Eğitim Bilgileri
Bütünleşik Doktora Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin Department Structure and Dynamics of Energy Materials 2013-2014
Bütünleşik Doktora KARADENİZ TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ/FİZİK (DR)/ Tez adı : Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) tabanlı ince film güneş hücrelerinde film homojenliğinin hücre verimi üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi 2012-2017
Akademik Unvanlar
Yönetilen Tezler
SERKAN ERKAN Doktora CZTS tabanlı ince film güneş hücrelerine grafen entegrasyonu 2024
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Yüksek Onur Belgesi ve Fen Fakülte Birinciği İZMİR YÜKSEK TEKNOLOJİ ENSTİTÜSÜ Üniversite, TÜRKİYE 2010
Best Poster Presentation Award 5th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology for Next Generation (MSNG 2018) Diğer, TÜRKİYE 2018
Öncelikli Alana Katkı Ödülü Üniversite, TÜRKİYE 2021
Genç Bilim İnsanı Ödülü Üniversite, TÜRKİYE 2021
Fabrication of CZTS thin film on flexible Cu-foil substrate by two-stage process OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - ASOS,DOAJ - Özgün Makale - Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi - Doi: 10.28948/ngmuh.1462925 2024
Improvement in performance of SnSe-based photodetectors via post deposition sulfur diffusion YILMAZ SALİH,Başol Bülent Mehmet,POLAT İSMAİL,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,BAYAZIT TUĞBA,KÜÇÜKÖMEROĞLU TAYFUR,BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Sensors and Actuators A: Physical - Doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2024.115348 2024
Nitrogen doped single layer graphene for CZTS-based thin film solar cells OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, Erkan Serkan, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Optical Materials - Doi: 10.1016/j.optmat.2024.115167 2024
Potassium doping of sputtered MoS2 films by CVD method ALTUNTEPE ALİ,ERKAN SERKAN,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Toplu Güldöne,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics - Doi: 10.1007/s10854-023-11802-y 2024
Hydrogen storage capacity of two-dimensional MoS2 ALTUNTEPE ALİ,ERKAN SERKAN,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,ÇELİK SELAHATTİN,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - International Journal of Hydrogen Energy - Doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.12.120 2024
Investigating surface area and hydrogen pressure effects on LiH and NaH ALTUNTEPE ALİ,ERKAN SERKAN,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,ÇELİK SELAHATTİN,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Solid State Chemistry - Doi: 10.1016/j.jssc.2023.124483 2024
Improved CZTSe solar cell efficiency via silver and germanium alloying ATASOY YAVUZ,BACAKSIZ EMİN,ÇİRİŞ ALİ,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,ZAN RECEP,Al-dala Ali Ahmed M.J.,KÜÇÜKÖMEROĞLU TAYFUR,Başol Bülent Mehmet Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Solar Energy - Doi: 10.1016/j.solener.2023.112247 2024
Dependence of CZTS thin film properties and photovoltaic performance on heating rate and sulfurization time OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, Erkan Serkan, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Elsevier BV - Doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.171283 2023
Impact of the ZnS layer position in a stacked precursor film on the properties of CZTS films grown on flexible molybdenum substrates Yagmyrov Atajan, Erkan Serkan, Başol B. M., ZAN RECEP, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Elsevier BV - Doi: 10.1016/j.optmat.2022.113423 2023
Performance of Si-based solar cell utilizing optimized Al-doped ZnO films as TCO layer ALTUNTEPE ALİ, Erkan Serkan, Hasret Onur, Yagmyrov Atajan, Yazıcı Duygu, TOMAKİN MURAT, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Doi: 10.1007/s10854-022-09557-z 2023
Characterization of Cu(In,Ga)(Te,S)2 thin films grown on stainless steel foil substrates KARACA ABDULLAH, Başol Bülent Mehmet, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, Büyüklimanlı Temel, TOMAKİN MURAT, KÜÇÜKÖMEROĞLU TAYFUR, BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - IOP Publishing - Doi: 10.1088/1361-6463/acc40e 2023
Growth and characterization of CT(S,Se) thin films and Al/n-Si/p-CT(S,Se)/Mo heterojunction diode application employing a two-stage process BAYAZIT TUĞBA, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, KÜÇÜKÖMEROĞLU TAYFUR, BACAKSIZ EMİN, TOMAKİN MURAT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Elsevier BV - Doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2023.114679 2023
