYŞE, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (14.11.2020 - ) - 2. International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering (TURK-COSE 2020)
The Investigation of Graphene Based Hybrid Structure for Solar Cell ZAN RECEP, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, Erkan Serkan, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, SEYHAN AYŞE Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (14.11.2020 - ) - 2nd INTERNATIONAL TURKIC WORLD CONGRESS on SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (TURKCOSE 2020)
Boron Doped Graphene Synthesize by CVD ZAN RECEP,ALTUNTEPE ALİ,Erkan Serkan,SEYHAN AYŞE Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (02.10.2020 - 04.10.2020) - International Conference on Advanced Materials Science Engineeringand High Tech Devices Applications Exhibition (ICMATSE 2020)
Fabrication of SnS Thin Films For Solar Cell Applications OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,ÇİRİŞ ALİ,SEYHAN AYŞE,TOMAKİN MURAT,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (16.10.2019 - 18.10.2019) - 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology For Next Generation (MSNG2019)
Growth of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Thin Films Employing Various Sulfurization Pressures OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Sarp Ali Ogün,SEYHAN AYŞE,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (16.10.2019 - 18.10.2019) - 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology For Next Generation (MSNG2019)
Optimized of Time and Temperature for Graphene Oxide Synthesis ALTUNTEPE ALİ, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (16.10.2019 - ) - 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology For Next Generation (MSNG2019)
Solar Cell Applications of Graphene ALTUNTEPE ALİ, Erkan Serkan, SEYHAN AYŞE, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (16.10.2019 - ) - 6th Internatıonal conference on materials science and nanotechnology for next generation (MSNG2019)
Improvement of Growth Time in Graphene Synthesis on Nickel Substrate bozkaya meryem,ALTUNTEPE ALİ,ATEŞ HAKAN,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (16.10.2019 - 18.10.2019) - 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology For Next Generation (MSNG2019)
Graphene as a Transparent Conductive Layer ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (16.10.2019 - 18.10.2019) - 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology For Next Generation (MSNG2019)
Graphene Doping By Ammonia And Pyridine ALTUNTEPE ALİ,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (16.10.2019 - 18.10.2019) - 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology For Next Generation (MSNG2019)
Grafit İlavesinin Yemekhane Atığı ve Hayvan gübresinden Biyogaz Üretimine Etkisi GÖKÇEK ÖZNUR BEGÜM, MURATÇOBANOĞLU HAMDİ, MERT RUHULLAH ALİ, AKAN ARİFE GÖZDE, ZAN RECEP, DEMİREL SEVGİ Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (27.06.2019 - 29.06.2019) - 1. Uluslararası Çevre, Teknoloji ve Yönetim Konferansı’xxna (ICETEM)
Anaerobik Parçalanma Prosesinde İletken Malzeme Kullanımının Mikrobiyal Dağılıma Etkisi DEMİREL SEVGİ,GÖKÇEK ÖZNUR BEGÜM,MURATÇOBANOĞLU HAMDİ,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (17.06.2019 - 19.06.2019) - Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Fen ve Mühendislik Kongresi
n-tipi Grafen Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu ZAN RECEP, ALTUNTEPE ALİ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (17.06.2019 - ) - International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering (UTUFEM 2019)
Optoelectronic Properties of Graphene vs. ITO ALTUNTEPE ALİ, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (17.06.2019 - ) - International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering (UTUFEM 2019)
Effect of Methane Gas on Synthesis of Graphene onto Nickel Substrate bozkaya meryem, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, ATEŞ HAKAN, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (24.04.2019 - ) - 4th International Conference on Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences (ICETAS 2019)
