Eğitim Bilgileri
Bütünleşik Doktora University of California, Berkeley Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / Advanced Light Source Tez adı : Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Its Applications 2008-2010
Doktora ÇUKUROVA ÜNİVERSİTESİ FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ/FİZİK (DR)/ Tez adı : Ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and its applications 2005-2010
Yüksek Lisans NİĞDE ÜNİVERSİTESİ FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ/FİZİK (YL) (TEZLİ)/ Tez adı : Kimyasal püskürtme yöntemiyle elde edilen InP ince filmlerinin elektrik, optik ve yapısal özelliklerinin incelenmesi 2003-2005
Akademik Unvanlar
Yönetilen Tezler
GALİP KURT Yüksek Lisans GZO ince filmlerin üretimi, karakterizasyonu ve aygıt uygulaması. 2024
AKIN ABA Yüksek Lisans P-ZnTe/n-Si nanodiyotların üretimi ve aygıt karakterizasyonu 2024
DERYA ŞAHİN Yüksek Lisans Kalay dioksit (SnO2) ince filmlerin üretimi ve karakterizasyonu 2023
MEHMET KALKAN Yüksek Lisans ZnTe/Si heteroeklem yapıların akım iletim mekanizmalarının incelenmesi 2019
İBRAHİM TUTUŞ Yüksek Lisans Au/p-CuO/n-Si/Ag yapıların sıcaklık bağımlı elektriksel özelliklerinin incelenmesi 2017
MUHAMMET KAYA Yüksek Lisans P-tipi bakır oksit ince film/n-tipi silisyum nanotel heteroeklemli diyotların üretimi ve elektriksel özelliklerinin incelenmesi 2016
ARAŞTIRMA PROJESİ Tamamlandı Biyolojik Uyumlu Materyallerin ve Karbon Nanotüplerin Elektronik Yapısının İncelenmesi (30.12.2007-30.12.2010)
Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi Tamamlandı p-tipi CuO İnce Filmlerin Kimyasal Depolama Yöntemi ile Üretimi ve Si Nanoteller ile Güneş Hücresi Uygulamaları (08.01.2015-02.12.2016)
Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi Tamamlandı Ga-katkılı ZnO /Si Heteroeklemli Nanodiyotların Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu (08.01.2015-02.12.2016)
Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi Tamamlandı ZnTe/Si Heteroeklem Yapıların Akım İletim Mekanizmalarının İncelenmesi (07.06.2016-10.12.2019)
TÜBİTAK PROJESİ Tamamlandı Nanoyapılı Heteroeklem Güneş Gözelerinin Üretimi ve Analizi (01.12.2012-01.12.2014)
Diğer Resmi Kurum ve Kuruluşlar Tamamlandı An Investigation of the Passive Film on Nitinol in Simulated Biological Fluids (01.02.2008-01.02.2011)
İdari Görevler
Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi Koordinatörü NİĞDE ÖMER HALİSDEMİR ÜNİVERSİTESİ 2017-2020
20. Yoğun Madde Fiziği Ankara Toplantısı Poster Ödülü 20. Yoğun Madde Fiziği Ankara Toplantısı Diğer, TÜRKİYE 2014
Niğde Üniversitesi Bilimsel Yayın Ödülü NİĞDE ÜNİVERSİTESİ Üniversite, TÜRKİYE 2013
Advanced Light Source Users` Meeting Poster Ödülü University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Üniversite, AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİ 2009
Impact of cobalt doping on structural and magnetic properties of zinc oxide nanocomposites synthesized by mechanical ball-milling method AKGÜL GÜVENÇ, AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - Colloid and Interface Science Communications - Doi: 10.1016/j.colcom.2022.100611 2022
Kobalt Katkılı Çinko Oksit Nanoparçacıkların Yapısal Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Ulusal - Hakemli - EBSCOhost - Özgün Makale - Selcuk University Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology 2019
"Pop-On and Pop-Off" Surface Chemistry of Alanine on Ni{111} under Elevated Hydrogen Pressures NICKLIN RICHARD E,SHAVORSKY ANDREY,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,LIU ZHI,BENNET ROGER A,SACCHI MARCO,HELD GEORG Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI-Expanded - Özgün Makale - The Journal of Physical Chemistry C - Doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b00186 2018
KÜPRİK OKSİT/SİLİSYUM HETEROEKLEMLİ NANODİYOTLARIN FOTOVOLTAİK ÖZELLİKLERİ AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Ulusal - Hakemli - EBSCO - Özgün Makale - Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi 2017
Fabrication of p-type CuO Thin Films Using Chemical Bath Deposition Technique and Their Solar Cell Applications with Si Nanowires AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ Uluslararası - Hakemli - Scopus, Inspec - Özgün Makale - AIP Conference Proceedings 2017
Fabrication and Characterization of Ga-doped ZnO / Si Heterojunction Nanodiodes AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Uluslararası - Hakemli - Scopus, Inspec - Özgün Makale - AIP Conference Proceedings 2017