Enhanced photovoltaic performance of silicon-based solar cell through optimization of Ga-doped ZnO layer Erkan Serkan, ALTUNTEPE ALİ, Yazıcı Duygu, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - IOP Publishing - Doi: 10.1088/1402-4896/acf68f 2023
Photodetector properties of CdSe thin films grown by close space sublimation method OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, Başol Bülent Mehmet, POLAT İSMAİL, TOMAKİN MURAT, KÜÇÜKÖMEROĞLU TAYFUR, BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Doi: 10.1007/s10854-023-11198-9 2023
Investigating Structural and Optical Properties of CZTS Thin Films through Ag and Ge Alloying OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, ZAN RECEP, ÇİRİŞ ALİ, ATASOY YAVUZ Uluslararası - Hakemli - ROAD, Google Scholar, DRJI - Özgün Makale - Journal of NanoScience in Advanced Materials (NANOSAM) - Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8007885 2023
INFLUENCE OF HEATING RATE ON THE STRUCTURAL AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF SILVER AND GERMANIUM CO-DOPED CZTS THIN FILM ATASOY YAVUZ, ÇİRİŞ ALİ, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - ASOS, Crossref, Semanticscholar, ROAD, Google Scholar - Özgün Makale - Omer Halisdemir Universitesi - Doi: 10.55696/ejset.1295349 2023
Influence of deposition pressure of elemental Sn on structural, optical, electrical and schottky diode properties of SnS thin films grown by two-stage method ÇİRİŞ ALİ, ATASOY YAVUZ, TOMAKİN MURAT, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Doi: 10.1007/s10854-023-10540-5 2023
Fabrication of SnS thin film by rapid thermal processing: effect of annealing temperature in sulfurization process ÇİRİŞ ALİ, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Ulusal - Hakemli - TR DİZİN - Özgün Makale - Gumushane University Journal of Science and Technology Institute - Doi: 10.17714/gumusfenbil.1006581 2022
IMPACT OF SELENIZATION TEMPERATURE AND PRE-ANNEALING TREATMENT ON THE MICROSTRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF Cu2ZnSnSe4 THIN FILMS GROWN BY RAPID THERMAL PROCESS ATASOY YAVUZ, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Ulusal - Hakemli - ASOS, Crossref, Semanticscholar, ROAD, Google Scholar - Özgün Makale - Eurasian Journal of Science Engineering and Technology - Doi: 10.55696/ejset.1100103 2022
PREPARATION OF CZTS THIN FILM EMPLOYING RAPID THERMAL PROCESSING METHOD OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, ATASOY YAVUZ Ulusal - Hakemli - ASOS, Crossref, Semanticscholar, ROAD, Google Scholar - Özgün Makale - Eurasian Journal of Science Engineering and Technology - Doi: 10.55696/ejset.1098850 2022
Integration of single layer graphene into CZTS thin film solar cells Erkan Serkan, Yagmyrov Atajan, Altuntepe Ali, ZAN RECEP, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Alloys and Compounds - Doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.166041 2022
Integration of graphene with GZO as TCO layer and its impact on solar cell performance ZAN RECEP, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, Altuntepe Ali, SEYHAN AYŞE, TURAN RAŞİT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Renewable Energy - Doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2021.09.101 2022
Enhancement in photovoltaic performance of CZTS Thin-film solar cells through varying stacking order and sulfurization time OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics - Doi: 10.1007/s10854-022-08829-y 2022
Hybrid transparent conductive electrode structure for solar cell application Altuntepe Ali, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, Erkan Serkan, Hasret Onur, Keçeci Ahmet Emin, Kökbudak Gamze, TOMAKİN MURAT, SEYHAN AYŞE, TURAN RAŞİT, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Renewable Energy - Doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2021.08.061 2021
Phase transformation in Cu2SnS3 (CTS) thin films through pre-treatment in sulfur atmosphere OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, Başol B. M., TOMAKİN MURAT, BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics - Doi: 10.1007/s10854-021-05660-9 2021
Impact of in/ex situ annealing and reaction temperature on structural, optical and electrical properties of SnS thin films OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, ÇİRİŞ ALİ, TOMAKİN MURAT, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Molecular Structure - Doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2021.130631 2021