Effect of the Annealing and Growth Time on Graphene Synthesis ZAN RECEP,ALTUNTEPE ALİ,ÇELİK SELAHATTİN,SEYHAN AYŞE Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (04.10.2018 - 06.10.2018) - MSNG 2018
Graphene for Si-based Heterojunction Solar Cell ZAN RECEP,ALTUNTEPE ALİ,SEYHAN AYŞE Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (04.10.2018 - 06.10.2018) - MSNG 2018
Graphene Growth on Copper and Nickel Surfaces ZAN RECEP, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, SEYHAN AYŞE Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (29.04.2018 - ) - 6th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism- (ICSM2018 )
Graphene as Transparent Conductive Electrode in Solar Cells ZAN RECEP, SEYHAN AYŞE Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (25.04.2018 - ) - The 14th International Conference on Energy Storage (ENERSTOCK2018)
The effect of hydrogen plasma treatment and doping concentration on a-Si:H thin films for silicon heterojunction solar cells SEYHAN AYŞE,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (25.04.2018 - 27.04.2018) - ENERGSTOCK 2018
Fabrication and Characterization of Graphene for a-Si:H/c-Si Heterojunction Solar ce ZAN RECEP,SEYHAN AYŞE Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (23.10.2017 - 25.10.2017) - NanoTR13
Green Friendly Synthesis and Characterization of Reduced Graphene Oxide içkecan dilara,ZAN RECEP,NEZİR SAFFET Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (22.10.2017 - 25.10.2017) - NANOTR13
Fabrication and Characterization of Graphene for a-Si:H/c-SiHeterojunction Solar cell ZAN RECEP,SEYHAN AYŞE Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (22.10.2017 - 25.10.2017) - NANOTR13
A HYDROGENATED AMORPHOUS SILICON (a-Si:H) THIN FILMS FOR HETEROJUNCTION SOLAR CELLS:STRUCTURAL AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES SEYHAN AYŞE,Altan Tolga,Ecer Ömer Can,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (03.07.2017 - 06.07.2017) - Microscience Microscopy Congress 2017
Low energy ion implantation into 2D materials - Observing the behaviour of individual implants OConnel Eog,Courtney E,Stewart A,Winkler F,tu js,Ghardt S,Kardynal B,Hofsaess H,Kepaptsoglou D,ramasse qm,ZAN RECEP,bangert ursel Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (03.07.2017 - 06.07.2017) - Microscience Microscopy Congress 2017
Imaging Two Dimensional Materials and their Heterostructures ZAN RECEP,ramasse qm,rashid jalil,tu js,bangert ursel,novoselov ks Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (03.07.2017 - 06.07.2017) - Microscience Microscopy Congress 2017
A Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon (a-Si:H) Thin Films for Heterojunction Solar Cells: Structural and Optical Properties SEYHAN AYŞE,Altan Tolga,Ecer Ömer Can,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (03.06.2017 - 06.06.2017) - Microscience and Microscopy Congress 2017
Eco-Friendly Synthesis and Characterization of Reduced Graphene Oxide içkecan dilara,ZAN RECEP,NEZİR SAFFET Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (03.06.2017 - 06.07.2017) - Microscience Microscopy Congress 2017
Grafen Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu Teknikleri ZAN RECEP,SEYHAN AYŞE Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (19.05.2017 - 21.05.2017) - 23. Ulusal Elektron Mikroskopi Kongresi
Ion implantation into two dimensional materials for electronic tailoring observing the behaviour of individual implanted atoms OConnell Eoghan ,Kardynal Beata ,Tu JhihSian ,Winkler Florian ,Hofsaess Hans ,Kepaptsoglou Demie ,Ramasse Quentin M,Amani Julian Alexander ,ZAN RECEP,Bangert Ursel Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (28.08.2016 - 02.09.2016) - The 16th European Microscopy Congress 2016 - Doi: 10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.6706