Microstructural properties and local atomic structures of cobalt oxide nanoparticles synthesised by mechanical ball milling process AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,KURBAN MUSTAFA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE 2016
Photovoltaic performance of Gallium doped ZnO thin film Si nanowires heterojunction diodes AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,ÜNALAN HÜSNÜ EMRAH,TURAN RAŞİT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Philosophical Magazine 2016
Influence of Ti doping on ZnO nanocomposites Synthesis and structural characterization AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING 2016
All Solution Based Fabrication of Copper Oxide Thin Film Cobalt Doped Zinc Oxide Nanowire Heterojunctions AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,TURAN RAŞİT,ÜNALAN HÜSNÜ EMRAH Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 2016
Improved diode properties in zinc telluride thin film silicon nanowire heterojunctions AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,GÜLLÜ HASAN HÜSEYİN,ÜNALAN HÜSNÜ EMRAH,TURAN RAŞİT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Philosophical Magazine 2015
Enhanced diode performance in cadmium telluride silicon nanowire heterostructures AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,GÜLLÜ HASAN HÜSEYİN,ÜNALAN HÜSNÜ EMRAH,TURAN RAŞİT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2015
Influence of thermal annealing on microstructural morphological optical properties and surface electronic structure of copper oxide thin films AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,YILDIRIM NURCAN,ÜNALAN HÜSNÜ EMRAH,TURAN RAŞİT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Materials Chemistry and Physics 2014
Fabrication and characterization of copper oxide silicon nanowires heterojunction photodiodes AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Mulazimoglu Emre,ÜNALAN HÜSNÜ EMRAH,TURAN RAŞİT Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2014
Investigation of thickness dependence on electronic structures of ironand nickel thin films by L edge X ray absorption spectroscopy AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,UFUKTEPE YÜKSEL Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Vacuum 2014
Structural properties of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide nanoparticles prepared by chemical vapor synthesis AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Attenkofer Klaus,Winterer Markus Uluslararası - Hakemli - SSCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2013
Observation of Oxygen Vacancy Filling under Water Vapor in Ceramic Proton Conductors in Situ with Ambient Pressure XPS Chen Qianli,El Gabaly Farid,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Liu Zhi,Mun Bongjin Simon,Yamaguchi Shu,Braun Artur Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Chemistry of Materials 2013
Degradation of polyvinyl alcohol under mechanothermal stretching Cristancho Dahiyana,Zhou Yan,Cooper Rodrigo,Huitink David,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Liu Zhi,Liang Hong,Seminario Jorge M Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Molecular Modelling 2013
Deactivation of Ru Catalysts under Catalytic CO Oxidation by Formation of Bulk Ru Oxide Probed with Ambient Pressure XPS Qadir Kamran,Kim Sun Mu,Seo Hyungtak,Mun Bongjin S,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Liu Zhi,Park Jeong Young Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2013
Structural and electronic properties of SnO2 AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,GÜMÜŞ CEBRAİL,Er Ali O,Farha Ashraf H,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,UFUKTEPE YÜKSEL,Liu Zhi Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2013
Observation of Substrate Orientation Dependent Oxygen Defect Filling in Thin WO3 TiO2 Pulsed Laser Deposited Films with in Situ XPS at High Oxygen Pressure and Temperature Braun Artur,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Chen Qianli,ERAT SELMA,Huang Tzu Wen,Jabeen Naila,Liu Zhi,Mun Bongjin S,Mao Samuel S,Zhang Xiaojun Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Chemistry of Materials 2012
In situ study of oxidation states and structure of 4 nm CoPt bimetallic nanoparticles during CO oxidation using X ray spectroscopies in comparison with reaction turnover frequency Zheng Fan,Alayoglu Selim,Pushkarev Vladimir V,Beaumont Simon K,Specht Colin,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Liu Zhi,Guo Jinghua,Somorjai Gabor A Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Catalysis Today 2012