Fabrication of Cu-rich CZTS thin films by two-stage process: Effect of gas flow-rate in sulfurization process OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, Altuntepe Ali, Erkan Serkan, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Molecular Structure - Doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2021.129922 2021
Impact of stacking order and annealing temperature on properties of CZTS thin films and solar cell performance OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, SARP ALİ OGÜN, SEYHAN AYŞE, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Renewable Energy - Doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2021.08.023 2021
Impact of sulfurization parameters on properties of CZTS thin films grown using quaternary target OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, SEYHAN AYŞE, SARP ALİ OGÜN, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS - Doi: 10.1007/s10854-020-04582-2 2020
The choice of Zn or ZnS layer in the stacked precursors for preparation of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin films OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, SEYHAN AYŞE, Sarp Ali Ogün, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Superlattices and Microstructures - Doi: 10.1016/j.spmi.2020.106669 2020
Improvement in the structural and optical properties of Cu2SnS3 (CTS) thin films through soft-annealing treatment OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES - Doi: 10.1016/j.spmi.2019.106366 2020
CZTS layers formed under sulfur-limited conditions at above atmospheric pressure OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,BACAKSIZ EMİN,TOMAKİN MURAT,KÜÇÜKÖMEROĞLU TAYFUR,Başol Bulent M Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING - Doi: 10.1016/j.mssp.2018.10.015 2019
Structural, optical and Schottky diode properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films grown by two-stage method ATASOY YAVUZ, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS - Doi: 10.1007/s10854-019-01385-y 2019
Optimization of sulfurization time and temperature for fabrication of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin films OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Superlattices and Microstructures - Doi: 10.1016/j.spmi.2018.12.012 2019
Growth of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin films using short sulfurization periods OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,TOMAKİN MURAT,KÜÇÜKÖMEROĞLU TAYFUR,BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Materials Research Express - Doi: 10.1088/2053-1591/aaff78 2019
Growth and characterization of Cu2SnS3 (CTS), Cu2SnSe3 (CTSe), and Cu2Sn(S,Se)3 (CTSSe) thin films using dip-coated Cu–Sn precursor BAYAZIT TUĞBA,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,KÜÇÜKÖMEROĞLU TAYFUR,BACAKSIZ EMİN,TOMAKİN MURAT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS - Doi: 10.1007/s10854-019-01622-4 2019
Influence of Sulfurization on the Properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Thin Films Prepared by a Two-Stage Process OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Ulusal - Hakemli - TR DİZİN - Özgün Makale - Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi - Doi: 10.28948/ngumuh.598096 2019
Growth of Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Films Using Moderate Annealing Temperature and Short Dwell Time OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,SEYHAN AYŞE Ulusal - Hakemli - TR DİZİN - Özgün Makale - Cumhuriyet Science Journal - Doi: 10.17776/csj.527260 2019
Influence of pre-annealing Cu-Sn on the structural properties of CZTSe thin films grown by a two-stage process OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Başol Bulent M,TOMAKİN MURAT,SEYHAN AYŞE,BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING - Doi: 10.1016/j.mssp.2018.08.018 2018
Cu(In,Ga)(Se,Te) 2 films formed on metal foil substrates by a two-stage process employing electrodeposition and evaporation ATASOY YAVUZ,Başol Bulent M,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,TOMAKİN MURAT,BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - THIN SOLID FILMS - Doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2018.01.025 2018