Electron energy loss spectroscopy EELS fingerprints of p and n type doping in graphene Kepaptsoglou Demie,Hardcastle Trevor,Seabourne Che,Bangert Ursel ,ZAN RECEP,Amani Julian ,Hofsass Hans ,Nicholls Rebecca ,Brydson Rik ,Scott Andrew ,Ramasse Quentin Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (28.08.2016 - 02.09.2016) - The 16th European Microscopy Congress 2016 - Doi: 10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.6958
Grafen ve Diğer İki Boyutlu Malzemelerin Elektron Mikroskobu ile İncelenmesi ZAN RECEP Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (25.12.2015 - 25.12.2015) - 21. Yogun Madde Fizigi Ankara Toplantısı
Cr2AlC MAX phase clusters growth in layer-by-layer approach Vishnyakov Vladimir,ZAN RECEP,Bangert Ursel,Voevodin Andrey Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (20.09.2015 - 24.09.2015) - EUROMAT 2015
VEELS Study of Boron and Nitrogen Doped Single Layer Graphene Hage F S,Kepaptsoglou D M,Hardcastle T P,Seabourne C R,Scott A J,Brydson R,ZAN RECEP,Amani J,Hofsass H,Bangert U,Ramasse Q M Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (02.08.2015 - 06.08.2015) - Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015 Meeting
Visualising 2D Crystals and their Heterostructures via STEM ZAN RECEP,Bangert Ursel,Ramasse Quentin M,Jalil Rashid,Georgiou Thanasis,Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Poster - (22.06.2015 - 26.06.2015) - Graphene Week 2015
Electron Microscopy of Graphene and other 2D Materials ZAN RECEP,Bangert Ursel,Ramasse Quentin M,Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (24.03.2015 - 27.03.2015) - NANOSMAT-Asia
Growth and Structure of Physical Vapour Deposition grown MAX phase on Graphene Zan R., Vishnyakov V., Bangert U., Guo Y., Halsall M., Proctor J., Colligon J. Uluslararası - Poster - (07.09.2014 - 12.09.2014) - 18th International Microscopy Congress
Metal Behaviours on Graphene Surface Zan Recep, Ramasse M. Quentin, Bangert Ursel, Novoselov S. Konstantin Uluslararası - Sözlü Bildiri - (31.08.2014 - 05.09.2014) - The European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS30)
Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Graphene Zan Recep, Ramasse M. Quentin, Bangert Ursel, Novoselov S. Konstantin Uluslararası - Sözlü Bildiri - (09.07.2014 - 11.07.2014) - Graphene & Related Materials Workshop & Summer School
Electron Microscopy of Graphene and other 2Ds Zan Recep, Ramasse Quentin M, Bangert Ursel, Kasthiban Reza, Boothroyd Chris B. and Novoselov Konstantin S. Uluslararası - Sözlü Bildiri - (17.06.2014 - 21.06.2014) - Nanotechnology Conference of Turkey (NanoTR10)
Metal mediated graphene etching Experiment and theory Zan Recep, Boukhvalov Danil W, Bangert Ursel, Ramasse Quentin M, Son Young-Woo, Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Poster - (03.09.2013 - ) - Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference (EMAG)
Scanning transmission electron microscopy of graphene based heterostructures Zan Recep, Bangert Ursel, Ramasse Quentin M, Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Poster - (03.09.2013 - ) - Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference (EMAG)
Control of radiation damage by graphene encapsulation Zan Recep, Ramasse Quentin M, Jalil Rashid, Georgiou Thanasis, Bangert Ursel, Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Sözlü Bildiri - (28.08.2013 - ) - Nanotechnology in Carbon and Related Materials, NanoteC13
Dark Field Imaging of Two Dimensional Materials Zan Recep, Ramasse Quentin M, Jalil Rashid, Georgiou Thanasis, Bangert Ursel, Novoselov Konstantin S Ulusal - Davetli konuşmacı - (28.05.2013 - ) - 21st National Congress of Electron Microscopy
STEM Study of Graphene Zan Recep, Bangert Ursel, Ramasse Quentin M, Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Davetli konuşmacı - (20.12.2012 - ) - Annual British Carbon Group Meeting
Interaction between Metals and suspended Graphene observed by Transmission Electron Microscopy Zan Recep, Bangert Ursel, Ramasse Quentin M, Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Davetli konuşmacı - (18.09.2012 - ) - NanoSmat 2012