Environment Controlled Dewetting of Rh Pd Bilayers A Route for Core Shell Nanostructure Synthesis Abrasonis Gintautas,Wintz Sebastian,Liedke Maciej O,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Krause Matthias,Kuepper Karsten,Banerjee Dipanjan,Liu Zhi,Gemming Sibylle Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2012
Intrinsic Relation between Catalytic Activity of CO Oxidation on Ru Nanoparticles and Ru Oxides Uncovered with Ambient Pressure XPS Qadir Kamran,Joo Sang Hoon,Mun Bongjin S,Butcher Derek R,Renzas J Russell,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Liu Zhi,Somorjai Gabor A,Park Jeong Young Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Nano Letters 2012
Promoter Effect of Early Stage Grown Surface Oxides A Near Ambient Pressure XPS Study of CO Oxidation on PtSn Bimetallics Jugnet Yvette,Loffreda David,Dupont Cline,Delbecq Françoise,Ehret Eric,Santos Aires Francisco J Cadete,Mun Bongjin S,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Liu Zhi Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2012
Thickness and angular dependence of the L edge X ray absorption of nickel thin films UFUKTEPE YÜKSEL,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Nordlund Dennis Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - X-Ray Spectrometry 2011
In situ oxidation study of Pt 110 and its interaction with CO Butcher Derek R,Grass Michael E,Zeng Zhenhua,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Bluhm Hendrik,Li Wei Xue,Mun Bongjin S,Somorjai Gabor A,Liu Zhi Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011
In situ observation of water dissociation with lattice incorporation at FeO particle edges using scanning tunneling microscopy and X ray photoelectron spectroscopy Deng Xingyi,Lee Junseok,Wang Congjun,Matranga Christopher,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Liu Zhi Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Langmuir 2011
Effect of water treatment on transparent semiconductor InZnSnO thin films Moo Joon Chul,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Ju Honglyoul,Liu Zhi,Mun Bongjin Simon Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Current Applied Physics 2011
Surface composition and catalytic evolution of AuxPd1 x x 0 25 0 50 and 0 75 nanoparticles under CO O2 reaction in torr pressure regime and at 200 C Alayoglu Selim,Tao Franklin,Altoe Virginia,Specht Colin,Zhu Zhongwei,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Butcher Derek R,Renzas Russ J,Liu Zhi,Somorjai Gabor A Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Catalysis Letters 2011
A step toward the wet surface chemistry of glycine and alanine onCu 110 Destabilization and decomposition in the presence of near ambient water vapor Shavorskiy Andrey,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Grass Michael E,Liu Zhi,Bluhm Hendrik,Held Georg Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011
Study of electro chemical properties of metal oxide interfaces using a newly constructed ambient pressure X ray photoelectron spectroscopy endstation AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Grass Michael E,Joo Sang Hoon,Jabeen Naila,Hong Young Pyo,Hussain Zahid,Mun Bongjin Simon,Liu Zhi Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in PhysicsResearch Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 2011
Surface and bulk oxygen vacancy defect states near the fermi level in 125 nm WO3 TiO2 110 films A resonant valence band photoemission spectroscopy study Braun Artur,Erat Selma,Zhang Xiaojun,Chen Quanli,Huang Tzu Wen,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Loehnert Romy,Liu Zhi,Mao Samuel S,Graule Thomas Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2011
Iron resonant valence band photoemission and oxygennear edge X ray absorption fine structure study on La1 xSrxFe0 75Ni0 25O3 ERAT SELMA,Wadati Hiroki,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Liu Zhi,Graule Thomas,Gauckler Ludwig J,Braun Artur Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Applied Physics Letters 2010
New ambient pressure photoemission endstation at Advanced Light Source beamline 9 3 2 Grass Michael E,Karlsson Patrik G,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Lundqvist Mans,Wannberg Björn,Mun Bongjin S,Hussain Zahid,Liu Zhi Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Review of Scientific Instruments 2010