Effect of heat treating metallic constituents on the properties of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films formed by a two-stage process OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, Başol Bülent Mehmet, ATASOY YAVUZ, TOMAKİN MURAT, AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR, ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ, BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Thin Solid Films - Doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2017.01.037 2017
Cu2ZnSnS4 -based thin films and solar cells by rapid thermal annealing processing OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Joachim Klaer,Mainz Roland,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ,Unold Thomas Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Thin Solid Films - Doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2017.03.008 2017
Synthesis and characterization of ZnO micro-rods and temperature-dependent characterizations of heterojunction of ZnO microrods/CdTe and ZnO microrods/ZnTe structures OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, ATASOY YAVUZ, BACAKSIZ EMİN, AYDOĞAN ŞAKİR Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Sensors and Actuators A: Physical - Doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2017.04.053 2017
Enhancement in the optical and electrical properties of CdS thin films through Ga and K co-doping YILMAZ SALİH, TÖRELİ SALTUK BUĞRA, POLAT İSMAİL, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, TOMAKİN MURAT, BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing - Doi: 10.1016/j.mssp.2016.12.016 2017
Physical properties of CdS:Ga thin films synthesized by spray pyrolysis technique YILMAZ SALİH,POLAT İSMAİL,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,TOMAKİN MURAT,TÖRELİ SALTUK BUĞRA,BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics - Doi: 10.1007/s10854-016-5908-0 2017
Influence of copper composition and reaction temperature on the properties of CZTSe thin films OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, ATASOY YAVUZ, Başol Bülent Mehmet, TOMAKİN MURAT, AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR, ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ, BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Journal of Alloys and Compounds - Doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.04.309 2016
Alloying effect on K shell X ray fluorescence cross sections and intensity ratios of Cu and Sn in Cu1Sn1 x alloys using the 59 5keV gamma rays DOĞAN MUHAMMET,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,CENGİZ ERHAN,TIRAŞOĞLU ENGİN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Radiation Physics and Chemistry - Doi: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2016.05.019 2016
Effect of precursor stacking order and sulfurization temperature on compositional homogeneity of CZTS thin films OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, Klaer Joachim, Mainz Roland, Serghei Levcenco, Just Justus, BACAKSIZ EMİN, Unold Thomas Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Thin Solid Films - Doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2016.07.058 2016
Growth of Cu2ZnSnS4 absorber layer on flexible metallic substrates for thin film solar cell applications Yazıcı Şebnem,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Akça Fatime Gülşah,CANTAŞ BAĞDAŞ AYTEN,Kurt metin,Gülnur Aygun,TARHAN ENVER,YANMAZ EKREM,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Thin Solid Films - Doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2015.06.028 2015
Effect of Ramping Rate in the Sulfurization Process on properties of CZTS Thin Film and Its Cell Performance OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ, Erkan Serkan, ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (27.08.2023 - 29.08.2023) - 17th International Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference (NanoTR-17)
DOPED GRAPHENE-CZTS THIN FILM SOLAR CELLS Erkan Serkan, Altuntepe Ali, ZAN RECEP, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (05.07.2022 - 07.07.2022) - 3rd International Conference on Photovoltaic Science and Technologies (PVCon 2022)
Role of Stacking Order and Sulfurization Parameters on Properties of CZTS Thin Film Solar Cells OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (27.04.2022 - 29.04.2022) - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING PHOTOVOLTAIC MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES
CVD-grown Single Layer Graphene Integrated CZTS Thin Film Solar Cells ZAN RECEP, OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (27.04.2022 - 29.04.2022) - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING PHOTOVOLTAIC MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES
Effect of Stacking Order and Reaction Temperature on Properties of CZTS Thin Films OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,SARP ALİ OGÜN,SEYHAN AYŞE,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (30.11.2020 - 02.12.2020) - 2nd International Conference on Photovoltaic Science and Technologies (PVCon 2020)
Effect of Post-Annealing Treatment on the Properties of SnS Thin Films OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (18.10.2019 - 20.10.2019) - 4.International Conference on Material Science and Technology in Kızılcahamam/ANKARA(IMSTEC 2019)
Fabrication of SnS Thin Films For Solar Cell Applications OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,ÇİRİŞ ALİ,SEYHAN AYŞE,TOMAKİN MURAT,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (16.10.2019 - 18.10.2019) - 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology For Next Generation (MSNG2019)
Modulation Properties of Cu2Sn(SxSe1-x)3 Thin Films Through Various Reaction Temperatures Using Rapid Thermal Processing BAYAZIT TUĞBA,TOMAKİN MURAT,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,KÜÇÜKÖMEROĞLU TAYFUR,BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (16.10.2019 - 18.10.2019) - 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology For Next Generation (MSNG2019)
Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Based Thin Films Solar Cells OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (16.10.2019 - 18.12.2019) - 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology For Next Generation (MSNG2019)
Growth of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Thin Films Employing Various Sulfurization Pressures OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Sarp Ali Ogün,SEYHAN AYŞE,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (16.10.2019 - 18.10.2019) - 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology For Next Generation (MSNG2019)
Effects of Acceptor Dopants (Li, N, B) on ZnO Thin Film Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis BAYAZIT TUĞBA,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,GÜNER SAİT BARIŞ,TOMAKİN MURAT,BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (16.10.2019 - 18.10.2019) - 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology For Next Generation (MSNG2019)
Effect of Annealing Atmosphere on the Properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Thin Films Sarp Ali Ogün,SEYHAN AYŞE,TOMAKİN MURAT,ZAN RECEP,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (16.10.2019 - 18.10.2019) - 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology For Next Generation (MSNG2019)October 16-18, 2019, Niğde, TURKEY
Investigation of Structural Properties of Cu(In,Ga)(Se1-yTey)2 Thin Films Deposited on Flexible Substrate ATASOY YAVUZ,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Başol Bulent M,TOMAKİN MURAT,ÇİRİŞ ALİ,BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (17.06.2019 - 18.06.2019) - International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering
Adjustment of Growth of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Absorber Layer at Low Temperature for Thin Film Solar Cells OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,ATASOY YAVUZ,SEYHAN AYŞE,ZAN RECEP Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (17.06.2019 - 18.06.2019) - International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering
Comparative Study on the Impact of Stacking Order of Precursor Layer Films by Exposing the Precursors Layers to the Sulfur Vapor at Low Temperature OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,SEYHAN AYŞE,TOMAKİN MURAT,KÜÇÜKÖMEROĞLU TAYFUR,BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (04.10.2018 - 06.10.2018) - 5th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology for Next Generation (MSNG 2018)
Comparative Study on the Impact of Stacking Order of Precursor Layer Films by Exposing the Precursors Layers to the Sulfur Vapor at Low Temperature OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,SEYHAN AYŞE,TOMAKİN MURAT,KÜÇÜKÖMEROĞLU TAYFUR,BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Tam metin bildiri - (04.10.2018 - 06.10.2018) - 5th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology for Next Generation (MSNG-2018)
Optimization of Front Side Metallization Design for Si-HIT Solar Cells Altan Tolga,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,ALKAN MAHMUT,SEYHAN AYŞE Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (04.10.2018 - 06.10.2018) - 5th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology for Next Generation (MSNG 2018)