Z contrast Imaging of h BN and Metal h BN Interaction Zan Recep, Bangert Ursel, Ramasse Quentin M, Jalil Rashid, Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Poster - (16.09.2012 - ) - European Microscopy Conference 2012
Direct experimental evidence of metal mediated graphene etching Zan Recep, Bangert Ursel, Ramasse Quentin M, Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Poster - (04.06.2012 - ) - Graphene Week 2012, The Sixth International Conference on theFundamental Science of Graphene
Interaction of Metals with suspended Graphene observed by Transmission Electron Microscopy Zan Recep, Bangert Ursel, Ramasse Quentin M, Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Poster - (10.04.2012 - ) - Graphene 2012 International Conference
Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy of Suspended Graphene and Metal on Suspended Graphene Zan Recep, Bangert Ursel, Muryn Chris, Mattocks Philip, Hamilton Bruce, Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Poster - (06.09.2011 - ) - Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference (EMAG)
Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of Metal Graphene Interaction Zan Recep, Bangert Ursel, Ramasse Quentin M, Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Sözlü Bildiri - (06.09.2011 - ) - Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference (EMAG)
Metal ad Atoms on Graphene Studied by High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy Zan Recep, Bangert Ursel, Ramasse Quentin M, Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Poster - (01.09.2011 - ) - Nanotechnology in Carbon and Related Materials, NanoteC11
Metals on Graphene Zan Recep, Bangert Ursel, Ramasse Quentin, Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Poster - (04.07.2011 - ) - 10th International Conference on Materials Chemistry (MC10)
Gold ad atoms on Graphene Studied High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy Zan Recep, Bangert Ursel, Ramasse Quentin, Novoselov Konstantin S Uluslararası - Sözlü Bildiri - (14.12.2010 - ) - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference (CMMP-10)
Atomic Force Microscopy Study on Bi1 7Pb0 3 xTbxSr2Ca3Cu4OySuperconductors Zan Recep, Ekicibil Ahmet, Coskun Atilla, Tasarkuyu Ergun, Kıymaç Kerim Uluslararası - Poster - (26.05.2008 - ) - Condensed Matter Physics Conference of Balkan Countries
Electrical Transport Properties TEP and Thermal ConductivityMeasurements of Tb Substituted BSCCO Superconductor Bi1 7Pb0 3 xTbxSr2Ca3Cu4Oy Zan Recep, Ekicibil Ahmet, Kıymaç Kerim Uluslararası - Poster - (26.05.2008 - ) - Condensed Matter Physics Conference of Balkan Countries
Investigation of Effects of Tb Doping in the BSCCO Superconductors Zan Recep, Ekicibil Ahmet, Kıymaç Kerim Uluslararası - Sözlü Bildiri - (01.08.2007 - ) - Turkish Physical Society 24th International Physics Conference
Sustainable Material Solutions for Solar Energy Technologies ZAN RECEP, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, ALTAN TOLGA, SEYHAN AYŞE Uluslararası - Kitap Bölümü - Bölüm Adı:Crystalline-silicon heterojunction solar cells with graphene incorporation - Bilimsel Kitap - Yayın Evi:Elsevier - Basım Sayısı:1 - ISBN:978-0-12-821592-0 - (Bölüm Sayfaları:229 - 257) 2021
Physics and Applications of Graphene Experiments Ursel Bangert, Mhairi Gass, Recep Zan, Cheng Ta Pan Uluslararası - Kitap Bölümü - Bölüm Adı:Scanning Transmission ElectronMicroscopy and Spectroscopy of Suspended Graphene - Bilimsel Kitap - Yayın Evi:InTech - ISBN:978-953-307-217-3 - (Bölüm Sayfaları:377 - 408) 2011
Advances in Graphene Science Recep Zan, Quentin M Ramasse, Rashid Jalil, Ursel Bangert Uluslararası - Kitap Bölümü - Bölüm Adı:Atomic Structure of Graphene and h-BN Layers and Their Interactions with Metals - Bilimsel Kitap - Yayın Evi:InTech - ISBN:978-953-51-1182-5 - (Bölüm Sayfaları:3 - 30) 2013
Eurasian Journal of Science Engineering and Technology (EJSET) ZAN RECEP,BARUT MURAT Uluslararası - Dergi - Yayın Evi: Dergipark - Editör 2024