Evolution of structure and chemistry of bimetallic nanoparticle catalysts under reaction conditions Tao Feng,Grass Michael E,Zhang Yawen,Butcher Derek R,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Aloni Shaul,Altoe Virginia,Alayoglu Selim,Renzas James R,Tsung Chia Kuang,Zhu Zhongwei,Liu Zhi,Salmeron Miquel,Somorjai Gabor A Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010
Thickness dependence of the L2 3 branching ratio of Cr thin films AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,UFUKTEPE YÜKSEL,Nordlund Dennis Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2010
Effect of O2 CO and NO on surface segregation in a Rh0 5Pd0 5 bulkcrystal and comparison to Rh0 5Pd0 5 nanoparticles Grass Michael E,Park Mita,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Zhang Yawen,Kunz Martin,Liu Zhi,Mun Bongjin S Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Langmuir 2010
Reactivity differences of nanocrystals and continuous films of Fe2O3 on Au 111 studied with in situ X ray photoelectron spectroscopy Deng Xingyi,Lee Junseok,Wang Congjun,Matranga Christopher,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Liu Zhi Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010
In situ study of the catalytic oxidation of CO on a Pt 110 surface using ambient pressure X ray photoelectron spectroscopy Chung Jen Yang,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,Grass Michael E,Kondoh Hiroshi,Ross Jr Phil,Liu Zhi,Mun Bongjin Simon Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Surface Science 2009
Temperature and thickness effects on electrical properties of InP films deposited by spray pyrolysis KAYALI REFİK,ARI MEHMET,ÖZTAŞ MUSTAFA,BEDİR METİN,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Chinese Physics Letters 2009
Experimental estimate of electron escape depth in Fe AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,UFUKTEPE YÜKSEL,LUNING JAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Solid State Communications 2009
The morphology and structural properties of InP thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis method AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,KAYALI REFİK,ÖZTAŞ MUSTAFA,BEDİR METİN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 2008
Study of the L2 3 edges of 3d transition metals by X ray absorption spectroscopy AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,BOZDUMAN AYŞE,ÖZKENDİR OSMAN MURAT,UFUKTEPE YÜKSEL,LUNING JAN Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Thin Solid Films 2008
Influence of the annealing conditions on the properties of InP thin films ÖZTAŞ MUSTAFA,BEDİR METİN,KAYALI REFİK,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Materials Science and Engineering: B 2006
Effect of deposition conditions on the InP thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis method ÖZTAŞ MUSTAFA,BEDİR METİN,KAYALI REFİK,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Uluslararası - Hakemli - SCI - Özgün Makale - Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2006
Electrical Characterization of p type CuO Thin Film n type Si Nanowire Heterojunction Diodes AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,KAYA MUHAMMET,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (28.09.2016 - 02.10.2016) - 2nd International Congress on The World of Technology and Advanced Materials
Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Ti doped ZnO Nanocomposites KALKAN MEHMET,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (28.09.2016 - 02.10.2016) - 2nd International Congress on The World of Technology and Advanced Materials
Fabrication and Characterization of Magnetron Sputtered ZnTe Thin Films KALKAN MEHMET,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (28.09.2016 - 02.10.2016) - 2nd International Congress on The World of Technology and Advanced Materials
Investigation of the Current Transport Mechanisms of ZnTe Si Heterojunction Structures KALKAN MEHMET,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (28.09.2016 - 02.10.2016) - 2nd International Congress on The World of Technology and Advanced Materials
Temperature Dependent Electrical Characteristics of Au p CuO n Si Ag Structures AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,KAYA MUHAMMET,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (28.09.2016 - 02.10.2016) - 2nd International Congress on The World of Technology and Advanced Materials