Influence of Cu and Sn Alloy on the Properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Based Thin Film Solar Cells OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Klaer Joachim,Mainz Roland,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ,BACAKSIZ EMİN,Unold Thomas Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (04.07.2018 - 06.07.2018) - Photovoltaic Conference (PVCON2018)
Front Side Metallization of Si-HIT Solar Cells by Physical Vapor Deposition Altan Tolga,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,ALKAN MAHMUT,SEYHAN AYŞE Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (04.07.2018 - 06.07.2018) - Photovoltaic Conference (PVCON2018)
Influence of the Sulfurization Time on the Structural Optical and Electrical Properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Films OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Klaer Joachim,Mainz Roland,BACAKSIZ EMİN,TOMAKİN MURAT,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ,Unold Thomas Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (19.09.2016 - 23.09.2016) - Science and Applications of Thin Films, COnferenceExhibition (SATF 2016)
Investigation of the Homogeneity of Cu2ZnSnS4 Absorber Layer Fabricated by Sputtering and Rapid Thermal Processing OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Klaer Joachim,BACAKSIZ EMİN,Mainz Roland,Unold Thomas Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (25.02.2016 - 27.02.2016) - International Physics Conference at the Anotalian Peak
Influence of the Composition of the Metallic Precursor on the Properties of CZTS Thin Film ATASOY YAVUZ,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ,BACAKSIZ EMİN Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (25.02.2016 - 27.02.2016) - International Physics Conference at the Anotalian Peak
Electrical Characterizations of Cu2ZnSnS4 Absorber Layer Material for Thin Film Solar Cells Fatime Gülşah Akça,Şebnem Yazıcı,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,KÖSEOĞLU FULYA,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,YANMAZ EKREM,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (15.09.2014 - 19.09.2014) - Science and Applications of Thin Films, Conference Exhibition (SATF 2014)
Preparation and Characterization of Cu2ZnSnS4 Absorber Layer on Metalic Flexible Substrates Şebnem Yazıcı,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Fatime Gülşah Akça,Kurt Metin,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,YANMAZ EKREM,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (15.09.2014 - 19.09.2014) - Science and Applications of Thin Films, Conference Exhibition (SATF 2014)
Magnetron Sputtering Growth of AZO i ZnO CdS Multilayers for High Efficiency Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Film Solar Cells KÖSEOĞLU FULYA,Şebnem yazıcı,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Kurt Metin,Fatime Gülşah Akça,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (23.04.2014 - 25.10.2013) - International Middle East Plasma Science
Studies of CZTS Absorber Layer on Flexible Substrates for Photovoltaics Applications Şebnem yazıcı,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Fatime Gülşah Akça,kurt Metin,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,YANMAZ EKREM,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (23.04.2014 - 25.04.2014) - International Middle East Plasma Science
The Temperature Dependent Electrical Characterizations of Cu2ZnSnS4 Absorber Layer for Thin Film Solar Cells Fatime Gülşah Akça,Şebnem Yazici,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,YANMAZ EKREM,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (23.04.2014 - 25.04.2014) - International Middle East Plasma Science
Growth and Structural Analysis of CZTS on Sinterflex Ceramic Substrates for Thin Film Photovoltaic Applications Fatime Gülşah Akça,Şebnem Yazıcı,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Kurt Metin,YANMAZ EKREM,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (30.09.2013 - 04.10.2013) - 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition Parc des Expositions Paris Nord Villepinte
Growth Of Cu2ZnSnS4 Compound Semiconductor Material on Metallic Flexible Substrates For Photovoltaic Applications OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Şebnem Yazıcı,Fatime Gülşah Akça,Kurt Metin,CANTAŞ BAĞDAŞ AYTEN,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (06.09.2013 - 06.06.2013) - 15 National Optics, Electro-Optics and Photonics Workshop
Temperature Dependence of Electrical Properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 Absorber Layer for Thin Film Solar Cells Fatime Gülşah Akça,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Şebnem yazıcı,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,YANMAZ EKREM,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (06.09.2013 - 06.09.2013) - 15. National Optics, Electro-Optics and Photonics Workshop
Investigations of CZTS absorber layer on Metalic Flexible Substrates for Thin Film Solar Cells Şebnem Yazıcı,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Fatime Gülşah Akça,Kurt Metin,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,TARHAN ENVER,YANMAZ EKREM,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (24.06.2013 - 28.06.2013) - NanoTR-9
Fabrication of CZTS on Metallic Flexible Substrates for Thin Film Solar Cell Applications OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Şebnem Yazıcı,Kurt Metin,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,YANMAZ EKREM,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (22.05.2013 - 24.05.2013) - Photovoltaic Technical Conference- Thin FilmAdvanced Silicon Solutions
Deposition and Sulfurization Processes of CZTS Absorber Layer on Ti and Mo Coated SLG for Solar Cells OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,hilal sağlam,Şebnem Yazıcı,CANTAŞ BAĞDAŞ AYTEN,Kurt Metin,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,YANMAZ EKREM,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (07.11.2012 - 09.11.2012) - SolarTR-2
XPS and Raman Studies of CZTS Thin Film Absorber Layer For Solar Cells CANTAŞ BAĞDAŞ AYTEN,Şebnem Yazıcı,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Kurt Metin,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,TARHAN ENVER,YANMAZ EKREM,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (07.11.2012 - 09.11.2012) - SolarTR-2
Characterization of Quaternary Compound of Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Film as a Photo Absorbing Layer by XPS and RAMAN Scattering for Solar Cells CANTAŞ BAĞDAŞ AYTEN,şebnem yazıcı,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,kurt Metin,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,TARHAN ENVER,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (01.09.2012 - 01.09.2012) - 14.National Optical, Electro-Optics, and Photonics Workshop
Fabrication Process of CZTS Absorber Layer on Mo Coated SLG for Solar Cells OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Şebnem Yazıcı,Mutlu Devran Yaman,Kurt Metin,CANTAŞ BAĞDAŞ AYTEN,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,YANMAZ EKREM,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (01.09.2012 - 01.09.2012) - 14.National Optical, Electro-Optics, and Photonics Workshop
Deposition and Sulfurization Processes of CZTS Absorber Layer on Ti Coated SLG for Solar Cells OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,hilal saglam,şebnem yazıcı,CANTAŞ BAĞDAŞ AYTEN,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,YANMAZ EKREM,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (10.06.2012 - 13.06.2012) - PLASMA 2012
Resonant Metal Mesh Bandpass Filters For Terahertz Emission From BSCCO 2212 Mezas OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,ALABOZ HAKAN,mutlu devran yaman,DEMİRHAN YASEMİN,KÖSEOĞLU FULYA,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (01.09.2011 - 01.09.2011) - 13.National Optical, Electro-Optics, and Photonics Workshop
Fabrication of Double Mesa Structures by E Beam Lithography from High Temperature Superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 Bi2212 for Powerful Terahertz Emission DEMİRHAN YASEMİN,KÖSEOĞLU FULYA,KÖSEOĞLU HASAN,zeynep meriç,hilal saglam,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,Minematsu M,Araki H,Miyakawa N,Yamamoto T,Kadowaki K,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (13.08.2011 - 20.08.2011) - General Assembly and Scientific Symposium
Magnetron Sputtering of Large Area ITO Thin Films on Glass and Polycarbonate Substrates hilal saglam,KÖSEOĞLU HASAN,KÖSEOĞLU FULYA,zeynep meriç,DEMİRHAN YASEMİN,OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,AYGÜN ÖZYÜZER GÜLNUR,SELAMET YUSUF,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (03.07.2011 - 06.07.2011) - 5th National Superconductivity Symposium
Fabrication of Nanostructured Device Patterns on YBCO Thin Films by Electron Beam Lithography OLĞAR MEHMET ALİ,doğan abukay,DEMİRHAN YASEMİN,ÖZYÜZER LÜTFİ Ulusal - Özet bildiri - (03.07.2011 - 06.07.2011) - 5th National Superconductivity Symposium