Structural Characterization of Zinc Titanates Nanocomposites by X Ray Absorption Spectroscopy AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (28.09.2016 - 02.10.2016) - 2nd International Congress on The World of Technology and Advanced Materials
Ga doped ZnO Si Heterojunction Nanodiodes Fabrication and Characterization AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (28.09.2016 - 02.10.2016) - 2nd International Congress on The World of Technology and Advanced Materials
All Solution Based Fabrication of CuO Thin Film Si Nanowires Heterojunction Devices for Optoelectronic Applications AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (28.09.2016 - 02.10.2016) - 2nd International Congress on The World of Technology and Advanced Materials
Preparation of CuO Thin Films by Chemical Bath Deposition Method and Their Solar Cell Application with Si Nanowires AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (28.09.2016 - 02.10.2016) - 2nd International Congress on The World of Technology and Advanced Materials
Synthesis and Structural Characterization of ZnO and TiO2 Nanoparticles AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (28.09.2016 - 02.10.2016) - 2nd International Congress on The World of Technology and Advanced Materials
Fabrication of CdTe Si Nanowire Heterojunctions for Photodetector Applications AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (28.09.2016 - 02.10.2016) - 2nd International Congress on The World of Technology and Advanced Materials
INVESTIGATION OF TEMPERATURE DEPENDENT ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF AU P CUO N SI AG STRUCTURES TUTUŞ İBRAHİM,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (06.09.2016 - 09.09.2016) - Turkish Physical Society 32th International Physics Congress
INVESTIGATION OF DEVICE CHARACTERISTICS IN CDTE SI NANOWIRE HETEROJUNCTION DIODES AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (06.09.2016 - 09.09.2016) - Turkish Physical Society 32th International Physics Congress
PHOTODIODE PROPERTIES OF ZINC TELLURIDE THIN FILM SILICON NANOWIRE HETEROJUNCTIONS AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (06.09.2016 - 09.09.2016) - Turkish Physical Society 32th International Physics Congress
FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF GA DOPED ZNO SI HETEROJUNCTION NANODIODES AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (06.09.2016 - 09.09.2016) - Turkish Physical Society 32th International Physics Congress
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF P TYPE CUO THIN FILM N TYPE SI NANOWIRE HETEROJUNCTION DIODES TUTUŞ İBRAHİM,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (06.09.2016 - 09.09.2016) - Turkish Physical Society 32th International Physics Congress
Fabrication and Characterization of CuO Thin Film Si Nanowires Heterojunction Photodiodes AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,ÜNALAN HÜSNÜ EMRAH,TURAN RAŞİT Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (24.08.2015 - 27.08.2015) - 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union–BPU9
Structural Properties Of ZnO And TiO2 Nanoparticles Fabricated by Chemical Vapor Synthesis AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (24.08.2015 - 27.08.2015) - 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union – BPU9
Enhanced Peformence of Zinc Telluride Thin Film Silicon Nanowire Heterojunction Diodes AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,ÜNALAN HÜSNÜ EMRAH,GÜLLÜ HASAN HÜSEYİN,TURAN RAŞİT Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (24.08.2015 - 27.08.2015) - 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union – BPU9
Influence of Film Thickness on Electronic Structure of Titanium Thin Films Prepared by E Beam Evaporation AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (24.08.2015 - 27.08.2015) - 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union – BPU9
Effect Of Thermal Annealing on Structural Optical Properties and Surface Electronic Structure of Copper Oxide Thin Films AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (24.08.2015 - 27.08.2015) - 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union – BPU9
Improved Diode Performance of CdTe Si Nanowire Heterostructures AKGÜL GÜVENÇ,AKSOY AKGÜL FUNDA,ÜNALAN HÜSNÜ EMRAH,GÜLLÜ HASAN HÜSEYİN,TURAN RAŞİT Uluslararası - Özet bildiri - (24.08.2015 - 27.08.2015) - 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union – BPU9